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i think my crush used to treat me better and is now treating me coldly is because he probably thought that i started to like him back and now he thinks it's too easy. i hate boys.

Well As Most Girls Do, You Might Have Made Liking Him Noticeable..
So He Practically Knows You Like Him, So You Might Aswell Tell Him..
..Or If You're Nervous About That, Try Ignoring Him For A While, He Might Think Your Feelings Changed, &' Act In Hopes Of Them Still There!
-Lukey ¥

do guys notice if a girl is acting kind of cold towards them? or are they completely oblivious to everything?

Excuse Me,
We're Not 'Completely Oblivious To Everything' ..It's Quite Obvious In Most Situations, Unless It's Your First, & Even Then It's Easy To Tell ..
Try & Minus The Nervous Activity Around Guys You Like, It'll Make It Ten Times More Un Noticeable...
-Luki ¥ x

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New admin?

Their Announcing Tomorrow!
I Personally Hope It's An Attractive Female, With A Rockin' Bod.
But Not All Wishes Come True :(
-Luki ¥ x

how can i make a guy feel bad about treating my friend coldly all of a sudden?

You Shouldn't Be Purposely Trying To Make Him Feel Bad, That's Mean &' Will Hurt His Feelings.
Although & This Is My Opinion, Some Faggots Just Need To Be Taught That A Girl Isn't A Toy, You Can't Just Drop &' Pick Her Up Whenever You Want To. Here are some tips..
Tell Him You Think He's Being Arrogant Towards Your Friend?
Ignore Him When He Tries To Talk To You Both?
Give Him Dirty Looks.
Tell Him To F#*K Off & Find Another Girl To Toy With & Explain How You Think He Should Change, Or Face Being Lonely For Ever .. []
Luki ¥ x

what is the fastest and most effective way to crush a guy's ego?

There are load of ways.
Why do you want to crush a guys ego in the first place? It's a bit mean.. But if you truly need to 'crush his ego' just reveal him for who he is, if you think he's an egotistical jerk, tell him that not every girl wants him, &' that he's not perfect at everything.
Ego isn't a negative thing, so I assume you're doing it to hurt the guy, which is rude &' Mean, so I'm saying you shouldn't do it, but if you're doing it for the better good, go ahead.
Just remember not to hurt him too bad, that's bullying.
Luki x

Is it really that rude to ask a guy if he knows any hot guys if I'm joking?

Yeah, I would say so unless its blatently obvious it was a joke - Jake

My mpm asked me if im being bullied because I always get dirty clothes when I'm at school. But there only dirty because lima boy and mess around with my friends at lunch. But im never bullied, help?

Best thing to do, tell her about your day before she asks.. just ask how her day was, once she has said, then say, yeah lessons were boring etc etc, played football at lunch and got filthy, and that will stop her from asking - Jake

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/102478605798 but she doesn't want help, she wants to die. If i they and get adults involved she'll kill herself just like that. She doesn't want people to worry about her so she hasn't told anyone but meand she only told me because I told her that I'm suicidal too

Why not help each other then? you rely on her as much as she relies on you. The best thing to do is get adults involved, maybe if you do with yourself, and it is sucessful she will see this and maybe try that as well? - Jake

My best friends tried to commit suicide loads of times but I've talked her out of it but idk if I can keep convincing her not to.. what do I do?x

You need to tell her to get professional help. She can't keep puttin the pressure on you, and so she will need to tell people how she feels and she should seek professional help - Jake

if you want kids how many and what would you name them?

I don't particularly want kids so I have not thought that fsr ahead yet - Jake

I'm a recovering selfharmer and suffer with severe depression, people are saying I shouldn't have a baby as I am messed up.. What do you think??

All im going to say is, is that by having a baby will put a lot more pressure on yourself, give it some time, see how things go, don't think about a baby for now, think about yourself, wait until you have recovered more, as you can have a baby at any time - Jake

what symptoms do I need to look out for (apart from morning sickness) for pregnancy??

Firstly you can do a test can't you? Of course, there will be a change in your period due to a pregnancy, you may also feel very, very tired, and also have sore breasts too, these are the most common, everyone else is different. If you want more information on these, visit the NHS website,
- Jake

I opened upto a guy about everything, all my secrets and I did something wrong and now his saying it was all an act and that it wasn't really me.. but I was more than honest with him I told him things I'd never told anyone. I feel so shit :( I dunno what to do. I even told him when I went wrong....

Firstly, give it some time, until he calms down. Then, talk to him again when he is more understanding. Then, talk to him again about it, and see what he says okay? All you can do, is tell him over, and over again, bring it up once in a WHILE. Eventually, he will believe you - Jake

hi , i need help . theres this boy we've been together for nine months . Nine months of hell , we are only together now cuz we claim we love eachother then again were only 13 -.- our first two months we were already arguing . He blams every bad thing that happens to him on me. Should we brake up?

If you are not happy, then split up with him! You should be happy in a relationship - Jake

When are you announcing the new admin?:3

We did say tonight, but pippa has not been on to decide, so it may be postponed until tomorrow - Jake

Why ask for pippas opinion and then kick off about it, you asked for HER opinion.

Exactly! Thank you anon xo

(CONT) You Say It Determines what a man wants from a woman? Wtf, Women are proven just as much to watch pornography? Your opinion isn't only wrong, but yet terrible, sexist and rude. So Maybe you should just leave questions like that to people who know what their talking about okay? -PIPPA.

It's a question. They didn't specify WHO it was for, and honestly.
I don't care what you say, I know what I'm talking about. It's my opinion is it not?
It doesn't mean it's right, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Nicest way possible, don't like my answers? Keep it to yourself. :))

Pippa You mole. You're being completely sexist, just as many women watch porn as Men Do? How can you say they don't have any feeling when they do it? Uh? Sex is sex? There's always feeling? As if you'd know? You're what twelve? You say it's a way to give man an insight into what he wants from (CONT)

I never knew I was a mole :o
It's genuinely my opinion so I couldn't care less about what you say :)

is it okay to tell a stranger what country youre from?

It's Not Bad? It's Not Like He Will Hunt You Down If He Finds Out Your Country.
Just Don't tell him your Adress!

Um so this guy that I like keeps texting me, and he keeps talking about how I would be a cheerleader and he would be a surfer dude and I'm kinda scared?

I think he's just implying you two might be a perfect couple? You could either.. tell him you're being creepy or just be blunt with him.. or ignore him completely. I would ssy the first option - Jake


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