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People are sending hates about me just because i broke up with a guy and they're calling me the bitch :/ What can i do to think positive? They just really don't know the truth :(

Tell them why you broke up, ignore them they don't know the truth Hun

please can you share us? we try give the bestest advice we can. you can ask us about anything, were not judgemental.<3 if you ever need us were here :)

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im really worried. im about 2 weeks late for my period and I've been feeling sick a lot but I've not had sex ever! im 14. what can it be? im so scared :'( x

Calm down sweetie.
If you've never had sex before then you're not pregnant okay?
When did you start your period overall?(The first time.)
Your cycle might still be getting used to the time its at, somtimes it can be slower causing it to be late.
For the first few years your cycle might be irregular, but after a while it will get itself into a pattern.
Try not to worry, just wait for it to come x

busy week next week September 22 Adam Hills September 24 Watford V Norwich September 26 Josh Widdicombe September 27 & 28 Paramore

Sorry but what? -(L)

One more depending on a prayer and we all look away. People pretending everywhere, it's just another day. There's bullets flying through the air and they still carry on. We watch it happen over there and then just turn it off

<3 -(L)

does anyhirl have kik on here really need to talk to someone i feel so trapped being blackmailed please reply before 7 it is gunna be a horrible time

I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier! My Kik is 'LukeySBro' contact AsAp! <3
Luki xo

If I was gone, maybe this girl wouldn't hurt herself anymore. I just don't think I can handle it:(

Don't think that, feel good about it ..! The fact you're helping one other through there problems obviously means you can help yourself! I'm sure of it! Stay strong <3
Luki xo

I found out that a couple of girls who are younger than me, who look up to me have started self-harming. I'm struggling with depression and it's making it hard for me because I can't help but feel responsible for the fact the they are harming themselves. I don't feel like I can go on. :( cont.

(Cont) -(L)

Idk what to do i was so inlove with this boy & i made the biggest mistake we had sex and now im afraid im preg. how do i tell him or my family.

Have you checked? Be honest with your family because there's no way around it, tell them first, get a pregnancy test then find the right time to tell him :3
Luki xo

Is it self-harm if it doesn't bleed out or leave scars? Or am I just being a wimp? :(

Any way of hurting or harming yourself is 'self harm' hence the name..Even without blood :3
Luki xo

How do I tell Someone I've known my whole life I like them in that way

I'm in this exact position myself! Haha!
Are you close? If so it should be easy :3 Just come out with it, once you find the words to start, the rest will flow out!
Luki xo

what's the point in fighting and staying strong if im only going to die anyway? if all im going to do is die after all this then i might as well go... I've faught for too long xxx

Don't think that way! <3 Life is long! It's full of amazing things, amazing people, just stay strong <3
Luki xo

So I really like this boy and we used to talk loads, he made me feel so special with what he said to me and I really did love him, then suddenly he just stopped talking to me,I don't want to pop up first because I feel like I'm annoying him but he haven't been talking for weeks

Ask him, confront him about it..Ask him why you've drifted, tell him you don't want to drift apart, ask him if you've done something wrong, of why he's acting like this.
I highly doubt you're annoying him! If even after the confrontation just say to him "Look, if I'm annoying you, simply say so and ill back off" .
Goodluck x
Luki xo

I need some advice my best friend likes my ex and she knows that i still really like him&me & my ex have been flirtin talkin all summer &all of a sudden he likes her now do i let them date even though that makes me angry told her how i felt&she said ima bad friend bc wasnt happy for her? Wat do i do

Tell your friend all this, tell her that it makes you uncomfortable and that you still have feeling for him. If she still really wants to be with him then mayb e you should conider letting her. But only if you're ok with that, you're not being a bad friend saying no, just try and put yourself in her shoes -Tai
Liked by: Auny

Do guys like it when girls are straight up about liking them even if they haven't talked in a while?

I find that its the best thing to do -Tai

I have really bad OCD, nearly every symptom and it's really annoying and gets in the way. What do you suggest I do?

Go to your doctor, tell them the symptoms you're getting and they'll be able to give you something for it if its really bad or get you some kind of help -Tai

So if I was to tell a guy how I felt about him but he stopped talking to me a while back, would that make it awkward? Or do guys like it when girls are straight up with them, even if they don't like like you? (Cont. I have liked this guy for about a year now (ever since we hooked up) etc.

If he stopped talking to you, sounds like he doesn't like you back in that way.. best thing to do, is forget about what happened, and ignore it happened and talk to him normally okay? - Jake

i got my girlfriend pregnant and she's only 16...she cried yesterday...her parents are no more and she's staying with me..but my mom...and schooollll /.\

First thing is to sort out the pregnancy, you need to decide and soon, what's happening, then worry about school, get school sorted, whether that is finishing at 16, or carrying on. Pregnancy first though - Jake

I was saying thank you because you help me jake haha :)

Ohh ahah! Anytime! I'm on kik if you need help, or if you just wanna talk to someone! - Jake


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