
Greg Street

Season 5, you guys spoke about Champion Diversity being the theme. How do you feel about the current 30+% pickrate for Lee Sin? I don't feel the jungle is diverse enough, with one champion dominating the pick rate so much.

There are a lot of factors that can determine diversity. I use Jinx a lot as an example, because she's a really obvious one. Jinx is enormously popular, sometimes the most popular champion in certain regions, like the US. Some of that is almost always related to power -- you never see very weak champions played at high rates -- but it definitely isn't the whole story. Beyond power, we also think Jinx is fun to play and her personality appeals to a lot of players. It isn't our intent to make Jinx less popular. To do so, we'd have to dilute who she is, or nerf her win rate just to try and force players not to play her. That's bogus. :(
Put another way, it isn't a goal, and almost nothing reasonable could achieve, Jinx being played at the same rate as Urgot.
The way I define diversity is that you should be able to play who you want without raw power unduly influencing your decision (or your team thinking you are trolling), and you shouldn't see the same champs every game on your team or the other team. I also want to be clear that we aren't there yet, but that's the long-term goal.
With that in mind, we know Lee is a very popular champion (especially in China). Some of that has to do with how satisfying he is to play. Some of that has to do with ward hopping. Some of that has to do with power. Some of that probably has to do with seeing videos of really flashy Lee plays.
A couple of years ago, we looked at what it would take to make him less popular, and it really would have involved gutting what is cool about him, and we (wisely IMO) chose not to do so. While he is frequently the most popular Jungler, he isn't the one with the highest winrate, particularly at lower ELOs. Rather than touching Lee, what we'd rather do is make sure there are viable alternatives. Xin Zhao is often popular. Mundo is gaining popularity right now. Kindred may end up somewhere up there as players learn him.
Trundle has a reasonably high win rate, but a low play rate. Maybe he just isn't as fun. Maybe his abilities aren't as satisfying to use. Maybe only Trundle mains love him, but they play him really well. Maybe there is an opportunity there for us to make more him more fun... but that doesn't mean he will ever be of equal play rate with Lee Sin, and we're fine with that.
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Latest answers from Greg Street

The way you tag answers with so many different categories on tumblr is so cute.

I know they are wildly inconsistent and that sometimes it's #leagueoflegends and sometimes it's #league of legends. Maybe I should just give up. Clearly I don't know what I'm doing. But I have this dream that at some point the site has 10,000 answers and people might only want to read the ones about squids, or high-level D&D or maya pyramids.

You going to be on radio silence until Jan? Xmas and all that

I have been answering more questions on http://askghostcrawler.tumblr.com/
I move some of these questions over to there. For this particular answer, I'll probably post some over the break since I'll have plenty of free time for once. It won't be as easy to ask other Rioters when I don't know an answer, which will reduce my ability to address those topics.

Just because someone is "playing to win" when they want to duo mid or roaming Singed counterjungle support shouldn't put *any* burden of proof/flexibility on the rest of the team. If the rest of the team doesn't think it is acceptable most games, the community has spoken.

I answered this on askghostcrawler.tumblr.com

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