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Hi, I'm sorry if it's late but I made a huge mistake and now I'm crying and I don't know what to do... Do you have an e-mail or somewhere I can contact you privately to explained what really happened. Thanks - M

Do you have a kik?
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Advice :))

I'm the girl who just asked the stretch mark question! thank you :) I have lost weight in the past couple of years, will they go away on their own? x

Eventually. But it takes a huge amount of time and there might still be marks! Xoxo
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Advice :))

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hii :) I'm a girl, 17 and about a year ago I noticed stretch marks on the inside of my thigh anyone know why I might of got these?

You probably lost fat. It's a good thing. If they are still there and you want to get rid of them then you can get stretch mark cream (there are many brands) and most of them are for moms who had babies but it also works for thighs and such. I was chubby until 6th grade. Then I lost a lot of weight because of sports and I basically had stretch marks all over my body and I used stretch mark remover cream and they went way! :) the Cream can be found at your local drug store. :)
-Jackie <3
Liked by: ToPfo0l

P- I made a really big mistake, I feel ashamed of myself.there was this guy and I told him a lie then eventually told him the truth and he blocked me I don't wanna talk about it but I miss him I have his snapchat but I'm scared I made him upset, angry.......

You don't have to tell me what happened sweetie. All I can say is time heals things, if you show him you're truly sorry, maybe he might just talk to you again. But it could also start an argument about why you lied and so on. You could try message him&see what goes on from there? If you did tell me the whole story. Maybe I could understand better? But it's up to you :) good luck x

if you were a boy and girl said "hey, handsome" would you like it?

I'd prefer being called gorgeous if I was a boy, but it's personal preference x

please can you share my page? I'm here for everyone, if you need someone to talk to about anything come to us, because we try our very best to help find a solution or just give you the advice you need.

- Jake

this girl ive been speaking to again for three days well we've been talking again and like she said "hey' missing you ;)" does she miss me or? we flirt a lot as well, well i do.0

Sounds like she fancies you. Go get her! :)if you like her back that is! - Jake

is asking yourself questions against the terms of service?

Its fine to. A bit weird but theres nothing wrong with it legal/rules wise - Jake

there is this guy here on ask an he is so sweet but the thing is he's in Canada and I'm in the USA , I know if I ask him to be my long distence bf he will say yesthe thing is I don't know him in person so I'm scared that he isn't who he really is so I am debating shud I ding someone els or goforhim

You could always wait it out for a short time? Yet he may lose interest. Hobestly? If you love him then go forIit. If things go bad no harm done. If things go well thats grwat. You'll find out more about him - Jake

How do I change my username. It's not working

You can not change your username but you can change the name that people see you as. Like the name that comes up when you ask/ Answere a question and comes up when you like One. You can change that by <settings>profile> full name> And then you can edit it. Xoxo
-Jackie <3

Hi, so these guys who are in my class at school are really hurting me emotionally and that led to me self harming, and everyone telks me to ignore them, but I can't, because on their few good days they can make me even slightly happy, even though I have slight depression, and Idk what to do, help?

This happned to me last year. Tell them that when they are mean, even if they are joking around, that it hurts you and it's not right. But when they are nice that it makes you happy and have a good day. :) be nice About it and if they continue to be mean tell the school about it.
And please don't self harm. Stay strong. Don't let a cold, lifeless piece of metal take away from your perfectness. You are better then anyone says and you know that. You are beautiful inside and out. Xoxo
-Jackie <3

What is an average age to get your period? I'm 10,and still don't have it...When did you get it,Pippa?

The average age to start your period is 12, I started when i was 9. Trust me, you're lucky you dont have them yet!

Ok, so I have been cutting for a while now, and unfortnately, my mom found out, she didnt even react, not even shocked, sad or even trying to hide feelings (i know my mom well), she just coldly said: Dont do that again, and didnt even care, then came and slapped me. I really dont know, what to do.

Talk to hwr ab how you feel. And however you think its possible. Whether its on your own, through a parent or teacher, get yourself to a professional and get this sorted - Jake

how can i get a good conversation started with my boyfriend?

Ask him questions to try to start a conversation.
Favorite color
Favorite food/fruit/vegetable?
How many siblings?
Do you like your mom or dad more?
Best day of your life?
If you could change your name what would it be and why? --I like that question--
Favorite school subject?
Last book you read?
After that you can ask more complex questions
What would you do if the zombie apocalypse happened right now?
If you had 3 wishes what would they be and why?
If you where to go inside any book/ movie what one would it be, why, and what would you do in it?
If you woke up in a hospital and the year was 2027 what would be the first thing you did?
If you could make any animal talk what animal would it be and what would you say to it?
If all else fails just ask him to tell you a story.
Best of luck.
-Jackie <3

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hi, somebody keeps on sending me anon questions and i really want to know who he/she is. please help me :( thanks!!

Turn off your anonymous. That way they can't sent anon questions and sometimes you can even catch the person. Xoxo

Hi ... I feel like my ex is asking me question on ask.fm as anon how do u find out if it is really my ex?

If you have a computer google: website to IP address and numbers will come up and then copy those numbers then in another tab google: IP tracker and you past those numbers and that person who asked the question, all there information will come up :) xoxo
-Jackie <3


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