
Advice And Teen Support

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So uh im extremly suicidal but tonight someone told me im the reason they didnt kill themselves and its changed my whole perceptive on life i still want to die tho but i need to stay for them right

That's great!
Keep it up, usually helping others is a easy way to help yourself! ..
Luki xo

Is their any number to contact ask.fm??

There is only the "Contact us at the bottom" which is via email, but you cannot call them - Jake
Liked by: Hi

so here's whats up. I asked a question about the fear of the dark/OCD of the dark. I don't know how I should handle it. For example I had to take out the trash in the middle of the night and I eventually had to force myself to go there, crying and singing to myself. any tips. -stay in the light

Have you got a night light?
What exactly makes you scared of the dark? What phobias do you think you have during the night?

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I don't know what to do anymore everyone hates me and are always horrible and people are saying they are going to hit me etc when I go back to school and I'm going to regret ever going back I really don't know what to do anymore, I have no one to talk to:'( this doesn't explain anything tbh, sorry:(

Honestly hunni, dw about it for now, they're not worth you bein upset and scared over, when you go back to school keep your head held high, I'll always be here for you to talk to hunni no matter what, if they start at school go tell a teacher I know it's gunna be hard to tell on them but maybe telling an adult they'll be able to help you, they'll be able to sort the problem out... The people doing this are just bullies they've got nothing better to do then bring you down, because you're higher in life then them, ignore the hunni they ain't worth you bein upset <3

J or L: it's irritaitinng for girls too

Unfortunately, that's something else girls have to deal with, but, honestly.. even if you do trim, do not just leave it as it is - Jake
Liked by: Valar Dohaeris

Hi. Ok so. I'm 15. I'm a female. I get rid of stress everyday. I think I'm hurting myself though. In all honesty it's disgusting. I, I fap to relieve stress. When ever I'm mad or have too much work I do it, I know it's horrible. I feel gross but I don't want to cut. Help.

This sounds very personal, do you wanna talk to me personally about this? So that you can get more personal, and a better amount of help, as it will be more personal towards you. I will not judge you at all, im only here to help. If you have kik, message me on there Catman_Jake ... If not, then this is a lot better than self harming, and you will not be hurting yourself, it is normal for someone of your age to do this, whether its to relieve stress or not! - Jake

PART 2 i dont know what to say because he is in the US & im in the UK so it would be online & long distance. I dont know what to say to him! He is reslly sweet but he can get annoying sometimes & if we are in an open relationship we can date each other & date other people as well. But its no cheatin

Say to him, that you know it is so unlikely a relationship will work! So it is best to be friends so that we do not risk ruining our friendly relationship! - Jake

Hi i dont know what to do!! I have an eating disorder and my friends always offer food and i dont know what to do! i am also scared because i dont want to be invited over to eat because then i will have to ewt =( HELP

Who knows about this eating disorder? You need to tell people if you have not, as you will start to develop health problems otherwise, which could possibly be life threatening - Jake

J or L: do you think you should shave to?

Boys? Personally, trim, as shaving can get very irritating. - Jake

I am having an affair with my teacher, he is 23 we've been dating for 7 months.. everything was fine until my BFF saw us kissing, she threatened to tell the principle if i didn't break up with him, I don't know what to do, I know what we're doing is wrong but I'm a senior and soon I'm graduating.

It is ILLEGAL for your teacher to do that. So for your sake, and your teachers sake.. Split up with your teacher. As he could end up in prison for what he is doing! - Jake

Please answer my question about finding out what questions you've asked- miley its just im bery worried so please xxxxxxxxxxxx

Just have - Jake

how much water should i drink a day to lose weight??

To lose weight you should diet properly, but most importantly, enough to keep yourself hydrated, it depends on the weather etc, but diet properly to lose weight. - Jake

You know the little symbol (3rd) looks like an arrow:p that says for example 'Jill' answered your question and you accidently delete all them how can you find out all the questions you've asked/ the ones that people have answered too from you????? HELP XOXOXO

Unfortunately you cannot, you will just have to remember what questions had been asked and who too.. and look down their pages, as once they're deleted.. they have gone. - Jake

J or L: so if she wont shaven below?

Personally, she should have done something with it, not just have left it, as that is not very nice personally - Jake

Me and my friend have a advice page, just like yours, answering questions and trying to help people in the best way we can. As we both have a Advice page, would you like to promote each other by putting each other in our bios, this would be a big help too! Thank you! x

Teen Help Advice
Unfortunately we do not have any room in our bio, im sorry, but we can share you though! - Jake

J or L: would u still like a girl even if she wont shaven?

It is a massive turn off for, well pretty much ALL guys, personally for me, a girl must shave their legs, and other bits too. - Jake

Tips on how to lose half a stone healthily?

Exercise. That is the most important thing to do. Also, don't starve yourself.. nononono, cut down your calorie intake, to about 1300 calories a day, and exercise regularly - Jake


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