

Ask @SpeedoSausage

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have you seen pokemon the origin? i usually dont like pokemon anime but that shit had me going. they made it less action but more emotional shit

I've seen little bits but that last sentence makes me a bit wary. I really hate finding a cool, exciting looking anime that just winds up being full of emotional whining bullshit. I think I'll always prefer the original run of Pokemon more than anything else (though May is more fuckable than Misty =)) It was just a fun show, and felt tailor-made to be a saturday morning cartoon and I think thats why I loved it. I haven't watched a single full episode of anything from like season 4 onwards and I highly doubt I'm gonna' watch The Origin series. It looks OK but yeh i dont think imma bother

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what was the weirdest thing u have found ?

that you, the person who spells everything right but always writes "you" as "u", ask about 90% of my questions and it scares me a little.

Speedo, tell me how I can lose weight fast :c I don't like my male-titties :'(

i dont fuckin kno lol
im just one of those people who eats lots of shit but doesnt really gain weight. only my INSIDES are damaged =)))

yo, i heard that you need an average of 80000 views per video to make at least minimum wage. is this true? do you make over minimum wage solely from youtube?

nah, you'd need like 3 times that amount to make somewhere around minimum wage - and thats being partnered. I'm pretty close to making minimum wage from youtube, not quite, but if i continue to work n make shit n grow, i'll be able to. That'd be pretty handy for me since I'm fuckin fat.

is the only time that you actually move when you have to go take a shit or when you walk to your fridge?

sadly no. if i could install a toilet system on my chair and have a mini fridge, i could sit n anim8 for longer

how long per day do you exercise?

i dont really keep track, just little bits here and there, my ass isnt glued to the chair all day.

do you fap dry or wet follow up question why are you so smexy

im the cool underground kid who's starting to prefer fappin dry. Less mess, more success! =)

I hate how breaking bad has become that thing that everyone needs to watch just because everyone else is. I'm sure that it's a well written show and all, but why do people need to just follow trends all the time it's so annoying.

ok den
don't really... know how to answer this, i--....

any advice on how to hide from shrek? he's been looking at me from the corners. i even saw him in my dreams!!!

Shrek asks me questions here all the time, hes a faggot

you've been saying you'll watch your favorite shows someday... when is That day is gonna cum?

The day I finish working on my current project

you seem to still answer about "whats your favorite shows" but you stopped "answering what flash do you use" for reals. why is that?

Because it doesn't matter for shit what Flash I use, theres barely any differences between them other than minor layout changes, the core stuff is still the exact same.
If I answer what my favorite shows are or whatever multiple times, its because I might add on an extra show or two I forgot to mention last time. Or because if they asked a repeat question, then clearly they weren't bothered to scroll through 2000+ answers IN CASE I already answered it, so I'll save them the trouble. But yeah, what version of Flash I use is irrelevant, and what I use to animate is a single google search away so I don't bother with those questions anymore regardless.

can you give any real reasons why critikal is better than pewdiepie?

Well, Cr1tikal doesn't really on simply screaming and pulling his spooked reaction face for jokes when he's playing a scary game - his jokes might be just as lowbrow, but his delivery is much more reserved, subtle and...well.. better.
He doesn't take up a whole corner of the screen to focus on his fuckin face, which is essentially saying "Hey look my funny face is more important than this portion of the game ye hehe" You never know what you might miss in that little corner. pdp STILL puts his fuckin facecam in games like Happy Wheels that don't REQUIRE LOOKING AT YOUR FACE WOAH!!1 As Retsupurae have said on a podcast, people who use this facecam give off the impression that they're pushing their personality forward instead of the game - which is fuckin dumb since they're doing "lets plays". YOU WATCH LETS PLAYS TO WATCH GAME FOOTAGE, NOT A MAN MAKE FUNNY VOICE SCREAM.
Cr1tikal doesn't shart out videos daily. I think Cr1tikal scripts his videos to some degree, which would probably make you say "hey woah big props to pdp for doin improv then" but PDP's "improv" relies on the same crutches - scream, funny face, funny voice, talk to inanimate object. Its repetitive and tired when you have 1000+ videos doing the same thing over and over. Cr1tikal puts a video every week or so, possibly scripts then, and it just feels like he cares far more about what he's uploading.
And of course pdp uses misleading titles. I've noticed Toby games does this alot more, but still.
The title of Cr1tikals gameplay video is "Name of game - Gameplay & Commentary - and Part _ if its a multi-parter" Thats it. PDP, Toby etc video titles look more like "SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS FOR LIKE 10 SECONDS IN THE VIDEO BUT MAKES FOR AN EXTREMELY EYECATCHING TITLE - Name of game - Part _". Oh, does pdp make a joke about using a pig to rape people in his Amnesia video? Well then that videos probably called "MY PIG RAPES EVERYONE!!!!!!! Amnesia Part 32321"
I could go on for much longer but Im fucking sick of talking about pdp. I've said all I want to say about him almost a YEAR ago.

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Liked by: Paul

Pop a Molly I'm sweatin XD

Popped a Molly, I'm Sweatin | Know Your Meme


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