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im not religious but if god created adam and eve who had sex and created the first new born, why are there sins about se, masturbation, etc? priests, vicars and all them are not allowed to have sex or whatever, yet they are representing the church and god..have i missed something?

I'm not sure either... Lol but I try not to question it. It's just as confusing as woman... Jk
Liked by: Advice :))

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Regarding the question about masturbation being a sin, in the Christian community, masturbation is a sin. It doesn't mean that if loads of people do it then it's okay to do it. They say it's a sin because you're disrespecting your body, in which God resides. I mean no offense whatsoever. :)

I was not aware of that. Thanks for letting us know. :) I am also catholic but I didn't know that.
Liked by: Advice :))

i have an issue i believe many teens are going through as well. I spent long hours pondering this and im stuggling to come up with a conclusion xbox one or ps4?

It took me about 3 weeks to decide this. I ended up with a ps4... I googled what one would be better and They are both great... Just try to clear your mind and make a list of the pros and cons of each one and then decide what one is best!
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Advice :)) Soph

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/105987084006 i am always calm around her and i know she isnt going to be rude etc. I dont understand why i am nervous around her. i think its something to do with my previous relationship 4 years ago. This girl i love now she isnt violent at all i truat her

Then just relax.. If you feel like you are getting nervous take 5 really deep breaths close your eyes and if you are still nervous just listen to her. It takes time not to be nervous. Just hang out and try to be with her a lot.
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Advice :))

Is masturbation a sin?

No. It's normal for all humans to do so. Some don't. A lot do. Over 95% do. So no it's not a sin.

So at school i have no real friends and i get bullied, any advice to fit in (no moving school) im on my last opinion after this its death

Have you ever had "real" friends at school? If so what happened and can you get them back?
-Jackie <3

My best friends don't like me anymore. Im so depressed. Most people say 'its okay, move on' but tget don't realize that I cant. Firstly I love them and plus ill become a complete loner. :(

Hunny.. I know exactly how you feel. You need to fight for them. There is nothing to lose. Tell them that you are sorry and you feel like you should all get a new start because of the new year. Send them a paragraph saying that you miss them and you can't imagine not having them. I'm sorry you are going through this. I know how you feel.
-Jackie <3

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/105974382310 ive told her hpw i feel in a big message on facebook and took 2 hours to think what to write and actually writing it. I love spending time with her i really do. I love her with all my heart

Then if you truly love her you should be calm and confident around her because she's not going to be rude or laugh at you in a mean way.

Okay! Then you're almost my age :* xo xo I will be 14 this month. Well, I belong to India.

Wow. :) happy early birthday.
-Jackie <3

I'm 15 and my gf(14) is 362 days younger than me and we have been going out for 2 weeks I know this girl really well and I'm thinking we should get intimate and I know she will feel the same, but I don't know we should is 4 months to early? Anyone help me xox

When ever you both feel ready should be okay.
Trust me.. You will know when you are ready. Don't think too much and don't plan it because plans hardly go right. It will happen when it should and you are both ready
-Jackie <3

"im falling in love with a prostitute i met please help, im 18 she's like 24. " and "what's the difference dead and alive on the inside"

The first person:
Do you really want to be with someone with that kind of work. Even if you do go out she might still be a prostitute and that's illegal so if she gets caught... Is it worth it? Also there are 6 billion people in the world... I'm sure there will be another girl out there for you. But it's up to you.
Second one: if you are dead on the inside you feel nothing. You feel like you are sleepwalking and it's painful to be alive. This could be depression... When you are alive you feel positive all the time with nothing in the way. If you felt dead then alive.. You have beat your sadness and if you haven't... Try to. Because everyone wants to be happy. No one wants pain. But there can't be a rainbow... With out a little rain.
Liked by: Soph

There's this girl in my class tht says were frenemies but she flirts with me alot...what does it mean

Frienemies= friends/enemies she might be joking and just be friends and be friendly.
-Jackie <3
Liked by: andrea Advice :))

Can you help me answer a question on my advice page? It's been sitting there for days and I have no clue how to answer it ~Nicole

Of course darling! What it is?

I am 13,I'm 5' 7.5" and weight 138 lbs...Am I too fat?How should I lose weight?

Darling you are underweight and you are perfect the way you are <3

How long into a relationship should I give my bf a bj

When you think you are mature enough and you are ready. Don't think you are pressured either because that's not right. I would wait at least 8 months- 3 Years. It all depends on when you're ready.
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Advice :))

is it true that you can get a period every 17 days? or is my girlfirend lieng to me shes 16

It's different for each girl. Yes it's possible.
-Jackie <3

There is this girl i truly live and adore. I love spending time with her but she has noticed that im nervous around her and i dont know why that it is. How can i be more confident around her

Tell her how you feel. If you still aren't confident talk to her on the phone and text her for a week and then hang out. You need to build up to be with her. Just laugh with her and be there for her. Listen to her and don't be nervous. There is no need.
-Jackie <3

what is some of the most common questions you get on here? also how do I talk to someone in charge of this group personally? I can't figure this site out yet :)

Hello new comer,
Our page is all about teen advise.
Anyone can ask any question about there life an what they are struggling with. Any questions can be asked and if you need to talk to me or any other admins directly you can ask a question and start with "Jackie, I need help with..."
Or you can kik is. All our kiks are in the pages bio. I believe that Jake is the owner. :)
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Beth


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