
Advice And Teen Support

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I like this guy, im 14 & hes 15. I feel like I should tell him how I feel & ask him out, I really think he likes me but do you think im a little young? I mean I want our relationship to last long for years to come so I don't really know

Don't make the first move. Be friends with him and flirt and Hang out and he will get the hint and will make a move when and if he's ready :)
-Jackie <3

I just relapsed after 187 days, I'm a failure

Your not! I promise. Things will get better. I promise. It's not worth it!
-Jackie <3

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My friends fond out I do porn. They now don't treat me the same and I they don't talk to me nearly as much. Me and my friends are 14 but I'm the only one who does porn

Tell them not to judge you and act like they don't know. You are the same person you where before. They should exept you for you. But also consider to stop doing porn
-Jackie <3

Jake post a pic

We are an advice page. if you want a picture click onto our pages or go onto our kiks and ask for one - Jake

this guy i am in love with is in love with me too but it is going to be really hard to be in a relationship with him because of what people will do to break us up, all my friends are supportive and so are his friends but we just don't know what to do and it is killing us we want this so much but....

What will people do to try and break you up then?
If you love each other, that's all that matters.
Do you want to kik me? Pippa.Marie

What is endometriosis...??

Google's definition;
"a condition resulting from the appearance of endometrial tissue outside the womb and causing pelvic pain, especially associated with menstruation."

What's the biggest lie your parents told you growing up?

Santa.. I cried when I got told :p

Hi i think i might have a problem because I used to be able to say what i want without a problem but now its hard for me to say most words and i noticed im starting to loose control of more words i used to be able to say, do you know what this could be, i have dyslexia so it might link with that

I don't have a clue sweetie. Sorry.
I suggest seeing a speech therapist or a Doctor, hopefully they should be able to help you, even if I can't.

What two animals, if combined, would make for an awesome animal?

A duck.. and a fish.. put them together and you get... well, theres two words;) - Jake

Hi catman_jake. Why you blocked me on Kik? :0

I don't have anyone blocked on kik I don't think? if I do it was a while ago and there was probably reason behind it -Jake

Thankies:') jake... snapchat me not whatsapp... :P haha thankies for all your help jakey & everyone else who helps on this site :')

Its cool:) - Jake

there's this guy who trying to get me to eat because I'm not eating the right amount at the moment... He's helping alot but sometimes I feel like he's pressurising me to eat...? What if I can't forcefully eat anymore...? he's helped me alot... Through various of things how do I pay him back? Help!

Just say to him, that it is a slow process, I feel with your support I am getting better but I can only do so much and it is a slow process okay?:( -Jake
Liked by: RachieeBoo

So I'm 14 and Iive been crushing on this guy that I met in well I've known him since kindergartden and I started liking him during fourth grade but he moved away we started talkin again through Facebook last summer but now I don't really talk to him but still crushing what should I do now???

Talk to new guys! start flirting (as well as talking) with new guys, you may develop a crush on someone at school? It'll at least take your mind off the other guy and lessen your feelings for him:) - Jake

how can I get a social life?

Go out with friends more? go to parties? go to clubs?? try out different sports or hobbies?:) -Jake
Liked by: Seven

hey would you mind sharing my page please?here for anyone day and night,whatever the situation we will help!also looking for an new admin,let me know if you're interested <3

Advice Page. xo
- Jake


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