
Renigma Ryuugu

Ask @RenigmaRyuugu

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What would by your ironic hell?

I'm gonna assume you mean be, not by.
Hmm... I suppose my thing is Higurashi. So how about an endless time loop where I suffer every death or injury inflicted in a Higurashi, again and again and again with no end?

If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?

No. Because I'm not a communist.
I REFUSE to live in a Rainbow Land!

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What would you never post online?

The full Rena Tiem collection directors cut. The internet CAN'T HANDLE THAT SAUCE YO

What's your Special Fighting Move?

Wandering back and forth and just generally not fighting and being weird... And then slamming an axe in my opponents face once they're too confused to act.

What's your dream job?

Hmm... I suppose I'd like to be a writer. Like, a script writer for games or movies or cartoons. Or a manga artist. But, sadly, for that you need talent in writing and also in something else to get you into the industry. And I don't have that. So... Yeah. It's relegated to just being a dream.

Which character is most fun to write? Which is the most difficult?

Honestly, the most fun character to write would be Erwing. He's the kind of character where I can just relax and, well, just write without necessarily needing to plan it out. He's versatile enough to be put into any situation, and crazy enough that his posts can go in any direction.
I suppose the hardest character to write would be Mononeko. I think I can speak for the whole GM team when I say that there's a lot we'd like to do with her that... Just hasn't been put out there yet. I think this is probably because it's hard to have her do things without, you know, disrupting players and seeming to GM-interferey. That and she's probably always going to be playing second banana to Monokuma for attention... Poor cat.

Why do zombies like brain so much?

Same reason kids love cinnamon toast crunch.
The taste of death and the rush of consuming another beings lifeforce is INCREDIBLY invigorating.

What hairstyle looks best on girls?

Rena hair.
But, seriously, I have no idea. What do I look like? A fashion guy who judges fashion?!

Which country do you want to visit?

Out of all the countries I haven't been to, I think I'd really like to go to America... Otherwise, I'd like to visit Japan again.

Who is your style role model?

Teruteru Hanamura. Not many guys can rock the weird pompadour look but... Damn. Does he make it look easy.

What's the next terrible fad to strike the internet?

Over 9000 Pedodoge's are lies. They ran out memes and now they're going to remix them together AND IT WILL BE AWFUL!
...not as bad as ponies, though.


Is for Friends that do stuff together~
Like munch on a well cooked face~
Friends are the ones who hide all the bodies~
Or die for you in the fifth case~


Language: English