
Advice And Teen Support

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If you're a transgender can you be straight/bi/gay?

Yes, you can be anything, (correct me if I'm wrong) transgender is when a person believes that they have been born he wrong gender but it doesn't affect the sexual orientation of that person (Owen)

Is it okay for a 13 year-old girl who's 5'8'' to date a 15 year-old guy at 6ft?

It's perfectly normal for this, you must understand that in doing so you are basically opening yourself up to criticism but if you two truely love eahother you'll be fine. Take it from my point, I've just turned 18 and I have been dating Pippa for over a year. If you two truely love eachother, age is just a number. (Owen)

Hi, urm, i recently stopped self harm and my eating disorder but its all just come back and now i,mharming worse and not eating at all, i just want to be gone as i just feel so messed up, i,ve just got to the point where i cant deal with it anymore ♥

You must keep fighting. Please. Self harm is hard to stop but it's harder to hide and sooner or later someone is going to find out. And then someone else and then roumors are going to spread. It's horrible. I know how you feel. I haven't self harmed in over a year and I'm so happy. Please stop. There are many ways to deal with self harm. Please think about stoping please :) thank you. If you want to talk in private my kik is jjboof12
Stay strong
- Jackie <3

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What can you do when you find out your dads got cancer serouis cancer and you just don't no what to do?

You can't do much, just make his life as easy as possible and keep him happy - Jake
Liked by: Grace(:

Hi,I have a problem 'cause I'm 13,my bf is 15,but I think I'm too short for h

That's fine! :) guys prefer shorter girls! - Jake

Hi,I'm 14 and I've had sex with 7 guys,does that make me a slut?

That is a lot of guys for that age, im sure a lot of people would say you're a slut - Jake

Q for jake- i like my best friend but i dont know how to tell him i dont know if he likes me back or if he just thinks of me as a friend HELP!!!

Don't say it by Facebook or text.. if you're too scared in person then call him and tell him, (not just randomly, once you've been messaging him just before) - Jake

how can i hide my cuts? my friends have seen them and people know i cut but i don't want my school to find out xx

Put bandages on them, if the school ask just say you've injured your wrist - Jake

im so confused and im at the breaking point

Don't break! Wanna tell me what's wrong! If you want you can kik me jjboof12
Xoxo stay strong
-Jackie <3

can you just write something to cheer me up? please! <3

Something to cheer you up? Well, I could just say the truth that, whatever you think about yourself, that there are always people out there that think you are beautiful and would do anything to get you, you just have not found them yet. Remember that, you are always perfect to someone, and one day, you'll find them and you'll be the happiest person in the world - Jake

How should I respond to "why do you like so and so(but there's a name there)" why can't other people leave two people that like each other alone? I like him and he likes me but people can't stand to see me happy for once :( advice?

gotta ignore them. Tell them to back off, and tell rhe guy you like the same thing. Don't listeb to other people and get it sorted with just you two - Jake

So my really good friend that I couldn't live without unfollowed me on ig which is kinda a big deal. I don't get into many fights with anybody. She stopped talking to me which really upset me so i cut, which I promised her I wouldn't do again but most promises are bound to be broken. ~A.K.

I'm so sorry.. This happned to me and my best friend when she ditched me for a concert an took my other 2 friends and I got really upset and felt like I did something wrong. Turns out I made a stupid mistake and ditched her for my bf so she got mad and she still is.
I would tell your friend you broke her promise and then explain to her why and she will get it and apologize or she will be mean and not be there for you which means she's not your real friend...
Please don't cut. Please. Xoxo
-Jackie <3

I've liked this guy for three years, we used to be really close but we drifted apart, he knows I used to like him but he doesn't know I do now. We've been texting again and I really want to ask him to the girls ask boys dance but idk him to be weirded out, but we have been texting lately

If I was you I would text him and ask if any girls had asked him to the dance yet and if he says no then ask if he wanted to go with you. Don't be afraid to take a chance. Good luck
-Jackie <3

There's this guy and we're like best friends and a few nights ago we went on a school trip and I was really sexual with him all night and I really like him. Today we talked and he said he didn't want me to be sexual with him bc we're not going out. I really like him, what should I do?

I would start by telling him that you where trying to have fun by being sexual but that your sorry and then ask him who he likes. He will probably say no one who do you like and you should say somthing like this boy who's really nice and has brown eyes (describe him, the boy) and then he might get the signal. If not it's okay because you can still be friends :)
-Jackie <3


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