
Advice And Teen Support

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how do I get a Guy's attention? or how to get him to talk to me?

By talking to him first, maybe show you're interested in him (Not in a fancying way) just show you wanna talk to him. If you're too nervous to do it in person, do it over facebook/text. Because he probably doesn't realise that you want him to talk to you, so if you do that, he may start to talk to you moree :) - Jake
Liked by: Auny

I think I might like my best friend (boy best friend). & I don't know if he likes me back. what are signs that he likes me? c:

He will flirt with you, that's the major thing! He will like being around you a lot, will talk about you a lot (To other friends) he will enjoy your company, he will take an interest in a lot of things you do. He will maybe wanna meet up? arrange a date? Get to see you more? He may hug you a lot, and well, eventually he might tell you he likes you, this is IF he likes you, everyone is different how they show if they like you or not, these are just examples of what he MIGHT do :) - Jake
Liked by: Auny

Please can I have a MASSIVE list of ideas for Christmas presents for my boyfriend (anything up to about £50), just he's planning on spending loads on me in Topshop and stuff so I want to buy him the equivalent but for boys, I'm useless with boys shopping and fashion though! Any ideas?:-)

If he likes Fifa, get him Fifa 14. If he likes football, find out what club he supports, buy him something like that (Say if he supported arsenal, go onto their website and get im something from there) You could get him some pants for a laugh ;) That may be pretty funny, if he is a gamer, find out what games he likes, and see if you see anything in shops like Game, or CEX, see if theres anything he may like. Or DVDS? See what type of films he's into, go into CEX or somewhere and get him some films :P uhh, that's all that comes to my head right now! - Jake
Liked by: Auny

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So I like a boy, supposedly, he doesnt like me but hes always smiling at me and looking at me. But my best friend thinks hes cute. Im use to my friends taking who I like from me but, I dont think I would he okay with them dating. I know my best friend wouldn't do that to me, but its hard to think...

Well, best thing to do. is at least try to get him to like you? OR, show your best friend that you like him, if she doesn't already know. Talk about him a lot, and imply he means a lot to you, so she would never even think of dating him. If you talk about him a lot, (Not too much so she gets annoyed with you) then she will not date him as she will know you are crazily in love with him :P - Jake
Liked by: Auny Cheyenne Mc

who all left the page or got kicked off?

Tai left, due to her not being able to get on, but she is always welcome back. Owen, just was never able to get on, And Luki was kicked off for giving attitude to pippa - Jake
Liked by: wolf advice Auny

I can't stop self harming bry it's hard :(

I understand. Stopping self harming is a very hard thing to do.
What I want you to do is every time you feel like self harming, go to your room, lie down on the bed in the dark and think about all the good things in your life. Or lie down and put some happy calming music on and just listen to it. If you're not at home I want you to draw a heart on your wrist when you want to cut. Put the name of a loved one next to it. That is metaphorically their heart and if you cut, you are breaking their heart. And if they knew you were doing it, it really would break their heart.
Alternatively if none of these work there is a list of 60+ ways to stop self harming on the likes page on here (it's near the too so it should be easy to find) or you can message me whenever you need me. I may not always be able to answer straight away but I will try to as soon as possible.
I have kik: bryonyweetch
Bbm: 7c3715b3
Or you can text me on: 07879553550
Bry x

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Liked by: Auny

Me and my boyfriend had safe sex with condom but he fingered me and I'm not sure if there was some sperm on his hands and in scared I might be pregnant because it happened to my best friend she is 3 months pregnant I'm scared :( help

It is possible so I would advise you take a test or see a doctor but it is very unlikely as sperm cannot live outside the body for much more than a minute due to the temperature but if you're worried then take a test
Bry x

Your beautiful bryony xxx

Ok guys I appreciate the confidence boost and all but you can stop. I know I'm not and that's the end of it. Thank you all anyway tho x
Bry x

I dunno who you are Bry but you are friggin gorgeous.

Aww thanks x like I said I don't think I am but thank you. I bet you're beautiful
Bry x

Bry you're beautiful, never let anyone tell you otherwise <3

Aww you're sweet. I know I'm not tho so it's fine x
Bry xx


Advice And Teen Support
Guys, not too many questions tonight, and I generally have nothing much else to do, so can some of you guys gimmie a message on kik? I will still be answering questions when they come, but at the moment, there aren't any. My Kik is Catman_Jake, and no we won't be talking about the page unless you want to. [I bet i'll go no messages ;)] - Jake

Ok so im in a relationship with my bf but then I realised hes not the right one for me he doesn't really keep me happy, we don't talk a lot and i think hes losing interest in me anyway. There's this other guy who keeps me much happier, would it be ok to dump him for this guy? Hes really nice to me

If you're not happy then of course it's okay for you to not be with him. If I were you though, I'd wait a little while before you do decide to get with him. Talk to the guy who makes you happier, see if he likes you back x

How can you tell if a guy is a player

He will flirt with a lot of people, talk to a lot of girls in general (Guess that means the same thing) He will go out with a lot of girls, use a lot of girls, and generally not be loyal to a person - Jake

You spelt *Left the page* wrong, oops :**

That's of saying, a teacher left, rathered than getting fired. It just shows that they weren't fired. So nah, Pippa kicked you off ;) People who leave, still have access to the page :P - Jake

how can i ask out a guy without it being awkward?

Wait for the right moment (I can't tell you when this will be, only you will be able to find it out) and, if you feel saying 'do you wanna go out with me' is awkward, that's fine.. Just word it differently.. maybe something along the lines of, you telling him how you feel etc etc, and asking if you wanna take your friendship a step further? Or however you feel you can put that into your own words :) - Jake

C P2: I don't deserve this much luck. It's all just so overwhelming. Is that bad?

Not at all. As long as you don't take advantage of what you have, just be grateful. When you are older, you can always do things for charity, to raise money, so it won't make you feel as bad. I say when you're older, you could do it now if you really want to! - Jake

Why are some guys homosexual? Is it possible for them to turn bisexual/straight?

If a guy is homosexual, then they cannot turn bisexual or straight. They MAY REALISE, that they are bisexual or straight, but cannot turn bisexual or straight. Why are they? Everyone is different, but treat everyone the same. - Jake

share us please,we are here for everyone day and night whatever the problem we wont judge you and we want to help!you can ask for an admin you like/want it you would prefer,even if you dont want advice just coem to us for a chat we are always here <3

Advice Page. xo
- Jake


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