

Ask @Poppyyyy21

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Kalau misalnya seseorang dari kota yg berbeda nyatain perasaannya ke kita, bakalan nerima gak? Klo nolak wajar lah ya. Tp klo nerima knp? bakalansanggupldr?

Because sometimes love comes in any way.

Gua mau nanya nih. Menurut boleh ngejar-ngejar cowo gk sih kak?

Tergantung. Kalo cowok yang dikejer tarik ulur mending no deh. Ngejar dalam arti sewajarnya aja si. Once you feel like your existence isn’t appreciated, let it go

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What am i gonna do if i fall inlove with my guy bestfriend and he has a girlfriend?

you need to support him and you shouldnt ruin any relationship he has. you dont have to do anyhing, even when it hurts the most because you love him. just stay to be his bestfriend because ruining someone else's relationship is one of the worst thing ever. so, if you wanna confess then confess but dont ask him to be with you. dont force yourself to be with someone you can't especially when that one has already got a girlfriend. im sure you will find someone soon when the right times comes! :)
Liked by: Mustika M

I really like a girl who is a vry good friend of mine..she is my friend for last 6 yrs..since clss 11. I think she is the perfect one for me..and I know I am jst the kinda prsn she wnts in her lyf..bt I fear if I tell I her I lyk her..nd if she doesn't then our frndshp may b ruined..wht shd I do?

its okay to confess, i think you HAVE to. be gentle and fight for your love! if she doesnt wanna start the relationship yet, its okay. be normal. dont be mad. wait for her until shes ready while youre doing the things to be proven that you love her! im sure as the time passed by, she will realize it so good luck!

i have a girl best friend and i fell in love with her.. problem is she's already committed..should i tell her my feelings? what do i need to do?

if you want to confess then its okay but you have to remember that shes already committed. dont be the one who ruin everything. wanna confess? its a nice thing but you have to respect her relationship with someone else. just because you love her doesnt mean you have to force her to be with you right? showing your love feeling doesnt have to be with the one you love. you can just keep and make her be happy with the one she loves. im sure the right time will bring you to the right one! :)

Hey, so I like this guy, and he's my best friend, he would tease me, and playfully joke around, and sleeps on my back, he's always there, but when he's with my friends, he kinda flirts with them and doesn't really talk to me much. I dont really understand what's going on his mind. ; (

hello. so he teases you and teases to everyone hes around with, right? then my suggestion for you is dont hope too much. if he does the exactly same thing that he does to anyone else, then it might be his personality or he's just being nice. love comes naturally without you realize it but don't let yourself to get hoped by the sweet things he does. :) sorry i took a long time to answer since i forgot my password. but its good that starting from now on i can answer you and everyone who has the struggles that the cant explain to anyone else. im here to listen to your stories. i cant help with anything i hope being a listener can help a little bit.

@Juliapricemusic asks, "What was the worst date of your life?"

I have no specific answer. I might have been in the worst date or the worst day but at the same time i know that it is not the worst. because God wants to give me something good to me after i pass the downs

So my guy best friend liked me and I could not figure it out and when he tried to kiss me I panicked and back off. After that we saw each other like once and he told me I am prettier than before but that was it. It has been six months since we saw each other and now he liked my pic.What now?

Dont expect to much. If he doesnt make any effort yet, you cant say that he likes you. If he truly loves you, he will make an effort to show it.

apa wish kalian buat tahun 2016 yang tinggal menghitung hari terutama soal hubungan bersma doi (bagiyangpunya) ?

My wish in this year is to stop wishing on anything because it might hurt me if i dont get it

Hi so I became this girls best friend in a couple of months. At a party I was drunk and I told her that She was special and who ever she was with was a lucky guy. She currently has a boyfriend but she invited me to have a few drinks and she knows I think she is cute. Have I made it clear I like her?

I think that her mind has something special to think bc you accidently just showed her. But, as a real man, respect her relationship with her boyfriend. Dont make yourself be the reason of her breaking up later. Tell her that you like her but you wont steal her from her bf

So there's this guy I know on skype. We used to be really good friends, but now we're just dead to eachother. His comebacks however, seem to come as "I want to be friends again" or "I'm an ignorant person" types. It seems like he wants me to love him or something. Does he? Because it seems like it.

It means he misses you. It happens to most of human beings. Be good to him. Maybe he really wants to be like before. Depends on his action.

My friend(m) and I(f) are in the same band class and he is always asking me if he can come to my house to "practice". But really we just play on my Xbox and talk. And when I watched your video, it seemed like the things you said applied more to my actions rather than his. I don't get it.

It depends on what is your feeling to him. You will feel special after watching my video when you really have feelings for him.

Ok, so I try to watch my self when I comes to boys and falling for them, but there's this one guy in my class and he kinda reminds me Of a little kid, but he is kinda immature, but something about him is so cute, but he doesn't seem interested in any girls right now, what should I do?

He doesnt seem doesnt mean he is like that. Sometimes what you see is not always like what it seems fight. Fight for someone who you think deserves to be fighted.

Is it ok to tell your best friend you like them?

Very okay before its too late. In love, we cant just only hope for the good but something that we have never expected before might happen like the feeling of not getting loved back but its okay. Thats life. That makes you human.

I am a guy. I have a girl best friend. after 2 months of this friend stuff. I fell inlove with her. I have a strange feeling that she likes me too so i was planning to tell her but what if my "strange feeling" is wrong. What should i do? TY

Hey sorry for being late to respond. Well, as a guy, you have to be gentle. You are stronger than a girl. Dont be afraid of telling what you feel before its too late. Who knows if she feels the same or not. Its okay not being loved back. Bc life is not always gonna be as what we expect. But act like a real guy. ??

but i heard from others that he used to like me & i think so too, fyi (m)

I think that you have to talk to him. I mean, when u meet him try to say hi. Ask him how is he. I meam you have to be brave to talk to him first. Then tell from heart to heart that you sick of being ignored like this. Tell him what did you do wrong and apologize if you have ever made mistakes. Tell him that you miss being his friend and doing the old things like before. Be brave. :)
Liked by: nislammiahfm

for more than a year already... i really don't know what to do... i kept getting insomnia because of this... he doesn't seem to make an effort to be friends w me again... other than that borrowing thing... please help me (:

Liked by: nislammiahfm

until last month he asked to borrow something from me but after, we totally cut off... what should i do? can you please tell me? i would want this friendship back but i fear he wouldn't want to as i feel that i only drag his results down and he changed alot since then. we didn't actually talked(m)

Liked by: nislammiahfm

hello, uhm... i used to have a guy bestfriend & we could talk to each other everything but one day, he invited me to celebrate my birthday but i asked my crush along(he was fine w it) but i left him out and he ignored me totally when we were otw home... since then, we stopped talking... until... (m)

Liked by: nislammiahfm


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