
Advice And Teen Support

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Btw re the question about meeting a boy at the weekend, could you try and answer this ASAP, it's just we need to arrange things, if not dw, thanks in advance

I've answered it, just ask him where he'd like to go think of places that would be good for you both to go together - Chloe :) x
Liked by: #candycanesCandy

I'm 15 and meeting a boy at the weekend, where shall we go? It's our first time out together! Ah

You could go for a nice walk? or you could go to the cinema or town, decide together I think a walk would be nice? I guess that depends if you know anywhere nice you could go for a walk though, but you could always go to the cinema? - Chloe :) x
Liked by: #candycanesCandy

My best friend has panic attacks a lot what do I do to help when she's having one? In detail please I need to know how to help properly

I've answered this question a bit lower down <3
1. Remain calm. There is nothing worse than being with someone who is freaking out whilst they are, they will never calm down if you are flapping about like a headless chicken. haha :)
2. Do not be forceful. Be patient, and accepting.
3. Let them do things at their own pace.
4. Depending on what it is, don't make assumptions about what the panicker needs, ask them.
5. Find something positive in every experience. If the affected person is only able to go partway to a particular goal, such as the cinema or out for a coffee, consider that an achievement rather than a failure.
6. Remember that they don't choose to be this way. Do not show any dissapointment or annoyance when panic strikes or if they don't feel they can't do something.
7. In a panic attack, DON'T say:
"Relax. Calm down. Don't be anxious. Let's see if you can do this (i.e., setting up a test for the affected person). You can fight this. What should we do next? Don't be ridiculous. You have to stay. Don't be a coward. Pull yourself together, Stop being silly, what's wrong with you".
Instead, DO SAY:
"You can do it no matter how you feel. I am proud of you. Tell me what you need now. Breathe slowly. Stay in the present. It's not the place that's bothering you, it's the thought. I know that what you are feeling is painful, but it's not dangerous. We can do this breath. It's okay I'm here. Remember that this isn't going to last much longer your going to be okay breath in with me, breath out.
8. Be supportive & reassuring. After a panic attack, the person can feel down, depressed, angry, insecure, really tired and with very low self esteem. The person after a panic attack can feel anyone of them, It's your job to help them to feel better about what's happened, let them know it wasn't their fault, like I said before just be supportive, be reassuring and let them know you are there for them.
Hope this helps a bit - Chloe x

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how do other girls get boyfriends really fast? like some become friends with a dude and a month later, they're dating and some that jump from guy to guy. Im 17, watching my friends date and have guys want them meanwhile I'm just there :/

As long as you're happy with yourself and being single, it doesn't matter about anyone else. There will be a special boy that come's along, and you'll be happy you waited. Wait until a boy come's along that you really like it will mean a lot more, rather than go out with someone you don't really like, just because everyone else is. As long as you're happy, it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing... Someone will come along soon haha, in the mean time just have fun and relax, be with friends and enjoy yourself, your 17! got your whole life ahead of you :D There'll be plenty of time for boy's haha - Chloe :) x

I'm 14 (nearly 15) and still havent kissed a boy yet? Idk what to do I feel so stupid

You shouldn't feel stupid at all, and you shouldn't do anything. Everyone's different, everyone will have their fist kiss at different times. There's no right or wrong time, it just happens. A time will come when you have your first kiss, and you'll be happy you waited. It's better to wait, and have it with someone you care a lot about, and it's special. Than to just go and kiss anyone. It doesn't matter how old you are, like I said, It will happen at the right time with a person you care a lot about, and it'll be special, and you'll be glad you waited. Everyone's different, so it doesn't matter if everyone's already had their first kiss. You'll get it, I can't tell you when haha :) but you will - Chloe x

My sister tells my mom all of my friends secrets and now my mom doesn't like them...help

Sit down with your mum and have a good chat, explain to her why their such good friends and why you love them, explain that everyone has a secrets, but were all human. The best thing to do is really just talk to her, let her know they are good friends, she's just trying to look out for you - Chloe :) x

I wanna be the sweet innocent girl who gets th nice boys but I also want to be the sexy girl everyone wants. I can't figure out who I am or want to be....

It's confusing I know honey, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Whichever you decide, be proud of yourself. Love yourself.
You just need to spend time doing what you enjoy, you'll figure it out soon honey x

I'm not being ignorant, I never said no-one else has problems,I get that everyone has to wait? You've basically admitted you've ignored my problems,you answered my complaints straight away but not my problems.. I was JS, instead of ignoring you could say you cant help/answer it:)but whatever sorry:)

If you read down, I did ask you what your question was so I could answer it, so meh.
We haven't ignored it, if I couldn't feel I could answer it well, I left it for the others, it's not my fault.

I feel like I need to relapse, like I'll explode if I don't. I just wanna give in to my inner demons. I know I'll feel so much happier and calm when I relapse. Why do people say I can't be happy with an addiction like that? I want to take my own life without it...

You haven't come all this way to give up, have you? You can't give in to demons, you fight through it, and you stay strong. Instead of relapsing, get help. If you give in, all you're hard work will be gone. When you're shaving you're legs, you need to think 'no I'm not going to do this, I cant go this' I know it's not easy, I know it's the hardest things to do, but you can't go back. Maybe it's a good idea to get an electronic shaver, so you can't be not careful. There is so many other ways to show you're emotion, and I know that it seems none of them work as good as self harm... but they will do, just give the other options a chance. You need to find other things to stop you from relapsing, and to stop you from thinking about relapsing, keep yourself busy. Try to get some help, or talk to someone, because trust me you don't want to relapse. All of us are always here for you, you can always message me on kik. Don't give in to the demons <3 Remember it will get better, keep staying strong. - Chloe x

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I find myself being uncareful while shaving my legs, which are cover in scars from it. Sometimes I feel like I should just get back to cutting myself. I had so much more control and I need it. These things I do now without noticing don't help. The urge is painful and here all the time. (cont.)

answers above, and sorry it took so long - Chloe x

My best friend has panic attacks a lot what do I do to help when she's having one? In detail please I need to know how to help properly

1. Remain calm. There is nothing worse than being with someone who is freaking out whilst they are, they will never calm down if you are flapping about like a headless chicken. haha :)
2. Do not be forceful. Be patient, and accepting.
3. Let them do things at their own pace.
4. Depending on what it is, don't make assumptions about what the panicker needs, ask them.
5. Find something positive in every experience. If the affected person is only able to go partway to a particular goal, such as the cinema or out for a coffee, consider that an achievement rather than a failure.
6. Remember that they don't choose to be this way. Do not show any dissapointment or annoyance when panic strikes or if they don't feel they can't do something.
7. In a panic attack, DON'T say:
"Relax. Calm down. Don't be anxious. Let's see if you can do this (i.e., setting up a test for the affected person). You can fight this. What should we do next? Don't be ridiculous. You have to stay. Don't be a coward. Pull yourself together, Stop being silly, what's wrong with you".
Instead, DO SAY:
"You can do it no matter how you feel. I am proud of you. Tell me what you need now. Breathe slowly. Stay in the present. It's not the place that's bothering you, it's the thought. I know that what you are feeling is painful, but it's not dangerous. We can do this breath. It's okay I'm here. Remember that this isn't going to last much longer your going to be okay breath in with me, breath out.
8. Be supportive & reassuring. After a panic attack, the person can feel down, depressed, angry, insecure, really tired and with very low self esteem. The person after a panic attack can feel anyone of them, It's your job to help them to feel better about what's happened, let them know it wasn't their fault, like I said before just be supportive, be reassuring and let them know you are there for them.
Hope this helps a bit - Chloe x

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Liked by: EDEN

At least if you think you can't help &/or you think im in the wrong you can answer my question telling me so, rather than ignoring/not answering it

That's exactly why we leave it for other admins if we personally feel we cannot answer it.
I think you're being very ignorant. As I said, others have problems too so this isn't exactly fair.
They all have to be patient, so do you.

It just seems like you're ignored my questions asking for help, like you just answerd those two straight away, but you havent answered my questions asking for help..

We're trying the best we can - Chloe x

Uhh I don't understand flirting, like how to do it I guess.. Or when I'm doing it.. And like my friend said I was flirting with my other (guy) friend and I'm like I don't know what/how.. Could you like explain? Thanks in advance :) <3 you guys are amazing, Jake you're amazing too, stay as admins!!

There's many different ways of flirting, you could be flirting in a friendship way. Flirting can be just, banter with each other, teasing each other, being cheeky with each other... stuff like that is flirting, but as I said that can be friendship flirting too - Chloe :) x

i want to be president for this club at school, how do i show the proper leadership skills? we're voting tomorrow and it's basically nominating people. there's about 18 people in the club

Speak with courage and authority.
Try to encourage people, make eye contact and smile :)

You could have least just helped me:(

Helped you with what? We have other questions too. We can't always help people straight away. Remember we do this out of the goodness of our hearts.

Thanks for not answering my questions(y)

It's completely fine :)
If you want to be ignorant, go ahead.
We have 14 questions, other people want advice too.
So either be patient, or we won't answer your question. Simple.

Nothing hurts me anymore. I just need to know if I can still bleed.

You don't.
You still have a lot of blood and I'm pretty sure, you don't need to see it to know it's there.
I understand how you feel, but you don't need to know that honey.

Chloe!!!! Pippa said she's okay with admins going out with each other so you and Jake are okay you don't have to keep it a secret no more are you together or just seeing each other

This is pretty funny tbh, but they're not together.
Jake's said before that he wouldn't date any of us, we're just female friends :)
I think these questions get a bit annoying so if you could stop, I'm sure they'd appreciate it x

Am I bi if I masturbate to pictures of chicks mostly. In the past, I'd only masturbate to girls but now both turn me on sexually? i'm a girl btw!

You might be bi, or it could just be something you're going through. In person are you attracted to girls and boys? Like I said you could be bi, and only you will be able to figure out if you're bi or not. Although it's confusing, you'll be able to figure it out... time will tell - Chloe x

i had sex, the condom broke, he came in me, how long should I wait to take a test?

If I'm correct, 2 weeks.
But I'd do it after 1 week just to make sure. X

"Hello guys :) Jake has decided to take some personal time off which is completely fine :) I ask that you do not ask him about anything that happened. I will also let you know that any questions directed at Jake will either be deleted or I will ask. Myself, Jackie & Chloe will still be on. (Pippa<3

Advice And Teen Support


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