

Ask @Muhhkillaaaa

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What do you do to relieve stress? I color or write short(ish) stories.

I listen to music , read , or take pictures

if you were in a fight with a larger woman how would you win? if you were in a fight with a man, how would you win? this is for a survey, please be as specific as possible

I don't fight

Your like a Rubik's cube it's so hard to figure you out but once you actually do it's a masterpiece a beautiful piece of artwork

wow omg thank you so much ✨

Saved as in someone schooling you on how to actually be on that next level your trying to get to no disrespect chocolate


How do you feel about masterbating? Do you believe that it's natural and everybody does it? Your feelings on it?

I think masterbating is fine . Do what to want , do I do it ? Yep . I think everyone does it tbh .


Language: English