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my parents have been In the car having a talk... I think they want to get a divorce, so I sat in the fontroom by myself crying they came in and ask whats wrong I said I hurt myself help me please in so sad:(

Just talk to them :* they might not want a divorce, you may have just miss understood! Only you and your family know how things are, and if they are splitting than there must be reasons! Just have a chat with them xxx -Gemma
Liked by: nineties babe

I've gone just over a week without cutting and everything's getting too much I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep it up :/ Nobody knows about it and I can't talk to anyone I know because they'll want to know why I do it and I'm not ready for that. I'm just so tired of everything :/

Sorry for the slow reply :* what are you tired of? Things may seem hard at the moment, but they will soon sort themselves out! After all, everything happens for a reason, and just stick by the people you love and it will all be ok! Dont worry -Gemma

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How do i help someone with a drinking problem?

http://www.addictionhelper.com/students/alcohol/?infinity=gaw~Alcohol~alcohol%20help~34219629331~drinking%20problem~b&gclid=CL6Q8dPJyLoCFRMftAodygsAaQ - this site is supposed to try and help alcoholics.
You need to try and hint, that they have a problem. But if they don't want to admit they have one, then going to a Doctor or someone professional is the only option. Tell them your concerns are they'll see what they can do.

how do i break up with someone nicely? i`m in a long distance relationship and i feel like i'm losing my feelings for him. i dont know what to do. i dont want to hurt his feelings.

You can't exactly break up with someone without hurting their feelings,but sometimes in life we need to be selfish and care more about our own feelings. Now in your case, it's one of those times.
You could just say the usual "I think we should just be friends.." It's known as the easiest let-down.
Liked by: H A Y L E Y ✌️

share me please. here to help all day every day. love giving advice and support to people that need it the most. thanks


No I don't :( but it's okay. I can talk to you on here. So I was really cranky today for some reason and I just am really depressed. I've never been depressed. What do I do? -mk

Firstly, have you been diognosed with depression? If not, go to your doctor and tell him/her your concerns. You're self-diognosing and that's the worth thing to do.
You could have been cranky for various reasons such as; not enough food, not enough sleep, someone annoyed you a little too much etc.
I suggest going to your doctor and seeing what they can do for you.

For the person who writes their own poetry- try google blogger, or on tumblr, you can add a page to your blog, you can do that :) ~ C xox ~

Thanks! - Jake

I have a tumblr blog and basically I write my own poetry, but I want a page with just my poetry on it instead of posting my work alongside everything else I blog. How do I create a separate page for my poetry and link it to my blog?

Have you tried going onto a different website, maybe jsut typin in, create your own blog. And get set up on addifferent website, and then put the link to that in your tumblr page somewhere? - Jake

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20131015160343AAQq5UA ^ does this guy like me? also, his friends look back at me and my friends during lunch and one of them were whispering in the guys ear too. my friends noticed this and told me xD

By the sounds of it, he does. And his friends realise this and are probably pushing him (in a good way) to go and talk to you. But he's probably a bit nervous! Maybe talk to him on Facebook or something? Or face to face and get to know him more! Give him some help to feel more confident :) - Jake

some say "no one wants to live forever" meaning we would be better off dead. but who would want to die?

Why would we want to live forever? It'd be boring. & no-one exactly wants to die, but it's natural and we all have to die someday.

Jake, I'm this person: http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/103276805350, it's gonna sound really daft, but can you please help me get up the guts to actually talk to him again? :c I feel like I should, but I can't get up the guts.. :c

Im not sure what I can say to make you feel more confident, but I guess we could have a tslk about it on kik or something? - Jake

hola, please could you share our advice page, we provide/offer advice about anything from relationship advice to suicidal&selfharm and any other mental health issues. we are online everyday at-least for 4-6 hrs :) thankyou. also if you want a private chat or a specific admin you can just ask.

dontkeepquietx’s Profile PhotoSPEAK-UP

I don't know that there is a problem though, not without asking..

All the same honey, I do suggest telling them.

hey im a boy soon 16 & i have trouble with friendships.. at school i realised people used me so i detached myself from them but i have trouble making friends outside school (i don't really like sports so that makes things harder).. what advice can you give me?

If you are having trouble making friends out of school, then the only suggestion is making different friends in school? Try talking to new people in your class, because if you make friends in school, you'll be able to seen them in school, AND out of school. Otherwise, look up, either by asking or online to see if there are any clubs which you may be interested in (Or social events that are based around one of your hobbies) there you'll be meeting people with the same interests as you - Jake

I'm scared I'm anorexic because it takes me 30 mins to eat one spoon full and then I'm full and im 16 and I fit into 10-11 in childrens clothing??<3

Have you thought about seeing a dietician? He/she may be able to help you start eating decent amounts again. The major factor here is your health, as you are damaging yourself by not eating, and this needs to be sorted :) - Jake

hi everyonee can you please share us we are here for anyone and everyone no matter the situation!even if you dont want advice just come and visit us for a chat!we love you all <3

fayesadvicepagexo’s Profile PhotoAdvice Page. xo
:) - Jake

I'm 15, but my parents would have to drive me to the doctors anyway, there aren't any buses:L I don't mind my parents knowing from the general blood tests, I just don't want to approach them seperately from that :)

But what about if they find out from the blood tests that there is a problem? And you knew but didn't tell them?


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