
Stephanie Rodrigues Silva

Ask @SteffieSilva

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What makes you laugh the most?

i laugh at too many things.. i laugh at anything and everything D8
i have alot of laughing moments with my friends =x
liek everyday .. LOL :L
especially at school during lunch :3
so i dunno what makes me laugh the most.. ive had too many moments.. private jokes ~ 8D

What song best describes your day today?

When my friend and I aced our music gcse duet: Zero - Varsity
When i found something out that just killed and ruined the rest of my day: All Alone - Rob.E ft Ge

you answered it coz you love me :3 and always have time for me ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) yesssss <3

LOOOOOOOOOL oi oi.. you said it yourself... i love TO KILL YOU.
dont love you pfft dream on.. you put portuguese 2nd.
thats gonna be my comeback for you for everything now. >:L
and i still havent found a game btw.
and we gotta make a video togetherrrrrrr D8
with my paper guitar 8D <3

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i had dc univers in mind but any other will do :O how can u not like shooters ¬_¬ <3 actualy no u seem to love to kill me steff do u want to kill me ??? <3 erm what RPG's are there <3 we seem like some geeks on here <3

LOLOL i just dont like shooting all the time.. and im rubbish at aim =x
you know me.. how it takes like hours to hit a portal on portal2 while youre just there waiting LOL
and theres LOADSSS of RPGS.. but only a few good ones.. i dunnoe with multi tho D8
ill check when i have time.. kinda busy now.. (but not busy enough to answer this question ._. LOL) <3

How long does love live?

ffff-lipping un-answerable question much?
depends on how strong the relationship is and how strong THEY are to keep it alive.

how old are you ?

i give up saying it so many times orz
imma just put it up in my bio so no one else asks T_T

What sound annoys you the most?

i dunnoe.
annoying ones.
or when technical difficulties occured and id try and put a game in a old shitty PS2 and IT WOULD GET STUCK INSIDE AND STRATCH FFFFFFFFFFFFF.

What do men talk about when there are no women around?

yea.. coz im really a man to know how to answer this question.
as a guess.. id say a load of shit 8D
and disturbing things.
Liked by: sana al-khayat

If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be?

Italian (its cool the way they speak liek PIZZA PIZZZA MAMA MIA PASTAA 8D.. i liek it =x)
Bulgarian (so i can stalk what my friends are saying on skype call when they no talk english HURRRR >:L)
and liek Latin.. so i could swear in Latin to people i hated and they wouldnt know what im saying >:]
id just be liek FUUUUUUU (in latin. duh.) .. "what does that mean?" ..oh it means youre the best :3 ~

yo portuguese princess WHAT type of game am i looking forrr ??? <3

umms umms and multi/co-op one obv.
rpg? o3o <3
is my fav =x
up to you~
i like nearly anything :3
EXCEPT shooting and shitty dull war and COD and shit.
so anything :L <3
ill see, tell me what you had in mind and ill see >:3 <3

who was the last boy you kissed ;)

your mu- OHHH wait what.. privacy please ._.
fineeee ill tell you .. i kissed my teddy.. its a puppy plushie, and its a boy called Flopsy.. problem? <3

Which quality in a man do you dislike the most?

moe93’s Profile Photomoe
arrogance, ignorance, dishonesty, when he ALWAYS thinks hes right, and not saying whats on his mind when hes upset, and i dont like it when they try and act all bad and cool following crowds when they are actually shy sensitive sweet little shits LOL

What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?

moe93’s Profile Photomoe
thats a hard one.. coz scary movies i saw when i was little might not be as scary now.. but i used to see a FUGG LOAD with my cousins ..and sometimes still do when i stay over, its like a tradition everytime i come round LOL, but i guess ill just say "The Mist".. dun like blood and gore and bugs.
Liked by: moe Juju S. AlRajhi

you still anit got it back :( my fb is loney with out ur random videos milky why ur dad so mean *cries* <3

awhh dw when i get it back i will SPAM you with random videos.. and you know how random i get ;D.. and LOL i JUST saw you go online on PS3 <3

what would u do if u met an alien?

moe93’s Profile Photomoe
if i had to answer this question seriously id say i would stand there freaked out too scared to run.. but since its me, the first thing that came into my mind was to touch it too see what alien skin feels like o.o
Liked by: moe


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