

Ask @PaulsJournal

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Post a pic of your favorite shoes?

I have like... 2 pairs. Work shoes... and not work shoes. So there's not much point haha.
Liked by: Ahmed

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it's late, why don't you go to sleep?

Because I'm not tired. I slept earlier, and I have an early shift at work. I've got a lot on my mind and I couldnt sleep even if i wanted to anyway

I like you but I hate your answer about the flirty asks. People don't truly know you just from YouTube but it's valid that they think you're attractive or they have a crush on you. By saying they obviously takin the mick, you're undermining their feelings by being unironically self-depricating.

Last time someone was saying those sorts of things about me, it turned out they were a straight male posing as a girl and at the end of the day was being deliberately abnoxious for their own amusement. I'm not going to apologise for not believing this could happen again. I've not had a girl friend or anyone real sort of relationship in years, and every person who I tend to like and get close to ends up not liking me for about more than a month, max.
Am I a 'the glass is half empty' type of person? Yes, and I have good reason to be. Sorry
Liked by: Ahmed

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?

My past self, and tell myself to save every penny I ever earn because... trust me i'll thank myself later. Also don't bother going to uni, it was shit.

Could you give me some advice on making friends on YouTube? I'm shy and what I'm hoping to gain from doing YouTube is making new friends but not entity sure how to go about it and being in the community.

Hi there.
It's really not very hard to make friends on YouTube. It is generally is easier if you yourself are a vlogger. This way the people who may become your friends will see you for who you are and how you are, and they may even contact you and get a chat going.
I wouldn't go into YouTube video making with the agenda of 'being part of the community'. I think the community is over hyped. I still don't even understand what that even really means.
All I know is that I have a nice bunch of friends who are on the same wave length as me whom share similar humour, interests etc. I'm happy to know them!
But bare in mind... there's a lot of bitching and back biting in the vlogging scene, so if you're going into it, go into it being aware that not everyone is the nicest person in the world behind their camera persona.
Just have fun, and it should be all fine!

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Hey, here's a silly question for you: Are you ticklish? If so where and do you have ticklish feet? Hope it makes you smile! Best! X

page_mathews’s Profile PhotoPaige Matthews
I am VERY ticklish. I laugh uncontrollably, and I want to cry when i'm being tickled (yet i continue to laugh) haha. I can't remember the last time i was tickled.
Liked by: Paige Matthews

I would like to say that you are an attractive human being. Hope that made your day

That subject is soooo subjective.

u get a lot of flirty asks........ how does it feel to know people around the world have a crush on u?

They're obviously taking the mick. No one fancies me. Not seriously or genuinely

Are you a gamer, and if so what are your 5 favourite video games of all time?

Yes I am! Okay: -- FIVE. Shadow of the Colossus -- FOUR. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker -- THREE. Oddworld Abe's Oddysee - TWO. Portal - ONE. Final Fantasy IX (9)


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