
Advice And Teen Support

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You guys are so beautiful and kind. Thank you for helping a lot of people and make it easier to get by everyday. But please dont put our troubles before you own. Loved your advices and help <3

Its a pleasure for us all to know we're helping others. Thankyou honey, this means a lit to us all<3 xxx

I have talked every day since June with this boy, I told him two weeks ago that id fallen to like him a d he said he didnt feel the same way but nothing is gonna change. We havent spoken since and its killing me :( how can we go from everyday heart to hearts for months to nothing we are both 18 xx

This sounds harsh but that's life sweetie. Try to move on. Your an adult. You can go out and meet new people try to distract yourself from this boy who seems uninterested. Goodluck
-Jackie <3

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I have a big group of friends and I like one of them and I wanna ask him out but I think it would be idk inappropriate cuz our group keep teasing that he n this other girl us a couple and altho its fake n just a joke but I think it wouldnt be nice to make a move bc it'll be awkward in the group..

Try to get close to him and wait until he makes a move but conceder the fact that if thugs don't work out all the people in the big group will have to pick a side and be quite uncomfortable. But it's totally up to you. Be nice and flirt with him. He will get the hint and also hang out with him with other people in the group and get close with him :) goodluck!
-Jackie <3

I'm concerned cause my girlfriend got 3 bottles of jack, 2 vodka, 1 wine and 1 champagne and 60 fags and wants to get completely smashed tomorrow. I know she got other stuff. It's just she spends most of the time now drinking/getting high

Tell her you care about her and don't want to see her that way. Explain to her all the possibilities of what Could happen. Be civil but ask her how she would fell in your shoes.
Liked by: Blake ;p

Hey y'all are very awesome with advice and help so many people!!! Y'all are truly inspirations and leaders to others!!! God bless y'all!!!

You too sweetie <3
-Jackie <3

what the difference between parents and parent? my parents is or are?

Parents- both mom and dad
Parent- is only one (either mom OR dad)

I'm 14 n my dad is dating a girl from my skl who is 16 we don't get on is there a way I cud break them up?

Talk to him about it. Tell him you are uncomfortable with It and explain why.
-Jackie <3

I have cancer :/

I'm so sorry! If there is anything I can do.. Please tell me. Stay strong and keep fighting.
-Jackie <3

Jackie, my BFF and I are close, but not close. It's weird. I'd do anything for her but like I don't thing she would do the same.:/ I tell her how much she means to me but like she says she'll do anything for me but I don't belive it. Should I believe it? It's really confusing. Thanks:)

You are putting too much effort in to your relationship.. It's not like you're dating. So give her some space and don't keep text her when she doesn't reply! I can't stand that! Anyways. Just try to give her sole space and try to keep yourself busy and she will explain how much she cares when she's ready.. I promise.
-Jackie <3

[P2] I looked up the hygiene tips so I know about keeping hands/nails clean and the nails short... but I don't know what to do? I would like her to climax/get wet. and enjoy it. in other words. be satisfied... Please Help owen or girl.


how do you find out who asked you a question on here?xoxo

Go on a computer and open a few tabs one is the ask question and then in a nother tab and google "website to IP address" and you will get a code then in another tab "ip looker" and past the IP address and all the users info will come up.
-Jackie <3

I argue with my sister so I been sending her a lot of anon hate. But I found she is hurting herself and I know as much as I wouldn't admit it I do love her and care for her and want to help her now. She got hate anyway so I joined in I know it was wrong

Try to put yourself in her shoes. Think about if your parents or family friends knew about this.. Just try to be there for her and no hate! Be good! Lol but seriously. It's not right. Be there for her because like it or not, she is your sister and you should stick up for her.

Do I like a guy if I think he's not my type and find him not attractive but I remember evey little things he says and I always hopes he'll talk to me and gets jealous when he gets attention for other girls. I would've say no if he ask me out and hope that never happen but does that mean I like him?

Your brain is trying to deny what the heart wants... Think about it. You are trying to convince yourself reasons not to like him... Why don't you like him? Because it sounds like you actually do :)
-Jackie <3

hi, i like this boy and when i told him, he said he cant say he doesn't like me, am i being friend zoned or do you think he means it? ):

I think he needs time. Give him space. He will need time to decide what he wants :)
-Jackie <3

Actually because its an adrenaline rush and adrenaline makes you feel like you can conquer anything but close enough x]


Why is cutting so addictive like there is a. Urge to do it that's so strong. Like if horny you want to touch yourself that sort of urge

Kinda... When somone feels the urge to cut they want to create physical pain to distract themselves from emotional pain..
-Jackie <3

how can i tell my boyfriend that i don't feel close to him anymore and that i'm unsure whether he wants to be close again?

The best way to do this is just to come out with whatever you need to say. Tell him exactly how you feel (Owen)

help. tomorrow I have to see my tutor and on Friday she found out about me cutting because my mum told her. at the time I was embarrassed and walked out. I'm scared to face her tomorrow

Try not to pay attention to it. Don't bring it up or anything. If I was you I would just act like it didn't happen and the tutor doesn't know. It's going to be okay. Don't over think it.
-Jackie <3


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