

How do you avoid getting distracted in additional notes when it comes to jump/hand streaming? This has been my problem in quite some time now. Like I do well at first but when there's a like a weird or a hard pattern, I got distracted and lose my accuracy and eventually miss.

I'm not quite sure what you mean - mind elaborating?

Latest answers from Halogen-

How good is your 7k skill? Are you planning on improving it?

my 7K is pretty weak. I keep saying that I want to improve.

what do you think of etterna online?

I think it's great. I wish I had more time to really get into it, but it's about time StepMania has actually had a rating system/difficulty calculator/hub that promotes competition
SML wasn't enough.

whats the sauce of your banner on here

Are you asking where I got it from? It's a piece of work by rhyu from FA; really nice image.
I do feel a little bit bad for using it, though; if I'm asked to take it down for any reason, I would absolutely comply immediately.

can you upload some of your old FFR charts (namely Fractured Sunshine) to osu ?

I unfortunately cannot. I don't have this one anymore.

I've only just begun to play osu with the purpose of improving (previously it was just purely for fun, I didn't really care about anything else), and I was wondering where I can find an explanation on patterns in mania (jumpstream, bracketing, jumphand, all the kinds of stuff they list in map desc)

thequaxx’s Profile Photomei yuu
Take a look at 2.3 here: https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/439430

How do you set up your stepmania like osu!mania setting?Because i'm really confused set it up

You're gonna have to be more specific.

Which switch is better for mania? Brown or Red?

This is dependent on the player; I personally need browns because I need to feel that tactile bump for triggering the keys.

What is your one guilty pleasure?

hm... guilty pleasure? i'll give you a chance to make this a bit more specific, i won't bite :p

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