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so theres this guy that I REALLY like. But I dont think he'll ever notice me.. im really shy an so I wont go talk to him or ask for his number. but i really want it!! What do I do?):

Be brave and talk to him. It's the only way he will notice you and hey, it may pay off.
-Jackie <3

I harm myself when I am angry and I am angry a lot :(

Instead of hurting yourself, take deep breaths and if that doesent work then hold somthing cold such as frozen peas or ice cubes. That gets rid if the erge to harm yourself.

So, I like this guy but my best friend likes him as well. I don't know if I can hide my feelings for him much longer. I told one of my other friends about it and she told me to keep it quiet. I don't know what to do... Should I tell her or keep it quiet?

Tell her! Me and my friend both liked the same boy and it brought us closer together. We talked about him all the time and even fan girl over him. It's gonna be okay. It's just a boy. Don't let that we in the way of your friendship.
-Jackie <3

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I've recently come out of a mental hospital because of depression. I feel exactly the same as before I went in but I don't want to tell anyone because I don't want to go back in. What do I do?

Talk to your friends or family about it. They will be there to support you all the way.
-Jackie <3

i hate school and dread going there everyday what can i do :(?

There is online schooling. Which is what I plan on doing in high school because I have social anxiety and online school seems to be better. Try to convince your parents. But if not then try to keep a positive attitude about school and keep your head up.
-Jackie <3 :)

How can I boost my science grade up?

Ask your teacher. Also ask of there is any extra credit or missed assignments you could do to boost your grade. :)
-Jackie <3

Can u guys give me some exam tips? I'm having my first one soon

Stay calm, eat a lot, sleep a lot and make sure you S T U D Y!!! It's so important to your school. (I hope you are talking about that exam) lol try to make the best of it though. It's only for a week or 2 :) goodluck
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Maryam Aslam

I've been with my boyfriend for over a year, he's constantly touching me and feeling me and is it normal?

It is very normal. He's trying to show his effection. But if you don't like it then tell him to stop. Goodluck
-Jackie <3

Well.. I feel like that my 3 close friends started to hate me and not to care about me, what do i have to do to see if they hate me o not? i want to test them! and see of they really care about me or not.. what shall i do?

Ask them why they are so distant. Tell them how you feel. I'm sure it's a understanding. They probably don't hate you. Just ask them. I'm sure everything is okay or going to be okay.

Haha thank you and this is random but by any chance do you know why ask won't let me like stuff? It's annoying haha

Maya ✌️
Try updating it or restarting your account.

Hey guys. Updated ways to contact me; Kik; Pippa.Marie Bbm; 2B5A39DF Ask.fm page: in the bio. I hope you're all having a lovely day, love you x (Pippa<3)


http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/109661704422 ok ok last question. im sorry :p hm, but why he ended up having girlfriends, if you said like that so.but sometime he had girlfriend, he ignored me sometime not. but he had done like this for 5 years without giving up over me -_-

Maybe he just doesent want to give up hope on you... He probably likes you but thinks your not interested.

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/109639983846 am sorry for asking many question :( so you meant he's just friendly OR he really likes me, cares for me? Because sometime when he saw me sat next to a guy OR talking to another guys, he will probably looking in a bad way.

He probably cares about you. When you sit next to other boys and talk to them. He probably gets jealous which indicates that he likes you and that he cares for you.
-Jackie <3

if there's a couple who wants a kids again, do they have to have a sex? for a woman like that, doesn't she feels hurt when she has to have a sex again for making a secong baby?

If the woman doesent want to have sex but wants a child you could go to the doctors and have them plant your partners sperm in you to try to get your egg fertilized. :)

idk why ive to met the guy that i never expected to fall inlove with. i met him at first sight n from that im always see him in anywhere i go. he really likes to look into my eyes. if i dont look at him, he'll do anything to catch my eyes. why? n at the time he has a girlfriends but look at me?

He probably likes you. And really cares about you. If he has a girlfriend don't get your hopes up. But he likes you as a friend and he showes his care by looking in your eyes.. Just a friendly gesture.
-Jackie <3

how i can get over him?

Try to move on to someone else ... It's going to be okay. I promise. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
Liked by: megan hobbs

I've been cutting for. 4 years now but I'm 72 days clean but its harder:( anything I can do to help?

The next time you want to cut go to the freezer and hold ice cubes in your hands until the erge to cut is gone... It helps a lot.
-Jackie <3
Liked by: megan hobbs


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