
Sean Han-Tani-Chen-Hogan

how would you describe your music-makin' process?

This is a very long response! I've been thinking about this for a while. Let's see. Feel free to ask more specific questions.
When it comes to the music I write for my games, since I also design the games, I am familiar with the area's content (the level design, what obstacles there are, NPCs), thematic material (ideas these things try to express), and how that area plays into the game at large, as well as the player's possible fatigue and playtime when they are at that point, and hopefully a sense for where Jon is going with the art style. I then also take into account how I would like to help narrow players' space of interpretation for the area: music is really powerful in how it shapes how we view an area. (Fun experiment: take a place you go to a lot. Now imagine being there but it only places a loud deafening bass tone. Now imagine it playing some Beethoven symphony. Compare and contrast how you might feel.) So I think also being the game's designer really, really helps with the music. There is less information loss between designer and composer (since you are both!)
I deliberately never listen to music anywhere except my bedroom, or futiley on an airplane trying to tune out the deafening engine roar. I think there is a validity to listening to some music while in public spaces and thinking about how it changes your perception of the space, but I find myself more drawn to how the space and ambient noises paint a mood. Then I think I'm in a better place intuitively when it comes to doing music for my games, knowing that people will most likely be listening to that music.
This makes me think about music in restaurants and stores and how it is 95% of the time inappropriate and jarring...
Anyways, over time you build up this set of intuitions for sounds and mood, as well as on top of previous composers' work and how they represent moods/ideas with sounds. Having a visual literacy also helps, too.
With this stuff in the back of my head and all the game contextual info, I'll then go in and try to think of some short melodic phrase or some texture in my head I think would work, and then build from there. Sometimes this is spontaneous, sometimes I hear something in a song that I think works well and adapt that with other intuitions I have. This has happened sort of recently with Point of View Point by Cornelius, No Man's Land by Tangerine Dream, etc.
Generally speaking, I have a more melodic approach for the Gauntlet areas in The Ocean and a more ambient approach for the Nature areas, reflective of the gameplay found in both. Compare 2nd and 3rd songs in https://soundcloud.com/seagaia/even-the-ocean-sampler-2
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Latest answers from Sean Han-Tani-Chen-Hogan

Everything has a price. What is it that you spend?

Reksalya’s Profile PhotoMyifee
Time, mental energies, emotional energies, physical energy... the chance of having other experiences I guess. And money of course. It's all par for the course though.

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Reksalya’s Profile PhotoMyifee
i wonder what that would do to mental state after. i get the feeling each person tunes each stimuli to different levels based on the actions of their entire life, so maybe i'd just not be able to handle it? though i guess, sign me up

When everything seems to beat you down and hold you there, what motivates you?

Reksalya’s Profile PhotoMyifee
time passing, a shower, going outside, sleeping. mostly time passing

How will you celebrate New Year's Eve?

I haven't decided yet. I don't feel like doing much this year. maybe sleeping

How are you feeling right now?

in that state between being awake and sorta deciding to get ready for bed, feeling moderately productive and wanting to play a game or owrk on writing or something else before getting too tired. my right hand RSI flared up a bit bc of music writing and Wii U, hey that is annoying. otherwise fine.holiday relaxng

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Reksalya’s Profile PhotoMyifee
Two towers with some ascribed personality. Transpiring the terror?? what is th

If you intend to/could go to college, what are your plans for a career? If you're already going to college, what career are you aiming for?

Reksalya’s Profile PhotoMyifee
I already went to college for a computer science degree from the university of chicago (grad june 2013). My plans for a career were CS professor / researcher, programmer somewhere (new york startups or Big Tech Company), but after anodyne/even the ocean my career is basically Artist with a focus on games/music and whatever other mediums I end up liking. I'll definitely be in games for a while since it looks like the most stable source of income I could find. I'm enjoying writing right now but we'll see how long that lasts.

Language: English