
Advice And Teen Support

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Hello i havent asked anyone before cause i was scared but you said not to be! Is it normal for me to breastfeed my bf, im not actually producing milk but we feel more connected after?

If it makes you too closer and you both don't mind then go for it. :)

What does the grey D mean on kik? Does it mean they haven't signed in to kik or something? Because i was texting this guy and a grey D showed up then it changed to a black D.

The D means the message has been delivered and when the black R shows up it means it's been read. :)
-Jackie <3

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I cut for the first time Now I hate myself I feel like I should cut again

No babe. Don't cut. Ever again. Throw away all your razors. It's not worth it! Imagine your friends seeing your scars imagine you hiding your scars on your wedding day! Don't do it. And worse of all. Your children will see your scars and think it's okay for them to do that too!
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Neha ✌️

jake where are pippa and owen?

They were away until Friday and noe they're probably catching up on school work I believe. May be wrong - Jake

What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?

Ummm when I was 5 years old. I got a hamster. And he ran away :,( but he was the best hamster ever.
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Soph

In 3 months I've been told I deserve to die 2 times. I get called gay at least once a day and fat at least 5. the girl I like ( I'm a boy) hates me . help?

Don't listen to haters. I know it's hard but try to find people who don't care and don't judge. The girl you like. Move on. There are 7 BILLION people in this world. You will find a better girl.
Stay strong.
And watch this video it's very inspiring http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ltun92DfnPYTeensupport365’s Video 106165841638 ltun92DfnPYTeensupport365’s Video 106165841638 ltun92DfnPY
-Jackie <3

is it bad that my mum wants me to take the blame for somethingg i did not do ??

Yeah. You should be in trouble for something you didn't do.. That's not fair..
Liked by: grace ma

A lose a close friend almost every year, is there something wrong with me...any advice?

It's normal just try to fix the bridge that broke and be kind to the friends that you lost.
-Jackie <3

I'm a 15 year old girl and I'm 6'1" . I'll never find a boyfriend... -.-

Hun! There are 7 BILLION people in the world!!! You will find one! I promise. Don't stress too much now because you are only 15... You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't give up hope
-Jackie <3

Hi dear I have a bf who follows/ likes to see "sexy" girls photos that wear unrevealing clothes I don't know if this is normal for guys who is attached to do that? I feel used and insecure about myself. Help? :(

It's human nature for boys to like those pictures. It doesent mean anything. He obviously likes you a whole heck of a lot more then any girl since he is with you don't stress too much. If it still bothers you talk to him about it.

I have a boyfriend but I think he values xbox more because he's always like I'm busy or sorry gtg but I see him online on xbox, should I dump him??

If you have an Xbox too then maybe you should play with him. Boys are boys and they love there video game. It's just what they do. Tell him how you feel and see what he wants to do. Don't stress too much. If he continues this behavior then think about what's best for you.

I'm 5'8" and weight 140lbs.Am I too fat for a 16 year-old-girl?I think thatvI should loose 20lbs at least...

Hun! You are perfect if not under weight!
If you do plan on losing weight don't lose too much. Just go to a gym and tone up :)
-Jackie <3

ive told her friend she said she has mesaged her, but i dont know if she repleid to her friend and she would just want me to leave her alone and let her do it :(

Okay Hun. Be patient. Try to talk to her in the morning. :)
Stay strong
-Jackie <3

she messaged me bk she said im done again and then she said im almost there and now shes not replying :(

Ask her what she means and what she wants you to do!
-Jackie <3

I'm 14, 5'3", and weigh 100Ibs. Am I over weight or under weight and what's my BMI.

You are very under weight! I'm 13 5'3 and I'm 120. :)
-Jackie <3

hey my friend aaid she is done and now shes not replying ?

What exactly happned. Reassure her that everything is okay and that you are there for her.
-Jackie <3

One night I was out drinking and I found myself sitting on a toilet seat naked with a wet condom on my penis. How do I remember what happened

That's a hard thing to remember. If you look at certain things they could trigger something from that night and you can usually put things together to try to remember what happened that night. :) only time can tell sadly.
-Jackie <3

I'm 15 and a girl I no it sounds silly but my mums going on holiday tomz for 2 weeks and I have to stay here with dad but I can't stop crying I love my mum so much I don't think I will stop crying at school etc help me jackie!xxx

It's okay. Make a bunch of videos with her now before she leaves so then you can watch them when she leaves. She's only going to be gone for 14 days. That's 336 hours and you will be sleeping for about 48 of them so that leads 288 hours and there will be school and school activities for about 50 hours so that's only 238 hours. You will probably go on your phone, tablet, computer for at least 20 hours so that's 218. You should get togeater with friends because they will be very helpful. So that's about 10 hours so now it's inky 208 hours missing her. If you have sports/ activities that will be a few hours and the extra time you have you can watch movies and the videos that you make with your mom. :) think positively.
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Lord

Hey, I'm 17 and I wanted to know if have a 4 Inch penis, when erect is small or not? Like is it normal to have that? Should it be bigger and when will it even grow?

Sometimes puberty doesn't affect people (and doesn't finish) until 18 or 19. You should notice it growing soon. - Jake


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