
Ariana Grande (✔️)

Ask @Official_Boca93

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Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

i was just looking thru social media and someone photographed Frankie and i on a boat (along w/ some other friends) paps are creeps o my lord ?

girl, what happened between you and paparazzi? hope you're alright now. ily ?

RealSelenaGomezMarie’s Profile PhotoAneles Zemog ✔
someone was photographing me undressing in a hotel in Germany very recently ? im ok now haha

Exactly ???

we'll have fun slayin their sorry a$$. they need to go outside and play instead of picking fights w/ people they don't even know. and the most pathetic thing is they're not even brave enough to come off anon ?? love u


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