

Ask @SuitMan13

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Winner's Rankings?

Daymn that is tough to do.
But I'd say top five would involve Wyatt, Will, Dylan, Patrick and Jim

I noticed that you started the ranking before some seasons happened, so you have been pushing them down the ranking. What would you have done if a recent season was shitty?

Added it with a note about it's new placement, then pushed the others up.
But that hasn't happened because since the rankings started the seasons have been great.

Let me guess Season 21 will be some type of partnership, maybe two people playing as one individual? Or BLOOD VS. WATER kinda? idkkk

zomg u got meh god job.

What do you think of Cory telling Mikey to play his idol, thus sending John P. out the door. Good game move bad game move? Did it change the course of the game?

I dont cur.

Thoughts On Brendon. This Post Was Not Written By Brendon.

Brendon was Brendon, so I think that he played a Brendon game. I especially liked the part when he Brendoned with Brendon to the point of Brendon. Then he fucked up and did a Brendon on the Brendoned leading to Brendon

Is S21 NOT Friends vs Favorites?

I can admit.. it is maybe not but kinda lying not gunna be probably never will sorta not be Friends vs. Favorites.
Make of that what you will.

what are my chances of returning for a 4th time so i can flop once more also what are your thoughts on my performance in this season

BURNINHELL69’s Profile PhotoObscurity
You may very well return again and if so I'll shove you on a tribe with the entire cast of Second Chances and watch it unfold *eats popcorn*

Are you angry at Lifer for flipping on your baes

If Cory didn't flip, he wouldn't be living up to the legacy he began in Mongolia by flopping with Tyler at F7.
So nah.

Who disappointed you most this season? Who surprised you the most?

I was really hoping to see more of Jason/DragonJason, but I was pleasantly surprised in Eric/Econ21 from East Timor, who put in a noteworthy performance, reminding people that East Timor did actually exist as a season (but that no one who makes finals who used to be in that season can win... looking at you, JETTEJ!)

have invites for 21 already happened? Is it a returnee season?

It is a returnee and new player mix, and invites have already been sent.


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