
Advice And Teen Support

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So basically, some times i get really upset and cut and other times im completely happy, i always have the sort of unhappy bit in the back of my head though and i want to get rid of it but im not sure how. Just wanted any sort of tips? Thanks :)

There's no ways to "get rid of them". I would say, try find out the reason why you're upset, think about things that make you happy. Try to make yourself happy when you're upset by doing something you enjoy. If it's still there, try speaking to someone about what is on your mind when you're upset, okay? Always here for you xx
Liked by: Cassandra

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I'm so scared to go back to school because I had a fall out with my friend and she will start rumours etc. :(

Try to sort it out with your friend then, sadly there's not much you can do about it other than sort it out, say sorry for whatever happened and try to get over it.

My friend got hacked and everybody is blaming me, I really want to cry. They don't understand, it actually wan't me!

Does your friend think it was you? If so, prove to her it's not. If she doesn't, ignore everyone else. The only opinion you need to listen to in this situation is your friends x

I hate luki so much get him off the page LIKE IF YOU AGREEV

Is this your page? No. Then I don't care. Luki is good at advice, so please. Shush.

Hey I need advice...I dropped out of school last year because it made ny depression worse but my famiily have mixed feeling about it one minute they want me to go back ten the next their ok with it. I don't want to and school starts tommrow. Idk what to do ugh :(

School is a once in a life to thing, it tests you, it's sort of the boundaries of life, you're always going to be stressed unless you fight it, school can hurt some people but if you can be strong, get through this, you'll find strength in yourself and pull through x
Luki xo
Liked by: Katelyn Horan :)

this girl started a rumor saying I was a hoe and suck everyone's dick and that I even at her out now I wanna fight her and everyone's getting at me-.- am I wrong?

You're not wrong, girls do this, it's just your regular rumour mill, in a few weeks it'll all die down, if you're really worried about it talk to a parent or a teacher, they'll stop it for you <3
Luki xo

I need help :( I self harmed for the first time last week felt so good but someone who hates me saw my arm and started writing on ask fb twitter etc that I self harmed now everyone hates me and I have no friends my ex friend said she doesn't want to hang out wiv people who self harm :(

Tell them that it's just your way of comfort, that its how you cope with day to day stress you're dealt with, cutting these days is common, don't let these people get the best of you, if they aren't going to accept you for who you are, the screw em <3
Luki xo

- back to school on wednesday and i dont wanna risk falling out with them for the first day back:(

When you go back to school, they should be okay again, as they can't just ignore you as easily, but that pressuring thing, tell your boyfriend to delete it, and say you were pressured into it - Jake

Ok this boy asked me out yesterday n i said yes weve changed our facebook status to in a relationship but i dont want one yet what should i say:/

Just say, I wanna be friends, as I don't wanna risk us splitting up, and ruining our friendship, I would hate to be apart from you. But, give it a few days though.. So it makes it look like you've made a mistake, the day after will not be good - Jake


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