
Mike Newman

Ask @Mikenewman22

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if you could make one celebrity disappear from existence and no one would have memory of them who would it be?

kristen stewart (twilight)

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If you could go back to any decade of the 20th century which would it be and why? (10s,20s,30s etc.)

1980 it seemed fun

What is a movie that you think is bad but everyone else seems to like. Also a TV show

i don't this is retarded

If you're father had to choose between you and you're mother or sibling. Who do you think he would choose?

this question makes no sense

A police officer stops you on the street because he smells marijuana on you. You are carrying a gram of marijuana. what do you do?


What would you do If your bestfriend actually hated you and was talking smack about you behind your back?

flip da fuq out

how did u talk to them? i thought jai doesnt go to fb that much anymore

i had a convo with jai when i met him in duane read and he remembered me yesterday

frankie wants to be with every girl in his grade at genesis even though they are all younger than him, he wants bryn, emily greenstein so bad and caroline good. he also lied to mad people about hu with bryn nagle. he also flirtswith lauren duggan, mollie kuhlman,lauren duggan.all youngerthanhim



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