
Queen Shahad ;$ ♡

Ask @SHo0Dy

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How can you be happy without money?

being with the people who I really love ,, then who cares about money ?! ,, money comes and go unlike people !!!

What are your favorite subjects to talk about?

everything except sports and politics =| !! cuz I know nothin about them and I even don't want to :D !!

هل من الأساسيات في الصداقة [ الپوح بالأسرار ] أم لا ؟

laaa 6b3n !! ana ma agol la 9degty asraary ella l2ny akon wathga feha ,, fa ma ykon lha 2y 7g enhaa t7ky 3n 2y sr mn asrary 7ta lo kan shy bse6 !! k4aa btkon 5ant ha4ee thegaa !!

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How can you tell a good person from a bad one?

I have (7assa sadisaa) ;P ,, I just know that by myself =D

What gift will you never forget?

I don't care what kind of gift I would prefer as long as it's from some1 I love <333 , even if it's something simple .. it depends on who would give me that gift ;) <3

Oh OMG !!! xD I read a whole page of ur profile and i thought thet u were a boy xD GOSH im so stupid :p

well, my name is obviously a GiRL NAME , so I guess yeah , ur stupid xD , LOL just kiddin ;P

How much money have you spent today and on what?

I don't know =| ,, in fact I'm a shopping addict xD ,, I should hire an accountant to count what I spen every single day ><

Box with red button on it , if you pushed that button you will get immediately 1 Million dollar, BUT!!! someone you don't know will die :O .. will u push it?? << weird Q i knw ;p i quote it from a movie ;D

OF COURSE NO =| ,, I can't even imagine who will gonna die because of that stupid button !!!! what if that person was some1 very close to me <///3 a close friend or one of my family,, NO I WOULDN'T DARE DO THAT =| ,, o el7md lellah el5eer wajd xP ,, elflos tro7 o tjee =p

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

study and study and study ,, if you want to live in a luxury and have an amazing job,, then work your ass off kid =)

, أيش تفضلينَ اكثر طلعه مع صحبآتك , وكذآ ولآ طلعه مع اهلكِ ؟ وليش !!

akeed m3 97baaty <3<3 ,, maa feeha klaaam xD ,, l2n 6b3n aws3 9dr o astanss m3hm akthr y5lleehm lee <3333

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

well , I'm too busy to even think about changing the world =| !! , unless if I have a magic wand xp

i'm on a diet , are u ? and what is ur reason ;p ?

Salam αl.7rbi
u go girl xD ,, Lool well, I'm tryin to go on a diet =p .. Nothin important xP, I just want 2 b a little bit skinnier =$$

Which was the moment when you felt really proud about yourself?

I alwayes feel proud of My self ;P


Language: English