
Rouaa OS

Ask @Rouaa

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could u imagine urself as a boss of someone...& honestly,what kinda of bosses u see urself...??? xD

lool i think i"ll be
The unfocused boss :D

honestly,what kind of laugh do u have..."loud,quite,giggly,funny,goofy...etc."...just describe it as u like...??? xD

quite :$
Liked by: Tariq

If someone included the statement *don't publish* would you publish or you'll keep it private?

OF COURSE i"ll keep it as private
im not that mean :p

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How would you describe yourself?

I would like to describe myself as a very straight forward person who likes to take things in his stride in a very level headed manner. Life is quite exciting to me as it has galores of opportunities and experiences to offer and I feel one should always make the right use of it. I am adventurous by nature for I like to take up new challenges. It gives me the zeal and impetus to work towards excellence. One thing I firmly believe in is that one should always strive towards individual betterment, in whichever form it may be. Therefore I'm never tired of beginning where others end.

now i dunno about u ppl...but,despite that i`m not that lucky...but sometimes,i do believe n luck...!!! -_-" so,if u do believe n it...what`s u`r "lucky charms"...???

Loving, kind, and sweet is what describes my personality. im very loyal and really care about my friends. my heart charm will protect my secrets and will give me comfort when times are rough.
Liked by: Looka

( http://ask.fm/Rouaa/answer/204831291 )...well,if u don`t mind...i`m all ears...or n this situation,i`m all eyes...!!! xD & come on...no need for apologies...actually..."welcome back"...!!! :D

My heart was taken by you..broken by you..and now it is in pieces because of you
El Dnya W95a Wl M7ba Ma Tdoom (n)
do you mean that one ???
to be more specfic x_X
Liked by: Looka

give me "10" simple advices...!!! :)

Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
Don't believe all you hear
Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who
don't have dreams don't have much.
Don't judge people by their relatives
When you realize you've made a mistake,
take immediate steps to correct it.
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

Remember that great love and great
achievements involve great risk.

Talk slowly but think quickly.

In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.
When you say, "I love you", mean it.


Language: English