
Greg Street

If you asked any player in any sport if they could play with their friends in games they would say yes but that does not mean the NFL or any other sports League will allow that so why did LoL allow it? I mean for normals sure but that was already in, Why add so many unnecessary variables? 2many alry

It's not really about playing with friends per se. It's about forming a team beforehand that lasts for more than one game. The NFL would be unrecognizable (though probably pretty amusing) if random dudes who didn't know each other and had never played together get thrown together for a team every game and had to figure out how to coordinate and communicate.
Rioters participate in an internal tournament with permanent teams. It's a pretty amazing experience for the people that join in. You practice with your team. They can help point out mistakes and even learn to correct for your weaknesses. You learn to read each other's tells and almost read each other's minds. Pros have that. Very few normal League players ever get to experience it. Dynamic Queue was trying to offer that experience to more players. It's just a different (and frequently better) game when you just know how that ADC is going to jump in or how your Jungler will gank without relearning it every time.
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Latest answers from Greg Street

The way you tag answers with so many different categories on tumblr is so cute.

I know they are wildly inconsistent and that sometimes it's #leagueoflegends and sometimes it's #league of legends. Maybe I should just give up. Clearly I don't know what I'm doing. But I have this dream that at some point the site has 10,000 answers and people might only want to read the ones about squids, or high-level D&D or maya pyramids.

You going to be on radio silence until Jan? Xmas and all that

I have been answering more questions on http://askghostcrawler.tumblr.com/
I move some of these questions over to there. For this particular answer, I'll probably post some over the break since I'll have plenty of free time for once. It won't be as easy to ask other Rioters when I don't know an answer, which will reduce my ability to address those topics.

Just because someone is "playing to win" when they want to duo mid or roaming Singed counterjungle support shouldn't put *any* burden of proof/flexibility on the rest of the team. If the rest of the team doesn't think it is acceptable most games, the community has spoken.

I answered this on askghostcrawler.tumblr.com

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