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I mean why would Phoebe bake gluten-free cookies only to Nina? She is not allergic to gluten. But Ian is. It's obvious that she shared them with Ian. And who would share her cookies with an ex?

Oh I thought the same thing about the sex book Nina got on her Bday. Why would her friends offer her such a thing if she didn't have someone to practice with? And we all know she is a long relationship kind of girl, no matter what the media or fans say.

I heard people say that. 1. Paul hates TVD and he wants to leave. 2. Nina wants to leave soon also. 3. Ian is definitely leaving after s6 but julie said theyre continuing. Im in serious tears. Can you explain this to me? Do you know anything about it?

People are in a desperate need of a life. 1. Paul loves TVD but he only complains about Stefan always trying to be the hero. I heard he will direct another episode.
2. Nina is grateful for TVD because she's famous thanks to this show, it allowed her to show her real and full talent by playing so many characters and emotions. She wouldn't mind doing more seasons she said it herself in Beijing.
3. Ian was just joking as always and I don't think he would refuse to do a S7. He just wants the show to end on a good impression. But from what I know he also wants a family and you can see it he talks about babies all the time at every con. It's understandable he's 35 he wants to be dad but he loves TVD too he said "I wouldn't change Damon for the world." He's grateful for the success he got because of TVD.

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"That's not what is happening, abviously. If Nina wanted to move on she'd take off her ER and never put it on again." You are seriously one hell of a delusional person. Let it go. You are WRONG about Nian. They are not together.

Aren't you tired of trying to make me change my mind? Call me delusional, you're not the first one.
Ps: at least show your name when you dare calling me names, don't be coward if you're so sure.

My source has partied with nina before. He works on set and sometime hangs out with the cast members. He knows that nina has moved on and has seen her with other guys. He says he knows for a fact that ian and nina are never together outside of work.

Really? That's why she invited him with the cast for the 100th episode party, and that's why he was there at her birthday, also she ran to him for an autograph at Paleyfest and she took a selfie with him with a fan's phone. Your source obviously doesn't know everything because I know something he did for her two weeks ago and she didn't seem annoyed...

I can't believe fans are bothering Nina's Mom with gossip and rumors. Have they nothing better to do with their time? It must be difficult for Nina's Mom to see comments/gossip like that all the time.

I think Michaela is like Ian, she doesn't read gossips and like every mother she defends her kid when she has to.

So wrong and so disappointing to see that Ian is getting a huge honor and once again Nina is not there. Apparently buying chocolate and doing touristy things in Ireland is more important. Keep telling people that they never broke up and are still together. Nice try Bou!

Who on earth are you to tell Nina does not support Ian? Who said she needed to be there to support him? Who said she needed to tweet or RT him to support him? When he did his speech at the white house she wasn't there yet she was supporting him. Before judging make sure you know what you are talking about!

the consequence of their words or actions. i'm just telling you this because i do not believe at all , all this nikki/ian situation. you can not start a relationship in two weeks with a women that you know for 5 years (you cannot call this "love at the first sight" :-)), there are something else

There's always something, a lot of things behind this and that's why I told people not to look just the surface only.

Maggie was, is and will always be the best girlfriend for Ian. #notevensorry And in the second place there is meghan, who sincerely is the one who still hang out with him

Yet, Ian chose Nina #notevensorry

Do you still believe in Nian?Do you think that they are still together? :)

I will always believe in Nian, this will never change and like I said it's complicated now more than ever but I'm not saying they are over.
Liked by: Vassy. ♡ @dania Nada

I think it's awesome that Nina partied with non-celebs on her vacation. She could've easily hidden behind VIP areas but she met people and enjoyed herself as any of us would. BTW that story about dropping a bag of powder - please. That's so made up. She's not an angel but she's no coke addict.

Unfortunately she got hate because of those people. Nina was drunk no need to be alcoholic to notice that and the chick who said she used drugs was drunk herself.

What's the story behind Nina's ring (if you can tell) ? She's wearing it again. Did Ian get it for her? Btw -you're amazing! ^^ :*

It's an engagement ring so yeah chances are big. It's called "Carats Diamond Eternity Wedding Bands".

I believe that Nina and Ian are together again, hiding how much they can. After the interview on Queen Latifah Show, he said those things and I started getting confused. What do you think about the interview that Ian did? Do you think he and Nina are fooling the media? (sorry my english haha)

What I don't get and that's just obvious to everyone is that they want people to believe they are just friends and they can put so much effort into this yet their bodies don't say the same thing. Ian basically says the thing Nina said. Almost the same words like they are living in wonderland. It's not awkward. They are friends although they still kiss and make out on screen. You get my point? They are trying so hard that people can't believe it anymore.


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