
Advice And Teen Support

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Today my little brother told me he was gay (he's 15 I'm 18) and I just said "okay that's fine" and blank realize he was looking for some support, come to find out that he only told me, no one else, so now I know that he trusts me and I feel like I should talk to him but how should I approach this?

Make him feel like it's okay to be gay. Make him feel comfortable and make sure to be supportive! He probably feels alone in this situation so reassure him that he's not alone and that you are there for him no matter what :)
-Jackie <3

I feel like I cant be happy and something so little can tear me down so easily. I just feel like giving up.

Baby don't give up. Never give up. If you gave up it would lead to so many things. Your parents would think they did somthing wrong. Your family members wishing they where nicer. Your best friend wanting to give up too. Please don't. I know times are hard but you will get through them. Stay strong. I'm here if you want to talk. Or privately kik me: jjboof12
-Jackie <3

it's weird that some guys plays joke saying they like me and in a innapropriate way as in a funny way or something and like one of them said that he like me but to me it just feels weird and I'm not in a relationship mood yet ..... idk wat to do

If your not ready for a relationship then tell them that you are not ready to get serious and that they need to wait :)
-Jackie <3

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yes she does know I like her . But the second one and I are good mates and she doesn't know I like her

Well I had this situation once, as soon as I tried to move on the boy I liked liked me back. So don't give up hope.
-Jackie <3

Is it wrong if I hear 2 of my other friends talking about one of my best friends so I go tell her?

That's a hard one and I could argue both sides but if the girls who where talking might find out you told the girl and they might be mad about it. Give it some time and if they still continue to talk about her then I would tell her
-Jackie <3

So the girl I like doesn't feel the same way but she's showed signs she does but when I ask her she says no.I flirt with her all the time . we talk so much over fb and that but very little in person. She gave me some advice to helping her like me bit there not my thing. I also like a different girl?

Does the first girl know you like her? Also if you like two people... Go with the second one because if you really liked the first... There wouldn't be a second...
-Jackie <3

Hey can you help im having alot of problems with my parents

Id be more then happy! If you don't want to use ask.fm you can kik me : jjboof12
-Jackie <3

I dont know what to get my bf for christmas! He's into skateboarding and music and his favorite color is red and I'm so confused! It's our first Christmas and I'm stressing about it.

Why not aak him?? Tell him to give you some ideas! :) - Jake

Ive been talking now to this boy for about 6 months, we used to be in the same class and doesn't live that far from me. We've only been talking online though. Ive fallen in love with his personality but not his looks. im seeing him thursday and im so nervous, but what should I do? :/ xxx

If you are flirty with him he will get the massage and he will either flirt back or he might feel awkward. You can tell if a boy is feeling awkward by his facial expression or if the combs his hair and scratched the back of his neck. Don't be nervous if you have been talking to him for 6 months then that's good! Be happy and relaxed when you are with him. I hope I helped xoxo if you need anything else just ask :)
Good luck!
-Jackie <3

I can kill myself.

no one deserves that the world would be better off with out them. I know what your feeling. Over the summer I was bullied by my best friends and I wanted to take my own life. I didn't go through with it because I knew it would hurt others and would creat a chain of events one after the other of my friends suffering because if my decision. No one really knows I wanted to. And To this day no one really knows.
The pain you are feeling will pass. Trust me. You just have to wait. And waiting is just as painful. I'm sorry that you feel this way and I'm here if you ever want to talk. Just remember that you have people all around you that care about you. You are smart and kind and loving and and over all amazing and if you can't see that about yourself then get a better mirror. Look a little closer. Stare a little longer. You are so strong because there was (and is) something deep down inside you that made you keep trying despite everything and everyone around you who told you to quit.
You are better then then and everyone else because you are better then those people.
So please stay.... Please. You where put on this earth for a reason... And that reason is NOT to leave. I'm here if you ever need to talk.
-Jackie <3

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I don't know what to do anymore, I'm getting badly bullied, they push me, hit me, threaten me and take all my friends away from me, I've told the school they just spoke to the girl and she stopped it for 2 weeks but its started again I want to kill myself :(

Have you spoken to your parents? This may sound daunting but it'll help. Vullies are weak only strong when they think they're in charge. When someone bigger comes along, they bacm off, its best to try every option is it not? - Jake

Thank you, it's gotten really bad lately even though this sounds so bad I nearly strangled my little sister because she was winding me up<3

My little sister does that all the time. You just need to get away from her when she does. She's just little and she will soon grow out of it.
-Jackie <3

been talk to a boy for about a year. he lives a few hours away from me and he just asked me out idk what to say. i really like him but it might not work cus of distance. idk what to do

Long distance relationships are hard work but if it was meant to be they will. If you do like him then I would give him a chance. If the distance is a problem then you both should meet up somewhere in the middle of locations. Such as a movie theater In-between both of your towns.
-Jackie <3

I need help with my temper<3

I also have quite a temper at times. I control my self by breathing deeply for about 20 seconds and clearing my head. If that doesn't work I usually scream into a pillow and if that doesn't work I go for a nice run around my neighborhood to calm me down.
Hope this helped
-Jackie <3

hey my i recently broke up with one of my bffs. she sent me ask.fm hate but keeps denying it. what do i do?

I'm so sorry :(
Anyways, If the ask hate keeps coming and she keeps denying it you can put the link of the ask hate on ip finder. Com and the website will give you an i.p code and you copy that code and put in in i.p tracker. Com and all that persons information will come up. I do it all the time and half of it is from my "friends"
Stay strong <3
-Jackie <3

Hay,I'm almost 13 and I think I might be psychic...or a medium.I've dreamed of real events for like 6 times,and I always feel someone else's presence when I'm alone.I've played guess a number game and I've guessed 15 out of 19.How should I know if I'm really psychic?

My best friends mom is all in to psychics and the paranormal and so am I. Some people may not believe in it as much as others and that's okay. You should right down all your thoughts, dreams and predictions of what the future may be and make sure to write a date. Then if they do happen check them off. That way you know how accurate you are.
Best of luck:)
-Jackie <3

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Advice And Teen Support
Hello, my name is Jackie, I am 13 years old. I love talking to people and helping them with there problems. My prior experience include my parents being abusive to being bullied so bad I thought the world would be better off with out me. I'm here if anyone ever needs to talk. I believe that no one should suffer pain and I really want to help those who do. I thought giving up was an option... It's not.
Here are some facts about me:)
Music helped me through everything.
I love animals
My favorite color is blue
I sing in the shower
My lucky number is 4 and 7
I'm 5'4
My favorite tv show is the walking dead and pretty little liars
English is my best and favorite subject
And my favorite song is Second and Sebring by of mice and men
If you have any questions about me is be happy to Answere them :)
-Jackie <3

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