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Bry what is your opinion on people who just randomly start to ignore someone?

Honestly I think it's unfair for somebody to ignore someone without at least giving them a reasonable explanation as to why they are ignoring them. It just leaves the person who is being ignored, upset and wondering what they could have done and end up beating themselves up about it
Bryony x

Bry, someone has been ignoring me, I don't know what I have done wrong

I know the feeling. Basically you just need to confront them and ask them why. Otherwise you'll never know. You just need to go up to them and say 'ok you've been ignoring me. Have I done something wrong because if so tell me because I genuinely don't know'
Bry x

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Hey girls what physical features do you find attractive in a guy? Thanks Any girl apart from pippa, just because she's got owen.

Well personally I like guys who look (and I hate this label but I have no idea how else to describe it) emo-ish. Like black hair, dark eyeliner, pale skin, piercings, ear stretchers, etc.
Although that's not the only thing I find attractive but other guys I find attractive have nothing in particular about them that I could pick out.
But remember every girl is different and likes different things x
Bryony x

Are any of you in love?

Obviously Pippa and Owen are in love with each other and I would say I am with this guy. I don't know about the others
Bry x

Jake you should look at stephen hawking documentries about space & aliens next time you're bored it'll blow your mind.Also some scientist who beleive in big bang theory beleive if it expands it has to contract (newtons 1st law) which means the universe will implode and some say theres been several

If I have any free time I will! Im an extremely busy guy though! - Jake

the girl i really like is ignoring me it says " seen" but no reply:((

Well unfortunately in some cases this happens, but have you tried to ask them why they're ignoring you? If you have and they still won't reply then the best thing you can do is try to get over them before they hurt you even more (Owen)

I have cut before but I didn't tell anyone, I stopped but i'm scared of people in my school seeing my scars.

Wear foundation, bracelets, get bio oil which helps remove scars. My honest opinion would be live with it. It was your decision to cut so now it's your decison to live with the after-effects. You are who you are, don't try and change that.
Liked by: Ask Fm bhu

hey guys, please share my page, sorry to be a pain, but i am here to help, and i love to help. Anyone who is having trouble with coming out as gay/bi/lesbian or any relationship troubles, i also deal with self harm and suicidal thoughts, and more like sexual abuse. thank you <3 xxxx

Official Danni
You're not a pain <3 Keep it up! <3 x

The big biang is just a theory.On a personal level I beleive in it but it hasnt been proven jake.

Exactly, it will probably only ever be a theory. I believe in it though. - Jake

Even when darylann was in hospital if I kik her shed answer!

She was an amazing and a lovely admin, sadly she was noted and voted 'Inactive' and at the moment we can't have that, sorry :3
(L) ~

(Prt 2) i know she dosnt cheat at all anymore, but when she did, i never told anyone and forget about it most of the time. But sometimes i think about what i saw and how i felt sorry for my step dad, and i just hate her even though it was a long time ago. I stil cry about it rarely. What shoud i do

Perhaps confronting your mother about this situation is the best thing for you to do at the moment? It seems you're quite dazed with the problem, your mum might be able to shed a good light on this.
Every cheating woman always has her reasons, if it's abuse, not enough sex, or perhaps she's just falling out with your step dad, there's a reason.
Don't blame yourself, this happens a lot, a lot of couple go through the 'Should I cheat stage' or 'Maybe I'd be happier if'.
When you approach her about this, tell her it's worrying you, and you'd like to know why she'd cheat, if she's happy what happened?
There are a lot of things you may not know about your mum and step dads relationship, they might be fighting, who knows?
Obviously with your step dad when he was in Afghanistan your mum wasn't getting any stimulation such as sexual intercourse Ect, she was probably bored not having sex and needed someone to fulfil her desires.
Best ask her, get it off your chest <3 You will hopefully feel better after that!
Luki xo

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About 5 years ago, i cought my mum cheating on my step dad while he was in Afghanistan. I cried myself to sleep but she told me it was nothing. Im not stupid because i know what i saw, but we moved away after my step dad came back and now living a healthy life i guess. (Continuing)


one of my best friends has had this massive crush on this boy, and i recently have gotten closer to this boy... and i feel so bad saying this, but i also have a crush on him... should i tell her? or should i just try and get over it?

What a predicament, it'd be best to tell your friend now before making your move on him because she may look at it like you're going after the guy she likes purposely, tell her how you've became close and that you're terribly sorry it happened this way but it was inclined to happen, who knows she might think of it as nothing, but she could also get protective about it making her more of an enemy towards you, meaning if she knows she has competition to get this boy, she'll try as hard as she can to get him, which means you can't have him, sadly.
Think of it this way, either you loose a friend and gain a boyfriend, or keep a friend and 'possibly gain a boyfriend, keep in mind it's not possible and you might end up loosing both your friend and never having a shot with the guy.
Keep In mind, boys come and go, friends last forever <3
Luki xo

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i really like this boy, but i don't know if he's interested in me. i went to a party and he was there last night, and at the end we hugged i know it's np big deal but i dont know what to do.. help

Aw that's cute.
Hugging shows he doesn't dislike you which takes you on the right track which means you two can only get closer.
Try messaging him, talking to him face to face, get yourself closer to him, invite him on cute dates, dinners, anything to bind you together, then make your move, you can be subtle and one night just full on make out with him, or you can ask him out either face to face or you can online?
Luki xo

I keep having dreams that I commit suicide what does this mean

Sounds more like a nightmare..
In some ways it might be a message, have you felt suicidle recently? Have you any feelings for it at all? Do you self harm? Ask yourself these questions :3
Luki xo


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