

You should know, its been months since everything has happened and its almost 2014 and I just wanted to apologize for everything, what I did was wrong. I've gotten help since then and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything.

no-one has done anything wrong to me, whatever you have done you don't have to be sorry to me for anything. you need to do this for YOU, and no-one else but you. Smile, have a great christmas and look to the new year!<3 -meg

Latest answers from SupportingOthers

like what could I say if she askes? I'm not a very opened person.. Its hard to get thing out of me.. and like what could i say? :/

Coucilling is quite easy, you literally have someone there who listens to everything and doesnt judge you. You cant plan what to say, it will come from the heart on the day :-) x

Hello.. I felt sucidal and my school found out and they told my counceller, im going there Thursday again and i have been like it again for almost all week now, what should I do? :/

Speak to your councillor, there is something inside of you which is triggering these thoughts inside you. It is such a horrible feeling to have, but baby, remember how many love you, you are beautiful and so strong, do NOT let these thoughts bring you down, you can overcome these. x

Your page on facebook actually promotes self harm, abuse etc. you know? I never thought of harming myself or throwing up as an answer till i stumbled on to your page, and guess what, it made my life hell.

It's not my page.. Im not admin on there anymore and Im so sorry that the page made you feel like that, they should in no way promote you to harm yourself, you are worth so much more than that -Meg

Hey, is it bad to be depressed and harming a little

it isnt bad to be depressed, but you deserve to be happy, do you know what has caused you to feel like this??x

Hey there, we are a relationship advice page although we help with everything really! Could you please share our page? thanks :)

YandMAdvice’s Profile PhotoYM Advice
follow them xx

u guys need to be activate more often people send u these like long time and u reply now? by the time u reply someone could have ended there life . just saying .

I'm the only one on this page now and I've had exams for ages and they only finish tomorrow then I will be more active on this, I try my best. -meg

Goodbye, I can't take it anymore the fighting every night my life falling apart goodbye

what fighting? talk to me sweetie. x

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