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heya guys another week gone and helped a few how are u all here to help xx <3 A

wolf advice
Glad you're still helping others :) we're doing pretty good ta. Yourself? xx

Ok, do you think he was like joking about it becuase i was? Like i don't think he would actually miss me.

Him saying that is usually a sign of flirting, which could be general banter or a mild hint he likes you. Depends on your interpretation. You never know, does he pop up a lot? Possibly because he misses you&likes speaking to you x

Me and my boyfriend have been having sex a few times after my first. Can't use condoms due to irritation. Idk what I can do as I'm getting scared I could fall pregnant and my Dad would kill me but idk if a doctor would need parents permission so I could get pill or something idk who to ask. ? Xxx

May I ask how old you both are honey? To get the pill all you need to do is go to the doctors, ask for it&they might ask you a couple questions (whether it's for oral use,whether you're sexually active etc). Anything you say to your Doctor is completely private and if you don't want your parents knowing then tell the Doctor that. The pill is 99% effective. There's obviously still a minute chance you could still get pregnant but it's up to you. Hope this helped x

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Should I seek mental help if I masturbate while watching cpr videos?

I would recommend not masturbating whilst watching cpr videos - Jake

Owen announcement!

Well, it's been a while since I have done one of these announcements, anywho, some of you may remember me, I am Owen, others may not in which case Hi I'm Owen I was an admin on here since January. I left for personal reasons but now I'm back yaay. Anyway if anybody needs any help I would be more than happy to :) Oh I also have kik, skype, whatsapp, bbm (soon) or if anybody has any messaging apps they want to talk on and I don't, I'll happily download it for you, thanks for listening :) (Owen)

Anorexic. Passed out at school today. A guy that I'm an quite close with seems to have figured out what's wrong with me. I told him not to tell but I am scared that he will.

I can understand that you'll be worried about this, anorexia is something that you wouldn't want anyone to know about, but do you trust this guy? Just clarify with him that he'll keep it secret from everybody else. But know one thing no matter what it is this guy would want nothing more than to help you for this issue. I'd recommend that you try and overcome your anorexia and just fight against it because you are not alone and you never will be (Owen)

I have recently started liking one of my best guy friends. but 4 of my friends like him and my BEST friend likes him. They all aren't really close to him, but should I just try to avoid the feeling or should I just make a move about it?

Well this is a tricky kind of situation for you to be in because if the lot of you like this one guy, whoever makes a move, the rest of your friends are going to hate. My advice for you is to just think about who means more to you, your friends or this guy? With that question answered you know what you need to do (Owen)

In hospital. I tried to poison myself. Mum found me unconscious and not breathing properly in my bedroom. I'm alright now and unfortunately it looks like I will live. How can I poison myself properly next time and die without fuss? (Kaylee)

Hold on a moment, why are you doin this to yourself anyway? suicide is anything but a solution to your problems, nothing in life can be so bad that it'll drive you to suicide. Talk to me duck, what's happening to you? (Owen)

How can I stop masturbating. It's against my religion but I can't stop I've been doing it for so long I need to quit any ideas!

Masturbation is perfectly natural but if you're wanting to try and stop them the best thing I'd say is to do something that'll keep your mind distracted from the subject itself, getting a hobby, going out more often and just learning some self control would do you good (Owen)

I really like this guy that I'm kinda really good friends with, and apparently he kinda likes me too, but none of us will try and make a move. Should I? I'm kinda scared to. but if i do, how should I do it?

If you want him then make the move! The worst he can say is no. Talk to him and flirt with him. Make it sort of obvious that you like him and he will get the hint. :) good luck!
-Jackie <3

i said to this boy "try not to miss me too much ;)" and he said "i don't think that's possible ;)" what does he mean???

He means that he doesn't think it's posisible for him not to miss you, it's a good thing dont worry (Owen)

I like this boy and we used to speak and he was so nice then he told me he doesn't wanna talk anymore because he likes someone else and has liked them for ages and now he hates me but I see him literally everywhere I go.. I don't know what to do and I can't tell him how I feel cos he dont care

Well I'm sorry to have to say this duck but there's not that much you can do about if if he's not interested, just try your hardest to move on and forget about that guy. You could do so much better than him (Owen)

I REALLY like my best friend he know I like him and he apparently likes me too but sometimes he acts like he likes me and sometimes he answers me with the word K or gives me short answers like that... This may not make all that much sense to you but idk what to do.. What should I do?

Well the best thing for you to do it to find out exactly how this person feels abot you, just be forward with it. (Owen)

its nothing important but ive asked my boyfriend if he'll be able to see me before christmas and he replied saying 'yes about that' and idk what he means??? i dont get it and we're getting through a hard part at the mo so it'd mean a lot to see him, what do i say??

Just ask, what do you mean, 'about that?' and get him to explain. it either means something bad is going to happen with you two. Or, hes just saying he cant meet up, - Jake

Is it wrong to have people you meet on the internet as friends? Like this person i have met, i have talked to her, snapchatted her, and skyped her and i know what their like x

As long as you are careful online, it is fine. do NOT give away personal details such as your address, never give that away neverrr everrr! - Jake

My friends trying to set me up with her brother. What should i do? Hes fit n all but he will never lie me..

Just tell her you aren't interest, end of :) - Jake

I like this guy, and well i dont know what to do. Im 14, never been in a relationship and well hes 16 and yeah. Halp

Nothing wrong with the age difference, its only a couple a years. start talking to him and get close with him, whether this is through facebook or in person, and tell him at a later date (Once you're closer wither him) that you like him :) - Jake


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