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Think he just wants a girlfriend I not want to be nasty though and like I don't feel the same so how do I like well what do I do?? Please help I know you've got a lot more serious ones than this but yeah I didn't know what to do

Just tell him, that is really sweet/cute/whatever you wanna say, but, I don't wanna ruin our friendship! I don't wanna risk breaking up with you and never being this close again! Something along those lines, thats normally the best way to let someone down :) - Jake

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Im the girl about the weight thing Thank you jake

I've just been confused, which person? and what you thanking me for? sorry! :P - Jake

Jake - I'm 14 and 6 stone. Is this bad?

Depends on your height? But honestly, whatever height it is, 6 stone does sound bad. Sounds underweight by quite a bit. - Jake

I'm 14 and just under 9 ...9! Stone your telling me I'm not over weight :( ?? are you just saying that to make me feel better? If so then thanks but..

I am not telling you this to make you feel better.. 9 stone yes. 5"8, this is why you are not overweight. If you were 5"2/3/4 it would be a different story - Jake

Upset I'm getting over it :/ yes I'm stupid :( I'm 14 and I'm quite tall I'm 5,7 5,8 ? And I weight 8 and a half stone nearly 9

I can instantly tell, this is no where NEAR overweight at all. I know girls like to be very very skinny, but you are a very healthy weight, and do not need to lose weight okay? - Jake

- and I know I'm the only one who can do something about it but I don't know how :( like everything has so many calories and its just I've Tried losing weight but I just don't feel any different I'm sorry I know this is stupid but I just I feel like crying every time I look in the mirror that's how-

Why don't you, not go on a diet, but.. just watch what you eat, if you have a really fattening day, just have a very unfattening next couple of days? (This DOES NOT mean starve yourself) Starving yourself is the worst thing possible. But, as you grow older, you will notice you will slim out a little bit okay? - Jake

I'm really sad :( like all the time I don't know what to do I think my appearance has something to do with it like I feel horrible about my self like I'm not going to lie and say I'm so fat I don't think I am but I do think I should be a bit smaller and it's really putting me down -

People already know you for who you are, whether you are fat, which if you say you aren't then you aren't, people know that is you, and they have accepted it! Yes there will ALWAYS be some people who do not. Just remember, that you are better looking than THOUSANDS of people in the world okay? :) - Jake

I do exercise a bit I'm playing a football match tomorrow 35 minutes each way .-. That may help and on Tuesday I had a match and on Thursday and Friday PE and also more football on the Friday

What about your diet? Do you eat a healthy breakfast lunch and dinner? - Jake

Ye it is :|

Then, if set yourself up a diet plan, and some regular excercises and see how things go okay? I feel from what i've heard you won't need to lose very much, if any at all, but it's your choice - Jake

I think I am :/

If you feel you are, set yourself up on a minor diet. It sounds like, you don't need to lose much weight, as the broadness of your shoulders, if you feel you need to lose some, then you will not need to lose much (I presume this question is from the person asking about the BMI?) - Jake

My shoulders are really broad

Then this could be part of the reason why the BMI says you're overweight? I wouldn't believe that. Have a look in the mirror, and just ask yourself.. Am i overweight or not? - Jake

I'm male

Then yes, you are classified as overweight according to the NHS BMI. BUT. This does NOT take into account how broad you are, or how much muscle you have. The only way you can tell if you're overweight, is either, going to a GP about it.. Or just simply looking in the mirror, and asking yourself, are you overweight? Personally, I think you'll be okay, depending on naturally how much muscle you have and how broad you are - Jake

but if i dont talk to people on fb or somoething i get loneley:(

I'm not saying don't talk! No no noo, Just, talk less okay? Find other ways to entertain yourself, OR meet lots of new people online, and talk to them, you'll never get lonely, as you'll have a lot of people to talk to! - Jake

i seem to annoy everyone for no reason? how do i become less annoying ?

I do this a lot, simple solution? Talk less. If you feel you need to say something, just think.. Do I REALLY need to say this? If not, don't say it, it is tempting I know! But, don't say it.. If you feel it needs to be said, then say it :D - Jake


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