
Advice And Teen Support

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What does his mean: a thousand moments I took for granted-mostly because I thought there would be a thousand more

Its hard to explain it because it means exactly what it says and how its been put but, basically what it says is, they took for granted the moments they had with you, because they didn't think the moments would stop, they thought they had way more time with you <3 I don't know if I explained that any better but yeah - Chloe x

When one should stop learning?

I don't think anyone ever stops learning, you go through life learning new things - Chloe x

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Pippa list what you've eaten today? (answer at end of day)

I'll do from yesterday.
I had a cookie and a muffin.
Then a 10" pizza

seriously I don't get why some haters behind the screens could type like they're so fucking brave and say shit but infront of someone face that they dislike they wouldn't say it infront of they're faces...I mean such a wussy seriously sick n tired of people like this

Honey, I don't know anyone who isn't sick of it.
Sadly, this is just one of the bad things that Ask.Fm allows.
Block the people and the questions.
Ignore whatever they say. Remember you're better than them!

I just want someone that wants me as much as I won't them and won't leave no matter how hard things get or how much I try to push them away... Everyone always leaves me and never likes me as much as I like them, I'm always the one ending up heartbroken.

I know how hard this is.
But you just need to try and keep positive. Soon, you will find someone who will do anything for you,
Who will love you unconditionally and will make you the happiest person ever.
Wait for them.
Us as humans are too impatient to wait, so we go for the easy option.
Wait, wait to find the perfect match.
Keep smiling & stay strong/happy :) xx
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yes it does.. idk what to think of him anymore..

Tell him how you feel, say to him you aren't so sure what to think anymore now that you're mentioning sex already and not in a joking way - Jake

and I said yes I am and then I got defensive and he says he wasnt asking for sex ?

He wasn't asking? Hm right, so he wants to meet up with a girl, and he asks if you're a virgin and starts talking about sex? Sounds a bit, off, doesn't it? -Jake

Friend sitting at lunch: Does the text message that I sent her make sense? What should I do if it happens again? I felt so bad for not sitting with her at lunch because there were no seats. We are very close friends. What is your advice on saving a seat?

Saving a seat is a good idea, just shows that you want her to sit there and that you don't want anyone else!!:) and she'll see that! -Jaks

theres this guy and i can tell that he really likes me but i dont feel the same way and im scared we're gonna lose our friendship if i say i dont like him cuz we txt everynight

Best thing to do is to hint (not say) but hint at him you don't like him, like call him your best friend, and say we'll be friends for life and i hope that never changes! Little things like that! - Jake

So I always say with my friend at lunch but then there ended up being no seats for her to sit. I always felt bad. This is the second time it happened. This is what I said to her and this is her responses: (CONTINUED) (COMTINUED) (part 1) Please read part 2 too!!!!

Answered below -Jake

So, when we have lunch period 5, I'll save you a seat by putting my binder on the table. I always felt bad when we couldn't sit next to each other, but I think this method will work! We will then talk and enjoy ourselves!! TO BE CONTIURD please read part 3!!!!!!!!!

Answered below - Jake

Ok, thank you. That is really nice of you to save me a seat at lunch. I love talking to you about school and life in general. You are a really good friend and our lunch wave has too many people in it! Lol

Answered below- Jake

Here's part 4 to the one at lunch with friend!!! No problem! I just try to be the best friend that I can be. I enjoy talking to you about life and in general too. It's crazy how many people are in our lunch wave.

Answered below - Jake

PART 5 friend at lunch!!!! does this make sense and do have any advice?!?! Thanks!!!

This makes sense indeed what you're saying to me, but it doesn't make sense on what it is you're trying to ask us? - Jake

I've never had a bf cause I kno I'm ugly. Don't bother saying I'm not etc. My question is I just feel so horny all the time and it's even stronger at a certain time each month. How do I stop this feeling for good?

I've never have a girlfriend, does that make me very ugly? Apparently I've been told not!! Just stay strong yeah? The right guy is out there for you, and there isn't a huge amount you can do about that unfortunately :( talk to some guys, be friends with them (but don't try too hard) and see what happens aye? -Jake

this guy asked me if i was a virgin and i said why and he said because he wants to sacrifice a virgin ? im 18 hes 19 .. whys he saying this .. we havent met personally but we do plan to and we are friends (hes not a stranger i do know him) .. um your thoughts?

I think that means he wants to have sex with someone and make them lose their virginity, so he wants sex with someone who hasn't done it before by the sounds! -Jake

My friends friend is upset of her. All her friend said was hi but in a happy way. My friend was upset that day. So that made it worse because now her friend is mad at her. Any advice?

Just need to say that she was mad, and apologise for what has happened, and if they're true friends they'll get through it!! - Jake

i don't know what to do anymore i feel like everyone hates me i try hard to cope but errgh i just really give up idnt know what to do :'(

Why do you feel everyone hates you!? - Jake


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