

Ask @MeganHollandXx

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What's the worst thing someone can do on a first date?

i dont know cos id appreciate anything if theyve put there mind to ittt<3

If you go chads then why the fuck are you saying that to Megan, do you even know her? Or amber for that matter?

Chloe,its just someone who wants to start an argument,let them!! It doesn't bother me haah:D Xx

Because I know you've recently become friends with amber, and I don't like you or her

Are you actually for real hahahaha!!you don't like me because I'm friends with someone you don't like!!don't bring me into this hahahah!!! Sorry for having friends annon ill ask you next time!!seriously that's pathetic!!you don't even know me hahahah!!

Found out who I am yet? So you know I go to chads,

1. How do you know Amber if you go chads? 2.why does it bother you if I did copy amber,which I don't and I'm my own person! 3.I didn't know you went chads, but I know loads of people who go to chads and there so lovely!! Why are you bothering me when I haven't got a clue who you are and iv done nothing wrong hahahha

Yeah, just feel awful for you, don't see why anyone would want to do that!<3

im not bothered there just jealous hhahah<3

Don't blame you! Sorry I've been forgetting to come on anon, ahah! I will do now! I've just been asked something ahah, definetly someone who either doesn't like me and you or are just pricks!<3

stupid annon;)<3

Actually cannot believe it! Yeah I'm fine just really annoyed! Hate some people me! <3

samee!!Text amber telling her whats happened im gonna find out who said that hahaha and same haha!!ah well cant say it to our face can they!!!<3

I know, argh thats actually really annoyed me! You clearly don't copy off her! Argh fuming! Hope you're okay! Sorry if this sent twice (<3

no it didnt haha and im fine just cant be doing with with annoying anon's haha,im telling amber tomorrow shell be like whatt!!! ahaha love her:* you okay?<3

Er! How the fuck does Megan copy amber???? She clearly doesn't! Think you either need to fuck off or come off anon! Because you wouldn't say it if Megan knew who you was so shit the fuck up!!

hahahahh exactly!!Ambers my bestmate!im not gonna copy her people need to grow up and come off anon cos they cant say it to ya face hahahahahahahahaaha!!!Xx


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