
Advice And Teen Support

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I love this guy he's 16 and I'm 14 we've been talking for ages now and he wants me to come over to his house on Tuesday but I'm not aloud to date till I'm 16 and my parents will ask where I'm going and they can track my phone using GPS :(

You could always turn your phone off? So they will be unable to track it, and turn it back on when you get home? - Jake

Ask us anything, Relationships, self-harm, suicide, family, friends, school. We won't judge and we will help as soon as possible. We are always here to help! If you ever need a chat, we are here for you! Stay strong <3

Here to help you
- Jake
Liked by: Sarah Vojta

Im sick (fever and weak body) what can i do so that i wont get bored?

Do you have any indoor hobbies? Such as drawing, or any type of creating? - Jake

My cats keep scratching my arms and everyone thinks im cutting myself? im not though and i cant tell them its the cat because i know thats an escuse for scars what do i do?

Either stop playing with your cat, unless you've got a jumper on. Or find another excuse. It's the most common excuse for self-harming so I can see why others think that.

P/D- I have been e-dating this guy since February, ive seen him on webcam we both love each other so much but theres a problem im muslim and im not allowed to date in my religion.. my parents would ground me for life if they found out we want to run away together get married and have kids:(

How old are you sweetie? Honestly it's your life. Do you believe in that religion? If so, then there's not muyou can do other than abide by their rules. If you don't but you're being forced into believing, you can do whatever you want. Under 16/18 you still have to listen to them because iin the eyes of the law you're still a child. Talk to this boy and see what he says. Wishing you luck!
Liked by: Beth

how can a girl tone up a bit?any exercises i could do from home?

A few simple exercises such as sit ups, push ups, also other things such as squats, and squat jumps, lot of different ways! - Jake

what is a good way to loose weight fast? im not pro-ana i just would like to loose 4 pounds and get to 9 stone xx

Losing 4 pounds should not be too much of a problem. By going on a simple diet, replacing fatty food with healthier foods, and eating SLIGHTLY less, also exercising more should shed off this weight - Jake xx

I want to self harm so badly but if I do my mum will find out :(

Well, don't put yourself in that position then, your mum finding out, just stay strong, distract yourself, so you will have a much easier day tomorrow - Jake


Language: English