
Advice And Teen Support

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i know my best friend cheated on her boyfriend and shes been with him for over a year and a half and i think that her boyfriend has a right to know but she won't tell him what, should i do?

If the cheating was an accident, a moment of weakness, then keep it personal. Because if she cheated, and stopped cheating, she realised what she was doing is wrong, and that she made a mistake, and also the fact she still loves him. If you tell her boyfriend, it will only cause problems, she's only hiding it from him because she doesn't wanna lose him, if they split up, it will be likely she will tell him, but for now, she is doing it because she loves him and doesn't wanna lose him, so don't get involved, or you get in trouble - Jake

talks to us like my friends and i, she always gets mad! WTF?

Personally, there is not a huge amount you can do, it is hard to change people, their personality. The only thing that could happen, is if her boyfriend has had enough and dumps her, then she starts to lose friends etc, then she will realise what she has been like, but for now, I have a similar proper, or have done in the past, and the sad thing is, is that the only way I have known how it has been sorted, is either, some people, all ganging up and getting quite agressive in what they say, or by just her losing friends, it's not a nice thing, and I wouldn't recommend either, as they are both very mean things to do, - Jake

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J or l whats your ideal girl

Brunette, loves banter, easy to talk to and be around, isn't a massive flirt, loves to watch up and cuddle and watch films, is relatively slim, and that's about all really, someone who has similar interests to what I do - Jake

help. my best friend has a boyfriend, and shes pissed off at me for getting a date to the next dance. she likes the guy as a friend, and ive liked him for a while. but shes pissed off for no reason. im happy i got him but, sad because shes pissed. any ideas why shes p'o'ed? xx:*

maybe because she might be jealous? Yes i know she has a boyfriend, but some people like to have what others don't, and when others get something similar to what they have, they might get jealous? Or that maybe he prefers your guy compared to his boyfriend? maybe hes better looking etc? - Jake

Continuation (schizophrenia): okay so I don't have friends that I trust for some reason and I have no one. really. no one. Can i go admit myself to some psychiatrist without a guardian? I don't know what to do. I just wanna die and I feel stuck

You need to tell a parent, even though they are busy, they will make time to get you to councillor and get you diagnosed, and getting aid, and I don't believe you can admit yourself, you'll need a guardian - Jake

So I starve myself and I went to text my friend about the voices getting louder but I accidentally sent it to the guy I like and he freaked out and he seems scares to talk to me now, what do I do?xx

Just explain the situation to him, and ask him not to tell anyone and to not act differently and things like that! Why do you starve yourself honey? :* -Gemma

Don't care who answers but what if the guy you like doesn't like you and likes one of your closest friends but you truly love him and the boy text you a lot and snapchats you a lot but you have no idea if he may like you or just her or even you and her can you help I talked to him a lot in person:(

You cant really do anything sweet, you cant force someone to like youu! Just keep smiling and stuff, but maybe talk to your friend and ask how she feels? Because you shouldnt flirt if she does like him, but if not, and your certain, i would go for it! Good luck :* -Gemma

When I was younger I didn't care what people thought about me.There's this boy I made a bad impression on that I now like. Truth is he doesn't even know my name, but when he see's me, he thinks I'm a total freaky jerk. What should I do?

People change, he should know this.
If you regularly hang around him, he'd notice you're different, honestly I can't Even remember half of the peoples personalities from years ago..we forget, there's nothing to worry about.
Try & make a good impression sooner or later..
Liked by: Marie Granados

I'm 19 and it seems to me that the only thing boys my age or older are only interested in having sex with girls, how can i tell them i'm not interested in just a one night stand but something that will last? i've had trouble in plenty of relationships before, don't wanna go down that road again:/

Just say it.
Tell them "Look, you may only want one night with me, but I'm looking for something serious".
Watch out for some as some might lie in order to have sex with you, generally try to pick up guys on a non party atmosphere, like at the park or at work..

I'm like totally stressed out...sometimes i feel like running away or just sleep on a bed forever...all those pressure from school is just killing me inside...yesterday i cried suddenly in class and i had no idea what was going on srsly is there something worng with me?

Have you tried taking time off school, like a mini holiday, sone time for yourself could be good.
Try & get some alone time, just so you can think, try..
Going on walks.
Putting the music in &' zoning out.
Or just ignoring the world, in a mind state.
You only go to school once, make it worth it.

I can make her laugh with in seconds, {all my friends want me to be a comedian} Would that help me in anyway :c

That's a very good thing then! & of course, girls really do love a guy that can make them laugh, it's attractive.

Okay, so i like this girl & we always cuddle & hold hands in person. I try & message her on facebook but i get rally shy & don't know how to start talking to her, how do i start a conversation off, how do i get her to like me back... I actually love her a lot. :/ Help mee :c Please

Sadly, you can't get a girl to make her like you. You have to try grab her attention, be bold and bright, try not to be shy. Girls love a confidident guy, also a guy that can make them laugh.
Try to start it up by saying something about meeting up for example? "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to (meet up/go cinema etc) with me?xxx" try adding kisses on the end and every couple messages back, add a couple extra kisses.
Good luck honey :)

Idek why you wanna know who I am tho :/

So I can make sure you're safe? You're making me sound like I'm some sort of pervert.

Would it be Okay to tell a guy your nervous to see him

See him? As in meet him? If so yeah. Just say "I'm a little nervous, I haven't done this before/for a while"
Most of them will be sensitive about it and try to make you feel comfortable around him, good luck x


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