
Advice And Teen Support

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how old is Owen and how old is Pippa?

I'm 14, Owen is 18 next month. We've been together for a year and a month. So I don't understand why people are bringing this up again?

hmm can you make your acct more private besides not allowing anonymous questions?

You could always make a new anonymous account and only tell people you want to about it, and the other randoms won't know itz you? - Jake

What happens when Owen turns 19? Won't he be dating a minor?

**18 sweetie :)
And technically, yes. But it's technically not illegal unless we started doing stuff. Which I won't because I don't want to.

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U don't know me? You've never talk to me before so how do you know how it is?

Well then gimme a message, and 1 question. How is my relationship any of your business? Little bit nosy aren't we? :)
Just message me. I'd like to know who's trying to offend me. Notice the word trying :)
Kik; Pippa.Marie
Bbm; 27EC83EA

well im a student...my performance throughout the year is best..but i never score good in the exams....its not that i dont study or i dont know the answers ..i know everything in the syllabus..but when im attempting the exam.i cant recall all the points and i miss stuff..im knowing everything but ye

It might be nerves? Make sure that your mind is completely clear before the exam, and that youu have had plenty on sleep and water to drink! Just take deep breathes and complete the paper as if it is a homework task xxx -Gemma

my friend told me a story of how she went to a club out of town and she made out with a hot boy while the music was loud. I wish i could do something crazy like that. but my parents are strict with me and i am too much of a "good girl". I want to let loose one of these days, but how? btw i am 16

Just be confident in yourself and dont let anybody judge youu! Obviously your parents have made rules for a reason, so please dont go and break them, but just dont think about other people judging youu, just stay considerate but have the best time possible xxx -Gemma

I think im bisexual how can i surely know?im a girl .. Ive never been with a girl but im very attracted to my friend , I think shes amazing and i do like her .. But i Also like guys and i have been with boys So do you think im bisexual?

If youu feel sexually attracted to both boys and girls, then yes, i think that youu are probably bisexual :) -Gemma

so I'm 13 and I have anxiety and depression. do you think people would judge me if they found out?

It all depends on who you tell, and what those people are like - Jake

I can't do the sport I love because of an injury. Been to over 14 doctors, none help. I gave up on it for a year, but picked it up again because of depression. Should I give up and be depressed again or risk getting more injured?

Why don't you try for coaching a sport? Or something along those lines, doing what you love, but not highly risking injury? - Jake

I think my bf is close to breaking up with me but I love him and I can't imagine life without him. What do I do

Talk to him about how you feel. Sit him down and get things sorte, arrange to meet up and enjoy time together - Jake
Liked by: Ani Lessley

My bf said I was acting "fake" around him what does that mean and how can I change thzt

I presume that means, not actin yourself? Or how you use to be? Just be how you are with your friends towards him yeah? - Jake

I had a dream I made out with not one but two of my sister's friends. They're both in Grade 12! I don't understand the dream

Dreams, are wild and crazy. Some say yo dream about what you want to happy? Soke say its judt random thoughts - Jake

I have a Spanish speaking assessment tomorrow and it was meant to be today, but we didnt have time, and it has really stressed me out, I also self harm and was told a few weeks ago that a lot of stress will make me a lot worse so I dont know what to do

Tell the teacher about the stress, and see if there is a way the teacher can help you deal with the stress, or at least help you in spanish - Jake

hello everyone would you take a minute to share our page its getting quite popular now and we want to help.any situation we can answer we are here for you whenever you need us xxxxxxxxx

Advice Page. xo
- Jake
Liked by: Jackie

i seen my girlfriends scars today by accident, im not sure if i should bring it up to her or not i just really want her yo stop :(

As a boyfriend you should not bring it up like, I saw your scars, but if you feel you need to, do it in a relaxed, not a full on approached way, and tell her INSTANTLY you're there to support her and do anything to help her out- Jake

I really like this boy but I don't know him well enough , but I think he likes me back but he smokes weed ect and im not really into that and I don't know what to do

The more you get to know him the more you'll either love him or hate him. Chances are probably love him. If you don't like what he does snd what group he's in, then don't get to know him, and the feelings will die down - Jake

I really like my sister's best friend. I'm in Grade 9, she's in Grade 12. I dream about her all the time and I think she's hot. What do I do

3 years is a bit of an age gap, normally in Britain we stick to two years, but if you really love her. Then tslk to her. Get to know her, see id you can make things work, but unfortunately I can't see it happening, BUT, theres always a chance - Jake

Im afraid my ex best friend will tell everyone i self harmed

If he has any sort of decency he won't. Best thing to do, is try and make a truce and be civil with him, so he won't tell everyone - Jake
Liked by: Ani Lessley

My gf and I broke up yesterday and she already all my friends think she was cheating but idk... Please he'll me!

Its a natural thing they'll think because they wanna take your side cos they're your friends. Just tell them, I don't wanna think or talk about it okay? - Jake

my boy friend and i broke up about a week a ago and we were dating for about a month and we broke up over a stupid lilthing and he thought i lied to him and tht i didnt trust hiim and i miss him so much how can i win him back like he is the world to me and when im not with him it breaks my heart

Tell him what you just told me: that it breaks your heart not being with him, and that youu miss his so much! The best thing to do is talk about it, because only youu know how youu are feeling :* -Gemma

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/103272364006 just everything - having to be who everyone else thinks I am which is unbearable, not being able to trust anyone in fear of them trying to take advantage/only pretending to like me, work, family, having nobody to talk to, just life altogether

I know the feeling sweety, but things are going to get better! Be a 'the glass is half full' kind of person, and just smile alot- it is proven to make youu happier! Find something that youu enjoy and stick to it xxxx -Gemma

In your opinion, what do you think is the best weight for a girl who is 13? Please anyone answer .. Jake, Pippa, Gemma, Bry... xx

It depends on height. All I can say is preferably around 7-8 stone. BUT everyone is a different size and different shape. Some people will look better at 9 stone etc etc. Think about your height, and your build - Jake


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