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I'm 15 and I've never had a bf. does this mean I'm ugly?xx

No, of course not! It sounds cheesey, but maybe you just havent found the right guy! Everybody is beautiful, and perfect in there own way! Somebody looks at you everytime they see you, and think: 'wow, she is gorgeous' xxx its kind of a good thing you are able to wait :)) xxx -Gemma

What if i missed a period? When will i get my next one? (and btw i have missed a one because i was stressed and very sick)

You can't really tell if you have missed one due to stress or sickness! So maybe when you were originally due next, but you cant really tell xxx -Gemma

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Hey how can I get my first kiss? I like this boy and I think he likes me but I'm not sure i ketch him staring at me a lot and I just want my first kiss so bad were both 14 and idk have u had urs and is it really that magical and what's it like how can I get it tell me all the details and everything!

I had my proper first kiss afew months ago! It is really sweet! We were standing in an empty corridor, and it was really quite, and we were just chatting. Then i had to say by, so we always hug goodbye, and after we hugged, my arms were still around his neck, his around my waste, and we looked into eachothers eyes, smiled, and pecked eachother on the lips, and then went in for a longer kiss!
If you would like your first kiss, make sure u really like the guy, and he likes you back, otherwise it could be awkward! Then it is more likely to get a good kiss if you are in a bit more private than normal, then just chat and smile, and giggle etc, then maybe go for a goodbye hug? Xxxx or just lean in for a kiss when the time is right! You'll know it xxxx -gemma

I'm 16&my boobs are really small :( have they stopped growing?

Maybe, maybe not! If you massage them 100 times every morning and night, they grow quicker! Though you could also wear a pushup bra? Xxxx -Gemma

Is it normal for a girl who is 13 to have boobs or not?

Yes, you can hit pubertity anywhere between 8 or 16! Xxx -gemma

How to know if my best friend really cares about me or not?

Ask them! Talking is the best solution! I wouldnt do it over text because there is a record of things, and you can sometimes slip, but face to face would be a good idea! Just say that it might sound soppy, but u love her as your bestfriend and are so lucky to have them, then just say do you care about me? Xxxx -gemma

I applied for the sake of it but then I thought I had a chance because you got my hopes up.

Tell me how we got your hopes up? - Jake

I didn't go wrong. I said every thing. I told the truth about everything. I don't need to be better. You made it seem that way, you just put my hopes up. I'm moving on because I knew it wouldn't actual happen.

If you knew it wouldn't happen you wouldn't have applied. And, an interview can always be improved. No one was perfect, but Gemma was best - Jake

At the moment he has a girlfriend but he flirts with my and he grabbed my bum the other day we have so much history but its wrong what were doing now and I don't know what to do

Just say to him. You're my best friend, I don't wanna lose a friend like you. It is better to have a best friend who is male, compared to a boyfriend who may break down, and you may lose that relationship, isn't it? Keep as friends, and you two will stay friends for a long time - Jake

You didn't have to get my hopes up so much because that isn't fair. I have been disappointed enough times, I told you and Pippa everything.

I did not say to anyone, you have a better chance than anyone else. Gotta accept defeat and move on. If you wanna be better, learn from where you went wrong. If you want some feedback. Message me on kik - Jake

i've been so emotional lately, can't stop crying, is this a sign of depression? my brother said that it could be because i'm stressed..

Stress can cause a lot of things. Have you tried doing some stress releasing methods? such as, going for walks, getting a hot drink, playing with a pet. Getting a massage, this is such a relief it is unreal. Watch a comedy? Listen to music? Any of these ways can reduce stress, see how you feel after doing this for a short while (maybe a week or two?) - Jake

I have already had enough. So rude! You got my hopes up.

We have nothing to apologise for, we gave everyone a fair reasoning, gave everyone an interview, and Gemma did the best, what we were looking for - Jake

I'm 14 years old and I'm 5ft 7 and I weigh 9 stone is that bad? I don't think I'm over weight but I feel horrible when I go out like with my friends or shopping I don't feel good in anything sometimes I just want to cry what could I do to lose a bit of weight?

You are a complete healthy weight, but if you wanna lose weight, just increase the amount of exercise, by a small amount, and decrease what you eat by a small amount, as you don't need to lose weight - Jake

Why do some take longer? Because of the seriousness of them? Or?

The difficulty of them, or depending if it is a weak spot in our knowledge - Jake

His dad hits him sometimes but I think he does more than that .... I really don't know what to do help please?

Tell him, that guys, always do the sensible thing. And the sensible thing to do, is to tell someone about this. As this is not just a problem, this is illegal. Tell him it is illegal, because it is, and that it needs to be reported. The sensible thing to do is, to concentrate on exams, not by putting up with this - Jake

Say now one of you are on but you don't know to answer a question will you leave it? or will you delete it?

We don't delete questions, some take longer to answer compared to others though - Jake

I think I have depression But I don't know how to get help or who from

Best thing to do? Tell someone you trust, but, not your friends preferably if you're looking for help, as they will care for you, but will not be able to help you. You will need to tell an adult who can get you help, whether its parents/guardians or a teacher. They will be able to re-direct you to professional help, and get this depression under control IF you work with them - Jake


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