
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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are u dating gary and what did u do with him?

no, he's my fuck buddy and everything;) he's fucking perfect trust me! them lips,mmm
Liked by: Adam xo ~

Haha I know! and I saw it, ya minx ;) haha I doubt I will have fun, im with my dad -.- xxxx

i'm just too fabulous
and aw you can take me with you;)
i would make sure you have fun there baby;)xxxxx
Liked by: Adam xo ~

Fuck, you don't want tea, get to the hospital, you're seriously ill ahaha im just getting ready to go to this farm thing with my dad :L xxx

Omg i know right, you know that something is wrong when you don't want tea:L
Oh if you get questions about me sucking your dick then i'm sorry, look at me recent answer haha
And aw that's awesome, have fun xxxx
Liked by: Adam xo

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Aww, I know the feeling, will I come make you tea? :P...what you doing?

i don't even want tea, omg what is life:(
i'm in bed because i don't know.. wbu?xx
Liked by: Adam xo XDD

Aw whats up? :/ im good xx

I don't know, something is wrong but i have no clue what, it hurts me inside for some reason! I will be fine, don't worry and i'm glad you're good:(xxx
Liked by: Adam xo


Language: English