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I'm female to male Transgender I want to be called by my male name and I want the teacher to use the right pronouns? What should I do? Do you think that going to my school counselor will help? What about if he said no? I would love that he email all my teaches letting them know

Ask your guidance counselor if she can talk to your teachers about your name. Your counselor will definitely help because it's there job to make every student to be comfortable! Good luck!
-Jackie <3

(Last question you answer;Jackie) that's the thing I like boys but I don't know if I like girls? And me and my bestfriend don't hardly talk anymore and even if we did I would no idea how to say it x

It's okay no matter who you like. Maybe you should fix the bridge with your friend that was broken. If your still not 100% sure if you like boys or girls then just wait a few months and see how you still feel. Good luck.
-Jackie <3

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I have a problem. I'm going out with my sisters best friend and I think it could ruin their friendship, what do I do? (I'm 15 they're 16)

talk to your sisters best friend and your sister to see if it bothers them. if it does. then its down to you isn't it? I can't decide that yourself. just remember your relationship with your sister will probably last longer - Jake

I lost my virginity to my bestfriend (boy) and he always gets jealous if I speak to someone but he speaks to loads of girls anyway? So I don't never know what he wants and plus I dunno but I think I like girls I don't know I like boys a lot like a lot a lot but the fact idek help I don't have anyone

I'm here!! It's okay. Just explain to the boy that you don't like the boys you talk to and that buoy just want to be friends with them and friends with everyone. If the boy is still mad then come back with how he talks to girls all the time! Good luck
-Jackie <3

So this guy used to have a thing with me (about 5 months) but I rejected him before we actually started going steady because I have personal issues and I was scared I was going to hurt him. He eventually found another girl but this time it was my best friend and I really don't mind it, in fact I'm h

I didn't get the second part Hun.

there is a guy who loves me from four years till now and I don't trust him cause I don't know him well and he doesn't give up I feel that I'm too bad to him

Either just ignor him and be friendly and polite but honest.
Or get to know him better.
-Jackie <3

We're going to be livestreaming sometime within the next half hour :) link will be at our page and we will probably send the link around too. hope you can watch :) It'll be a q&a, and you can always message us on our page too :) -Ashley & Ryan


you are very nice you just made me happy that u cared about my problem thank you very much <3

No problem Hun! Good luck!
-Jackie <3

but a lot of people want me to change and I just want to go to another world I really want to live and have fun I'm still 14 and I feel that everybody hates me I just need to scream I don't know i'm very tired

Just breathe and relax. It's okay darling. If you are goin to change think of your favorite movie star/ singer/ Celebrity and try to think of what they would say/ do/ wear/ etc. Be friendly and kind and nice and everyone will love you.
-Jackie <3

I can't treat people well I don't know why I just say sorry after I talk to anyone even if I didn't say anything wrong I know my way in talking is very horrible so I just decided that I won't talk to anybody any more. but I think it's not a good solution and I just want to get out of my house

It's okay. You can't really change who you are. Just try to be friendly and smile and try to think positively!

Me and this guy have been talking and he is helping me with Biology and I'm helping him with English and were going to study together for the midterm test and today in school I gave him the silent treatment because we had a fight last night and he was mad&weretalking about it, do u think he likes me

It's a possibility. He probably cares about you but doesn't want to show his emotions. He seems like a good kid and just be friendly and nice if you just want to be friends. If you want to be more hen flirt and smile and wink and such.
Good luck
-Jackie <3

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/107054315494 part 2 - i tried to speak to the teacher and i told him how i felt about them trying to get me in trouble and he spoke to one of my teachers at school and they just called me pathetic and told me to stop lieing and just admit that i said those things

Talk to your friends: an older sibling: a cool aunt: mom: guidance councilor or an older adult and ask them to help you. The school is being a meany and isn't doing anything. Stay strong. It's going to be okay.
-Jackie <3

For this girl who is saying that her boyfriend wants her to lose weight.. sweetie you don't have to change how you look like, you are perfect just the way you are, and if your boyfriend truly love you he would love you for your heart not your outside shape xx STAY STRONG YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL ♥

That's what I'm saying!!!! Everyone is perfect!
-Jackie <3

So, basically, there's this girl in my year( her mum died 2 years ago)and she always makes songs about committing suicide and sometimes in lessons she get a ruler and burns her wrist, I'm concerned but I don't know what to do?

Tell an adult! You can save her. She needs help. The right thing to do is talk to her and be friendly and tell a trusted adult and they will handle it. It's probably so hard for her so be there and support her.
-Jackie <3

Does being fat or thin may affect the menstrual cycle? if yes then how?!

No. Your body is used to it's self and knows how to work lol. Have a good day! You are perfect the way you are
-Jackie <3

Jackie♥ You are so beautiful ! God bless you sweetie :-)

Thank you sooooo much! You made my day! God bless you too Hun
-Jackie <3

What does it mean if i skipped a period?! My period is just so irregular! and i got my first period last year. and i am 13 years old btw.. x

It's gonna be irregular or about 2 years. Don't worry too much about it just make sure you have supplies on hand :)
-Jackie <3

i get bullied by these girls at my school but im afraid to tell someone about it because im afraid the bullying will get worse and i self harmed because of the bullying and i do not want my parents or the teachers to find out about it..

Just gotta think about it like this. How long has it been going on for? If its been going on for a while. Ask yourself. Has it gotten better? then ask. Is it going to get better? If you say yes to them, then just carry on how you are. If you say no, you need to do something to change it, as this plan isn't working - Jake

i started getting bullied, i told a trusted adult about it but then the girls started having ago at me for telling the teacher and i told my teacher again and my head of yr got involved and they told her untrue stuff about me and now i got in trouble for doing nothing because they believe them :(

Explain to them what happened. Be nice an civil and I'm sure they will do the same.
-Jackie <3


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