
Advice And Teen Support

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Ok so uh I have this guy friend lets call him James and I just moved away across the country. Ever since then hes been texting me about how much he misses me and stuff and the most we've done is hug. So just recently he said when I come back he wants to cuddle and if I don't have a place to stay I c

It's just a matter of moving on isn't it? It's life, and you gotta get on with it? Both of you will move on eventually - Jake
Liked by: megan hobbs

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i think about giving up on ever getting a girlfriend

If you give up, you have no chance of getting a girlfriend, if you keep trying, there is always a chance - Jake

jake do you have any ideas what I can draw?

Let me think of something random.. How about... drawing a cat... on a beech towel... on the sand.. with the Sea in the background? At lets say.. dusk! (Evening) :D - Jake

I'm talking to a guy named dylan. and I really like him. he knows and we're pretty serious I guess, but he just got out of a 2 and a half relationship but isn't ready yet. should I wait? he's 4 years older than me but we see each other every day all the time. I feel like I'm in love with him..

Give him time, don't push him into anything okay? Be there to support him, and just take things slowly. It might be an idea to tell him how you feel, when you feel ready. But give him time okay? - Jake

How often do condoms break

If put on CORRECTLY, very. very. Very rarely. I believe the chance is like 0.01% or something so small - Jake

please don't judge, I cheated on my boyfriend once and found out i was pregnant, I couldn't tell him nor the guy I slept with, I am now 3 months pregnant and people are starting to notice ! i am scared, I know what I did was terrible but I don't know what to do :(

Be honest with everyone darling, tell him it was a mistake, he'll be upset might even dump you but it's better to be honest then lie! And with the baby part you'll be perfectly fine beautiful
~ darylann

I wish i could be good enough

Don't we all sweetie? But believe me, you are good enough. No-one should feel like they aren't. Why do you feel like you're not good enough?

What do you think a stereotypical gay man would look or dress? In your opinion Tai

I don't believe in gay stereotypes so I don't really have an opinion -Tai

i have never had a girlfriend and never will

Why do you say that? Just cos you haven't had one doesn't mean you won't ever get one - Jake

Ok so there's this boy and I really like him and I think he likes me too but I don't know. So anyways, we've held hands, I've sat on his lap and hugged cause I was scared, and we've slept in the same bed right next to each other and used each other as a pillow. I don't know what to do. Help me? (:

Tell him how you feel! Say you kinda have a big crush on him, im sire he'll find it vrry sweet, and it's likely he might say the same back, then everything should fall in place from thrre for you twp! - Jake

im a week clean i think? i ran my balde over my skin a few times but i didnt bleed does this mean im not clean or

Self harm isn't about whether to bleeds. Did you hurt yourself by doing this? -Jake
Liked by: Sarah Vojta

But my friends found out and told a teacher that teacher the phoned my mam and dad I I've done really good it took a lot of work and I'm still not there fully but I'm just so upset all the time and I don't know what to do I just feel so low about myself :(( help please I know it's stupid but please?

Hobbies. Do your hobbies, the reason why is because when you know you're going to do your hobby or think about it.. it'll cheer you up! You'll feel grest when doing it.. and after you'll feel good about doing it. And it can really cheer you up. If you don't do anything you overthink. If you overthink you get depressed - Jake

Had scars all across her leg a few had not long ago been made I felt like crying (I don't normally cry I'm not a baby but I care so much for her and I didn't notice)she started to stir so I walked out of her room and told her mum she's asleep I'll catch up with her later I don't know what to do :(?

Talk to her about what you saw, as she will trust you andbjust be honest. Make it an emotionaltalk. Facebto face. Tell her you walked in.. saw the scars and staryed crying.. and if you feel its right.. thenbtell het how you feel for her okay? - Jake
Liked by: Auny

So my boyfriend and I live far away and over the whole summer and about 2 months he hasn't talked to me except for once. I don't know what I should do. I really like him and I don't want to let him go but I don't want to drift away either. -Relationship_Probs

Talk to him and tell him that you think he should make more of an effort, or make the effort yourself. If neither of you can be bothered then its obvious the relationship obviously isn't working -Tai

What are some signs a guy might be gay? What would you look for? Thanks xoxo

If he never shows any interest in girls, doesn't talk about girls, doesn't chack them out, he's probably gay -Tai

if i do 40 situps a day how long would i take for a six pack?

It will help, but its not enough. You have to mix muscle exercises with cardio and a good diet to get a six pacck. Good luck -Tai

I'm 5'5" and 9 stone (girl) I do a lot of exercise and have a pretty good diet, am I a healthy weight?

Depends on your age, but yes that is healthy - Jake


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