Reading Steiner

I've been waiting for Valkyrie Drive English Release news for a while. I was not expecting it to come from you. It's kinda crazy. Now... If only you were hired to translate Net High too. That would be great... if you haven't been already? >.>

Nobody knows what the future holds. That's why the potential is infinite.
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Latest answers from Reading Steiner

Steiner, Here is my conclusion and question for Steins Gate Zero (A fantastic sequel) Spoiler Alert : http://pastebin.com/HxL15hU8

1. Yeah, though the "deceive the world" is covered in the game.
2. I mean, maybe, but I like to think they wouldn't do that.

Jub jnf gur crefba gelvat gb xvyy Znub, Yrfxvara naq Bxnor va gur cnexvat ybg? Jung jnf ur ba nobhg?

Be a good boy and read your scripture.

Ubj pbzr Fhmhun qvqa'g xabj nalguvat nobhg Znub? Fur zragvbaf gung ab bar ol gung anzr urycrq gurz va gur shgher (naq rira vs ure nyvnf vf Xhevfh fur'q unir erpbtavmrq ure). Jnf vg orpnhfr Bxnor'f npgvbaf vasyhraprq jurgure be abg fur jbhyq or vaibyirq?

Cerggl zhpu. Bxnor'f npgvbaf va gur Orgn Nggenpgbe ner ibyngvry naq unir n zber vasyhragvny vzcnpg ba gur shgher qhr gb Nznqrhf naq gur snpg gung rirelguvat gurl'er qbvat unf gb qb jvgu Gvzr Znpuvarf. Gur zbzrag Fhmhun jrag onpx va gvzr, fur jnf ba n qvssrerag Jbeyq Yvar gb gur bar fur yrsg.

Weren't you a bit bothered by the recycled CG/Sprites in Zero ? The ones that bothered the most are (Small spoiler) when they want to show Kurisu as Okabe knew her they always use the old sprites, and Mayuri in school uniform felt very strange.

Yes, it felt lazy and jarring to me.

ROT13 Fb nobhg gung fbat... Xntnev yrnearq vg sebz Znlhev, jub yrnearq vg sebz Fhmhun, jub yrnearq vg sebz Lhxv, jub yrnearq vg sebz Bxnor'f zbz, jub yrnearq vg sebz Bxnor, jub yrnearq vg sebz Xntnev... Ohg VG UNF GB PBZR SEBZ FBZRJURER EVTUG ?!

Gung'f gur cbvag bs gur ebhgr. Vg cebonoyl pnzr sebz gur bevtvany Orgn Bxnor. Va guvf ebhgr vg'f bar bs gur bayl gvzrf gung Bxnor ernyvmrf ur vf abg gur fnzr zna nf gur bar jub yvirq bayl va Orgn. Gung'f ubj ur ernyvmrf ur pna qrprvir uvzfrys, orpnhfr ur nyernql qrprvirq uvzfrys qhevat Zbgure Tbbfr.

Is there any way that S;G Okabe might learn about all the struggles Beta Okabe went through? It's a bit sad somehow to know he'll never actually have experienced all that happened to get to this point.

It's sad, but isn't that the point in a way? The Beta Okabes are throwing themselves into oblivion, undone again and again for the sake of reaching the new world. It's meant to be undone.

I didn't read the Epigraph Trilogy but how does it compare to Zero ? Are the differences major r?

Pretty much the entire Rinascimento branch was new content. Epigraph covered the Vega & Altair path.

ROT13 Jura Znub trg gb gnyx gb Nznqrhf jura fur'f orvat qryrgrq, jub jnf vg rknpgyl? Ubj qvq fur xabj Xlbhzn? Jnf vg Xhevfh jvgu ure Nycun zrzbevrf? Be whfg Nznqrhf sebz na haxabja Orgn jbeyq yvar jr qvqa'g trg gb cynl?

Vg'f vzcyvrq gb or Nycun Xhevfh Ernqvat Fgrvare-vat vagb Nznqrhf ng gung ynfg zbzrag.

Qb lbh guvax Bxnor naq Znub trg gb xabj rnpu bgure va gur Fgrvaf;Tngr jbeyq yvar? Nyfb, vs rirelbar unf Ernqvat Fgrvare, jbhyq gurl riraghnyyl ertnva gurve shyy zrzbevrf? Pbhyq vg qrcraq ba ubj fgebat gubfr zrzbevrf jrer? Bxnor yrsg dhvgr gur vzcerffvba gb Znub V'q yvxr gb guvax fur'q erzrzore uvz.

Maybe, but it's hard to say for sure. I feel like they could definitely meet in the Steins Gate though.

Language: English