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Hey my friend is kind of ignoring me and taking some other friends.i think it s because me and one of her friends are in the same classes and have developed a really strong friendship adn now she is ignoring us both and has changed a lot. How can I get her to stop?

You can't make people do certain. Things, keep giving her a message, if she doesn't reply, thats her choice - Jake

There is this guy and he is new, I knew a little before he started here but he just kind of wanders. He was in elementary and some middle school with me we were never friends. And my BFF really doesn't want to leave him alone. She has a really bubbly personality so when she talks to guys it part 1

Answered below - Jake

Makes it seem like she likes them, she treats both guys and girls the exactly the same. How do we talk to him without making it seem we like him? Or how do we bring up common interest like the saints football team or clash of clans. part2

By talking to him as a group! If you talk as a group it wont show one of you fancy him!:p and as he's new he will just know you're being friendly - Jake

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Jake that is awesome that you are 17 and haven't had gf! I am 15 and my parent s won't let me have a bf till I am 18

Ahahah thank you:3 and well it is your life not your mums, it's all part of growing up - Jake

is it weird to miss my psychologist ?

No because you built an emotional connection with them. And it's okay to miss that person.
-Jackie <3

Jackie what are your tips for someone who's a beginner at makeup? like how do I do it?

Go easy at first... No crazy looks just simple stuff. I use foundation concealer and powder on my face (to cover up my acne) and then I use mascara and eyeliner to make my eyes pop.
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Bianca

does anyone on here suffer anxiety or panic attacks?

I have anxiety and panic disorder, Pippa has them sometimes I think, and I'm not sure about Jake and Jackie, I don't think they do - Chloe x
Liked by: Jen

Jake is it possible for a guy to have an 11 inch (28cm)

Yes it is, but it ain't that common (porn stars usually have that etc) - Jake

Dropping out isn't an option, because of the law here. I have to finish any further education or be 25 years. The only thing I like in life is music. I have this dream that one day I'll start a band or something. But I won't give myself false hope, so I'm trying to push that dream out of my mind.

oh okay, well try and find positive things in what your doing. There's got to be something that makes you happy going there? Like friends for example. Never ever give up on your dreams, if that's what you want to do work hard, and try to get there. If you don't there's always other stuff you can do. You should never push the dream out of you're mind because you never know what could happen, if you want it that bad you try and get it, you never give up, expecially because you're so young, like i said if that doesn't work out there's always other stuff - Chloe x

how do you tell your crush that you like him, i dont know how to bring it up or what to say. hes been flirting with me alot and i have started to grow feelings for him. PLEASE ANSWER!

We answer every question we get, and okay well you could hint it? or you can bring up the subject of liking people, you could ask if he likes anyone, then start to hint, or you could play 21 questions and just ask who he likes or ask if he likes anyone, you could also if you for sure know he likes you you could say, I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship but I've started to have feeling's for you, I thought it was better for you to know and I was wondering if you had any feelings towards me? Just be casual, pick the right time and bring it up however comfortable way you want - Chloe :) x

I just can't take it anymore. I can barely get out of bed. When I'm able to get out of bed to go to school is listen to music and stare blankly at the wall, drowning in my thoughts. As soon as I come home I get to my room to cry. I can't sleep without cutting. It's never been this bad. I'm done.

You need to stay strong because it will get better, I know so many people must tell you that, but trust me nothing ever stays the same. Instead of drowning in your thoughts talk to people there's so many people who want to help, please let them.
Here's some websites were you can get help:
Here's stuff you can do instead of self harm:
You can always message me on kik and we can talk, it could really help, my kik is (snowy725) Always feel free to message me. Keep staying strong, and don't give up <3 Remember nothing stay's the same - Chloe x

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How do I find out what i'm passionate about? Right now I'm thinking about college, and i don't know what I want to major in? I love art, but idk? i'm kind of stuck in life, and I don't know what I want or what i can do?

Talk to your parents and teachers about what you might want to do when you're older, they can help show you you're different options, and choices. Only you'll be able to know what you're passionate about, only you can say what you love doing. What you pick needs to make you happy, and needs to be what you want and not what anybody else wants. Like I said talk to teachers and your parents, find out the different options you have, look into different subjects and courses, and see what you'd like to do. Think about what sort of stuff you'd like to do when you're older, it okay if you don't know though, lots of people have no idea what they want to be. I know it's a stressful time, but try and stay calm and relax, talk to people... There's loads of people who will be able to help out. - Chloe :) x

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So I just got told that the reason someone hates me if because I come off jerky and I get mad when people say certain things to me. But the reason I do this is because I am extremely self conscious and I have bad anxiety but I try and cover it up by pretending to not care.

If it's a friend that's said this, try talking to them and explain why you act the way you do. You're doing what you do to protect yourself in a way, but people around you might not think that, just explain to your friends why you sometimes do the stuff you do, and act the way you act. Maybe try and relax a tiny bit more as well, relax and have fun with your friends - Chloe :) x

Okay, so for homecoming there's a dress up week for it and there's a Disney character day and a villain/superhero day and I don't know what to do for either... Help ?

If you're a girl, then dress up as your favourite Disney princess? And for the superhero/ villain you could type superhero and villain dress ups in google and it can give you loads of ideas :) dress up as a superhero or villain you really like? - Chloe :) x

i think i had a panic attack today but im not sure?i was in a crowd of people and all of a sudden i started breathing really heavily, kinda shaking and felt like i was about to cry. my coach even asked if i was nervous or something. was it a panic attack?i think i suffer from anxiety but im not sure

It sounds like you had a lot of anxiety, and many you had an anxiety attack, some people have one and then won't have another one for the rest of their life, everyone's different, you could have been overwhelmed by everyone and everything around you, and had a lot of anxiety - Chloe x

That aren't taken for the next ride and we end up sitting right behind him and his gf. They are holding hands and being all lovey Dovey if you ow what I mean. I started screaming when the roller coaster started. And he was all Elizabeth! In a joking tone and looking back at me and my friend. Part 3

I understand how hard this must be, and how upset it must make you feel. The sad thing is, he has a girlfriend, there's not much you can really do. If he's happy with his girlfriend you can't break them up, the fact he's happy, doesn't that make you a bit happy? I know its so hard and its really upsetting but you need to remember he's not available, if you still have these feelings when he's single, then talk to him, tell him how you feel. At the moment I think the best thing to do is to move on, I realise how hard its going to be, but its the best for you and him, I don't want you to get even more hurt than you already are. Other boys will come along, and someone special will make you realise you can move on. If you want to talk, message me on Kik - Chloe x

I decided i was over him after a little over a year of not going to the same school. I saw him getting off a ride an there she was his gf. Obviously I wasn't over him by my heart sunk. We bump into him on the roller coaster and I walk over and say hey there are two seats up there....part 2

Answer above - Chloe x

Hey! So I am walking into my local amusment park about t meet my BFF when I see my middle school crush walking in with his family. I am now in 10th grade and he went to a different high school then me. Yesterday I finally promised my self I was over him after about a continued. Part 1

Answer above - Chloe x

I felt horrible yesterday and when I arrived at work my boss kept pointing things out I "did wrong/should be doing different" than I did them. I just broke down crying in front of her and I hate myself so much for it. How can I ever look her in the eyes again as the strong girl she thought I was?

Everyone has a breaking point, everyone has a point were they just want to cry. I'm pretty sure she's just hoping you're okay. The way to prove to her that you are strong, is to walk into work with your head held high, and you carry on working hard. You stay strong and remember that everyone has bad days, that was just one of yours. Keep staying strong - Chloe x


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