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http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/68908410598 I don't want to lose him though, he helps me so so so much but we were both looking forward to it and then it isn't going to happen, he hasn't replied to my last message from like an hour ago and I don't want to upset anything:(

Just ask him to meet up another day then! and say you feel upset that he ditched you for his friends! - Jake

masturbating hurts

It only hurts if you have done it too much, might want to stop for a bit, and if it still continues to hurt after a break, visit your GP - Jake

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please can I talk to someone away from here? I need to vent myself a bit and everyone else seems to mind that I moan to them and I can't deal with it anymore

You can message me on kik? I'm free now Catman_Jake - Jake x
Liked by: megan hobbs

good preparation for exam tips? And good revision tips for higher grades? Thanks xxx

Best thing to do? Is to revise, as much as you can. Write things down. Reading things isn't revision. You gotta write it down. If you don't you won't remember it. Also, do not revise for too long! If you revise for 3 hours straight, your brain would have died by the time you're finished, making you even more tired, and taking in less reviison, which means you'll remember less. So do an hour, or 90 mins.. take a break, maybe for 20-30 mins or more. Then carry on. And the best thing? Just remember, when you're walking into the exam hall, you could have done everything you can possible, so no need to be nervous, as you have prepared as much as possible okay? :) Im here on kik if you have any more questions, Catman_Jake feel free to kik me - Jake xxx

on thursday(inset day)boyfriend was gonna come to mine if he could and I was looking forward to it so much bc everything else has been going wrong atm.today he told me he was going to his friends and I just feel shit bc he said he'd see me if he could and idk what to do or what?

Ask him, why are you ditching me to see your friends? And say EXACTLY how you feel, that you were really looking forward to it, and now you are disappointed and feel really upset. And tell him to meet up another day? Maybe saturday? And make sure that he see's you. - Jake

I have this best friend. He's a guy and we tell each other anything. I kinda have feelings for him even tho I know I'm not supposed too. I know he doesn't like me back and he tells me who he likes. It hurts when he talks about her and I don't know what to do. Help :(

Best thing to do? Is to tell him how you feel, it won't change anything, well it shouldn't if you're best friends, and he will watch what he says now, so he doesn't upset you, if it is it is only accidently! - Jake

We have decided we want to change our name, the options are: Here to Help or Support for You. Could you send us a question NOT answer with which one you think is better if you don't mind, just because we need to count late? If you would like to have a say, feel free, it is completely up to you!:)

Support for you❤️
Support for you, as here to help is very, very common. But that's just my personal opinion - Jake

I think my girlfriend wants a break, and she's not exactly the most unpopular girl and I'm scared she'll find someone better. What do I do?

Unfortunately if she doesn't want a relationship anymore there's nothing you can do. Tell her how you feel though and that you don't want her to leave, and ask her if there's anything you can do to keep her with you. Put in more effort into the relationship and shown her how much you care-Tai

Average height,weight and bra size for a 12 year old girl??

There isn't really an average because your weight is affected by your height and vice versa. Same goes for bra size but I'd say around an A or B cup -Tai

There's this really cute guy in the year above me, and I really want to get to know him but i'm too shy :( An tips? x

Pop up to him on facebook or something, ask a question about school or something and start a conversation that isnt face to face at first,. Then he might start saying hi to you around school or you starty saying hi to him and eventually you should build a friendship!-Tai

i just found out i have anxiety but don't believe me should i talk to the school about my anxiety this way they wont make me read things out and things?

yes, definitely talk to your school. Show them a doctors note and they'll be a lot more easy on you-Tai

...harrassment because he wouldnt let me go when i asked him to?

yes its sexual harrassment and you need to tell him you absolutely do not want it and make it clear to him. You won't seem frigid, but it will get the message to him. If he carries on after that you need to tell someone asap because what he's doing is wrong -Tai

One of my best friends touched my bum and boobs and fanny, and said he wanted to kiss me and feel me all over and stuff, and he is known for being a bit pervy!! But it was a bit scary, and i tried to pull away without showing him that i was 'frigid' if u know what i mean? It that sexual ...


In a way I want something to happen coz then maybe we will get back together

There's a tiny chance, you might hook up, but then you's would most likely be drunk and probably regret it, or suffer from him using you on the night and you taking it seriously. Try not to let that happen.
Luki xo
Liked by: Sarah Vojta

I have been invited to this party and its a 21 year olds party and there is gonna be drink they and my ex bf is going and I think something is gonna happen what shall I do

Stick with your gut x if you think it's not safe don't go, but out its that important you need to go, make sure to take someone you really trust so that if anything bad does happen, they're there to protect you.
Drinking can get put of hand sometimes so safety is important, if you're underage you shouldn't drink, but as if that'll stop you, just make sure when drinking an another environment to always be sure you can get home safely too,
Twenty year olds can be dicks, just remember your safety should be your top priority.
Luki xo

I have a crush on this guy, he's in grade 9 and I'm in grade 8 He always compliments me and we talk heaps We go to the same school but we don't talk We only talk through Facebook :/ What should I do? How do I know if he likes me?

Ask him to meet up out of school? And get to know him well! If things go well when you meet up, you two may start to talk more in school. And hopefully, things will become clear then. - Jake

Jake have you ever been in love/liked a girl? if so when?+what happened?

Yeah I have, and when? I can't remember, a while ago :P What happened? Things didn't work out :P - Jake

I have full predictions.With people,places and even time!!

That's so cool! You have a gift Maaaan! Tell somebody, anybody that's sweet!


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