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I have been cutting myself for 1 whole year. My friends think I stopped but I just can't :( i did it again just then and it's bleeding through my pants and my mum doesn't know I do it but I'm scared of how she will react. What do I do? I don't want to let her down.

You need to tell her, leave her a note, tell her in persob. It's gonna be hard whatever way you tell her sweetie, but just say to her that you told her because you want to get this sorted yeah?:) - Jake

I'm so unmotivated and need to do assessments. but I can't be bothered :( stressed and depressed too....

It is hard to get motivated, but once you get started it is a lot easier! Just say to yourself, if i don't do this now, I'll fall behind and get even more stressed and depressed - Jake

Jake I'm not sure what a blow job is but my brothers friend said I can find out with him but I'm not allowed to tell my bother nothing and he got really mad he said if I told my brother about this then my brother would be really mad at me but why would he my big sister she's 15 I could ask her?

Hey, firstly, a blowjob is to suck on a guys penis, and secondly, don't do it with him, he's just doing it just to get one out of you, you'll most likely end up regretting it, and you don't wanna ruin things with your brother eh? Say no to him, and wait until you find the right guy yeah? - Jake

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ok so help I cut on my arms last night and I didn't mean to and now there are a bunch of cuts and I have school today and we aren't allowed to wear jackets in gym so help what do I do and we aren't allowed to bring makeup to school but should I sneak some foundation in?

Use bio oil, and use a very small amount of foundation across the whole of your arms (so it blends it in) just to cover it up, and hopefully you won't do this again or next time foundation may not cover it up - Jake

I was meeting this boy for awhile and about 3 weeks or 4 weeks ago we meet and did stuff not serious like pulling and he dry humped me and felt my boobs and bum and 4 days after I went to a party and he was being a dick and all and his best friend told him I still like him - continued

Answered below - sorry for late reply - Jake

And now he doesn't what anything to with me :( I'm really confused and annoyed and boys in my tech are flirting with me and im still not over this boy just need advice!! X

Just sounds like he wanted to use you, move on yeah? And remember that you only did a little bit with him, and you could have had a lot more regrets! - Jake

(PART 1) I like this guy but I can't tell if he likes me back. We're friends right now but I hope one day we can be more. He's really cute, nice and funny. He comes to talk to me and asks how my day is going, he fixes his hair constantly around me and when I was reading, he came up to me,

Answered below - sorry for late reply - Jake

(PART 2) tapped my foot with his foot, smiled and talked to me. He always says "see you later" or "see you on Tuesday" or "see you on Thursday" (we have the same class on Tuesday and Thursdays) and we always sit next to each other. does it sound like he might be interested or is he just really nice?

Hard to say really, only way to find out is to spend some time with him outside of school, show you're interested (that doesn't mean say you like him) and see if he shows any interest back yeah? - Jake

I have a lot on my mind. Iv been having tons of panic attacks and I go to see the school chapel. My dad abandoned me, my grandparents have cancer, I'm getting bullied online and my mum is always mad. No one thinks it's as serious as it actually is and idk what to do :(

Speak to your teachers, you need to tackle one problem at a time don't you? Start with the bullying, speak with the teachers and get that sorted out, unfortunately there is nothing you can do with your dad or grandparents, your dad is not part of your life now yeah? Look after your mum, and help her out as much as you can - Jake

things to do with your blades e.g. hide them or something similiar to freezing them but i cant freeze them so something else that will take time to find or unwrap etc..

Get them into a bag, and put them into the bin outside and let them be taken away from you, as you don't need them in your life - Jake

If a mum kisses you on the upperlip is that a first kiss?

No, that isn't, as your mum would have kissed you a lot when you were younger - Jake

my crush found out i like him and so did the most popular girls at school and i know theyre gonna tell everyone and im afraid he'll act weird around me. i know he doesnt like me but i went to the movies with him and some other friends and he was all over this other girl.

If he's all other this other girl, just don't mention that you like him, if he asks, just say you used to, as if you can't be in a relationship, you wanna be friends eh? Just keep quiet, maybe spend a bit of time away from him to let things calm down :) -Jake

my sis and my best friend betrayed me and told my crush I like him and he's acting weird around me now. what do I do?

Sounds like your crush wanted to be friends if he is acting weird, and didnt want s relationship/doesn't fancy you:(( -Jake

so i hu with a guy at a party and he's telling everyone it didn't happen... and now everyone thinks I'm a slut and that i am a liar and i don't want a bad rep this early into the year please what do i do?! I'm scared to go back to school everyone hates me!

Everyone won't hate you, it'll blow over in a little while or so! People don't remember these things for long - Jake

is boarding school fun? I mean I'm moving to boarding school it's actually new and nice... I'm a little nervous :/

Never been, my mum went, you are very independent there i believe, and i have been told it can be quite good - Jake

I can't think about happy things because the reason I cut isn't because I'm not happy it's because of the stupid things I did in the past and ik I should dwell on the past but my brain does and I hate myself for that and I just need to cut but my blades aren't as sharp as I remember :(

You shouldn't hate yourself for it because were all human, were all going to do it but we need to remember. The past is the past, we cant change our past, we can only learn from it, what's happened has happened, you can't take anything back, we have to learn to live with our past. There are so many other options instead of cutting, I know it seems like you don't want to try anything else out, you only want to cut... It's worth trying them out though, it really is... Here's some websites were you can get help:
Here's stuff you can do instead of self harm:
There's so many websites that have alternatives to self harm just check them out, if you want to talk message me on kik, keep staying strong, it get's better, nothing ever stays the same - Chloe x

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Jake do any of you have an LD:((((( I don't feel normal

I know my school has about 15 people in my year, out of 160 who have it, they are common -Jake

i feel so unpopular, no one starts conversations with me or talks to me on facebook......

Why don't you try starting conversations, then see where it goes from there? pop up to someone and be casual and say 'Hey, how are you?' That way you can talk to more people and more people will talk to you, step out of your comfort zone a little I'm sure many people would like talking to you - Chloe x

schoool and fakes friends i trusted to many people and now they've alll just betrayed me and i havent done anything wrong :'(

How did they betray you? Have you talked to them? You don't need fake friends, you don't need them in your life, go out and make new friends... proper friends, there not worth it... If their fake or betraying you, just ignore them, show them their not bothering you and find real friends, but if you're not sure if they have actually betrayed you, or if it's over something silly that can be resolved, talk to them, talk to them properly and try and save your friendship... remember friends go through thick and thin together - Chloe :) x

btw I have cuts on my arms and I BARELY went over them with the blade and it didn't bleed or anything but it stings so did I cut it and how long before they heal I'm freaking out please help they are red

It depends on how bad they are, but what you've described... It sounds like maybe a few days they'll start to heal and in time they'll fade, you can get special creams and oils to help them heal and you get get ones to help them fade, dont worry or freak out, why did you do it? - Chloe x


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