
Advice And Teen Support

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hello other gorgeous advice pages,please may you share mine we will help you with anything.From periods to self harm we are hear day and night please dot be scared embarresed or ashamed we are here to help you <3

Advice Page. xo

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I broke up with my bf 2 weeks ago and I told him we should cut off all contact in order to get over it but I really miss him and idk what to do

You dont have to completely cut eachother off! If youu to still talk and chat like friends, then one: you wont have lost ur boyfriend completely! And two: you will have gained a new friend! It sort of sounds as if u are not over him and might still like him alot deep down, because u feel the need for space! But closher is good -Gemma

i need to talk to u in private. whts ur kik? cuz when i look up the ones in ur bio nothing comes up


could you share me please. online most of the time. answer all questions as best i can. here to help not judge x

^^ -Gemma

I like a boy. I have his number, we go to the same school & i have some classes together. but i dunno if he is interested or not. i sometimes catch him looking at me, but i dunno if that means something. he also tries acting cool around me. but he doesnt text me or anything. :( i dunno what to do.

Just text him once, and say: hi, how are you? Or something like that, to start the convo off! Youu cant always let the boy make the first move! Alot of guys like confident girls apparently ;) -Gemma

I can do to help rob? I feel like I need to.Sometimes I feel like I can better understand him than my brother does? Like I kinda understand the feeling of him not wanting to go to the pools/ other social outings? sorry about all these messages I hope you can follow them..Anyhow hope one of you help

It is hard for people who are insecure to go to social events like this. You just need to tell the person whom is insecure that, if you are going to a place where either, people know you for who you are, your size etc, then they aren't going to judge you or be shocked or anything, they just think, ah its him. OR, if no one knows you (EG Shopping) where people don't particularly care! - Jake

I'm muslim and i don't wear headscraf but my parents are strict. I'm 14 and everyone is drinking and having a bf.. I dn't want to drink because i have always thought its wrong but i want to know what its like.. Is that wrong?

Not at all, there is nothing wrong with trying something out, i am not muslim, so I am not against drinking, it is hard to say coming from a christian person, In my opininon, I would say, try it, if you like it, thats good, if not thats fine. But thats only MY opinion its down to you - Jake

There is a guy who I have been txting 4 a long time I liked him he lead me on I told him personal stuff then he told me he didn't like me in that way. We are no longer friends and now he is obsessively looking at me, should I confront him? Even though he probs won't give me a straight up answer?

Tell him why is he looking at you? Don't go back for him, move on, because he lead you on so now he is the one who is losing out okay? Confront him, but don't be too mean to him, just make sure he knows what he has lost - Jake

this is different kind of question.. but, ever since I was young I knew I wanted to be a singer so now I want to get involved in music. still, no one knows and I'm afraid to come out. I don't have like the greatest voice but I'm more afraid of what everyone will say. what would you suggest?

Get yourself down to a local club, and get yourself trialed out, if they like you and see talent, they will carry you on. If they see potential, they will train you, if they do not think you're good enough, they would recommend you try a different career :) - Jake

hello, Please can you share our share haven't shared in a while. we want to get the message along that people all around the world don't have to suffer alone we help with anything from eating disorders to suicide etc you can't face something alone you need help& support we are here for everyone .x

- Jake

I'm 14 and 3 stone is that bad

I'm pretty sure that you'd be in hospital. This is dangeriously underweight and if you're female could effect. your menstural cycle. Therefore lowering the chance of having kids. See a Doctor. Immediately.

HELP!!! I'll be 13 in 2 months.I'm a girl.I'm 5'8''...I think I'll never find a boyfriend because I'm too tall...And,how tall will I be when I stop growning? Sorry,can't tell you my parents height,because I'm adopted... H-E-L-P!!!

5"8 is okay, you probably won't grow that much, an inch at the maximum. it's fine, there are plenty of 6 ft guys out there who will be taller than you - Jake

I am deeply sorry for any spam questions that you have received from this page as we have been hacked. I have had to change the password :/ hopefully it won't happen again - izzie xx

Advice and Teen Support
Haven't received any spam, thanks for the heads up anyway Iz xxx


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