
Advice And Teen Support

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whats your opinion on cutting? I'm almost 6 months clean but im having alot of problems in my life and in the past cutting would help. I dont want to go back to that again but I dont know what else to do. friends don't really help tbh.

Cutting Doesent do anything but bring more pain and more lies and hiding... If you want to cut turn that feeling in to anger and play sports... That's what helped me.
-Jackie <3

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Pippa your the owner so I think its best to ask you are admins on your page allowed to date?

If they wanted to :)
I don't see a problem, as long as it doesn't effect their advice, I don't mind :)

first letter of the person you kissed as in like not family or anything fist kiss on the lips

Hmmm first letter of the person I had my first kiss with :P M - Chloe x

Chloe are you not single anymore then if you were going out with Jake would you tell us yeah because we would be supportive we love you guys :D

Nope! I'm single as ever :) me and Jake aren't together
(that rhymed) - Chloe x

why does a guy always say "awwwh" when texting me

They might think what your saying is cute or sweet, its not a bad thing - Chloe :) x

I love you Chloe! You are amazing! thanks, you've helped a lot x

Haha thanks and no problem, I love you too - Chloe :) x

This pain is not worth it, I wanna give up so badly...

Remember it will get better, never ever give up, keep staying strong <3 - Chloe x

Is it bad that I'm a girl and I REALLY like masterbating but I always feel guilty about it...

You shouldn't feel guilty, its a personal thing you do on your own, its in your own time and its private. Masturbating is a completely personal choice, and its normal. - Chloe x

I got my period and really don't want to tell my dad. I mean I'm only 11 and I'm just planning on getting old enough to where he knows I probably got it already. Should I do it? Plus my stepsis is threatening to tell him. What should I do? Btw I've had it for almost a year now

Don't be embarrassed or nothing, your dads going to know that you will be getting your period, maybe he already knows to be honest. If your step sister is planning on tell him then maybe just mention it, just let him know. Its better for him to know, but if you feel uncomfortable then leave it, but I would tell him - Chloe :) x

Jake Announcment - Jake

Advice And Teen Support
Earlier this eveningg, I made a big mistake, and for the people involved they know who they are. They trusted in us, in me, and they were let down, not by anyone else, by myself. All I can do is apologize for this as all we want is for the best for all of you guys, but sometimes my brain is a bit slow to go into action to realise what I was doing, was wrong and now I realise what a fool I am. Once again I can only apologise, and hope that you don't lose faith in us, as all we want is the best for all of you guys, and well, we're only human are we? If you have any questions concerning this feel free to kik me (No personal details of this will be given out) And I hope you guys will still accept me being an admin here on this page. - Jake
Liked by: Ilona

we've only been together for about 3 weeks, in that time he's lied and denied it, and broke a promise that he made, and he's really serious I mean I'm only 14, I'm not ready to get in a serious relationship, I have the rest of my life yet? I don't love him as much as he loves me..x

As you said your only 14! You've got your whole life ahead of you :) there'll be plenty of time for boys! Your just supposed to be having fun and enjoying life, and a relationship shouldn't be that serious at this age that at a point your worrying about it constantly, if your unhappy then you need to do something about it, its not fair on you your only 14 have fun with mates! Flirt a bit! But don't be worry I g and stressing over silly boys who lie to you, as I said you need to think about what you want, and what's going to make you happy - Chloe x

so i have this friend, about 1-2 yr ago we both thought we were bi, we "dated" for like 1 day until she said she was scared of her parents finding out. so we didn't talk for a few months. now we're super close and hang out every week. i still get those feelings for her, should i say something? :/ xx

If your really close then you need to think about what it could do to your friendship you've both built, but if you really think you should and want to say something then bring it up lightly, explain how sometimes you feel the way you do and ask them if they feel the same or if they just want continue being friends and so on, on the other hand if you want to not say anything and then wait and if you feel the same say something then that seems good too, its whatever you feels right - Chloe x

do you think he's a good guy? after he's lied and denied it?x

I dunno it all depends on the situation in what he's lied on? Like is it something he could have forgotten? Has he said sorry? It all depends really, and the main thing is that your happy, that's all that matters so you need to pick what's best for you - Chloe x

is it bad if I'm a 13 year old girl and i masturbate sometimes? sry if thats too personal! lol

Not at all! and it isn't personal we get asked it a lot ahah! :) - Jake

but he keeps denying that he's lied? he said that he's forgot if he said it or not xx

Well then it depends what do you wanna do? What do you feels right? - Chloe x


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